1Password 6 - HELP - Cannot get extension to work

Community Member

I just had to clean re-install everything on my Mac. Before that, I was happily using 1Password 6 perfectly on Mojave 10.14.1
(Bought it on the Apple Store)

Among everything else I reinstalled 1Password 6. I already tried everything mentioned in the other threads and I DO NOT want 1Password 7.
I deeply hate subscription schemes that everybody is adopting as a greedy revenue stream.
I would perhaps purchase 1Password 7 outright, but NOT as a subscription model.
I just want my non-subscription 1Password 6 I paid for, working as it should, and as it worked until 1 day ago.

Now I cannot get the extension to work - It gets installed (4.7.3) but doesn't do anything and just opens the 1Password browser extensions page over and over (which is for 1Password 7, not 6). I tried everything already.

I have a clone of my old disk and I tried copying the old one in user/Library/Safari/Extensions - but that does not work, as Safari forces you to download from AgileBits, so here we are running in circles as the version installed does not work or it apparently gets blocked somehow.

Please tell me there is a simple way to have the browser extension working again.


1Password Version: 6
Extension Version: 4.7.3
OS Version: 10.14.1
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:1password6


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @glella! I'm sorry for the trouble. I'm not certain what other threads here you read or what else you've tried, but using 1Password 6 for Mac on macOS 10.14 (“Mojave”) is going to be a tenuous, temporary solution at best. As it sounds like you may be aware, Apple significantly reworked extensions in Safari 12. They've retired the older .safariextz-style extensions we've all been using for years in favor of the newer Safari App Extension format. 1Password 7 for Mac ships with this newer version, 1Password 6 for Mac does not and never will, since it's in legacy status after the release of version 7.

    At present, the older style of extension will still work in Safari 12, but it can only be installed directly from the Safari Extensions Gallery. Apple has already removed the ability of users to install older-style extensions manually, downloaded from developers. And they've announced their intention to permanently shutter the Safari Extensions Gallery some time around the end of the year. This means that the usable life-span of 1Password 6 for Mac in Safari 12 is drawing to a close, under any conditions.

    I would perhaps purchase 1Password 7 outright, but NOT as a subscription model.

    Good news, then -- you can do exactly that. If you download 1Password for Mac from our downloads page, it will import your 1Password 6 for Mac database on first-run, and you'll be presented with a purchase options screen. Subscribing to a 1password.com membership is the suggested option, but if you click the second link indicated in this screenshot, you'll be able to purchase a standalone license:

    Hope that helps!

  • glella
    Community Member

    Thank you for getting back to me. A few interesting comments:

    a) 1Password 6 Safari extension worked perfectly fine on 10.14.1 until I had to clean install everything. Reinstalling our paid for software should be hassle free, don't you agree ?
    b) It still works perfectly fine if I boot the back-up clone of my previous disk (but too slow and defeats the purpose of the clean install)
    c) 1Password 6 Chrome extension, also works perfectly fine, now and as-is, with no installation done from my end.
    d) Ideally I would not want to "purchase again" the basically same product because of planned obsolescence. I do not "need" 1Password 7. I am perfectly fine with 1Password 6.

    ==> Spending more money for "new features I absolutely do not need" will be a last resort. (BTW, what is the discounted price for the License for 7 for 6 owners ?)
    ==> For now, please tell me how to get the extension working on Safari (again). I could switch to Chrome with no fuss but I prefer Safari, but not so much as to repurchase the same program that worked perfectly fine until I was forced to REINSTALL 24 hours ago.


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited November 2018


    ...until I was forced to REINSTALL 24 hours ago.

    We didn't force you to reinstall anything, you told us you did a clean install on your Mac.

    Ideally I would not want to "purchase again" the basically same product because of planned obsolescence. I do not "need" 1Password 7. I am perfectly fine with 1Password 6.

    I'm not sure what you mean by "planned obsolescence," since we're not responsible for the changes Apple makes to macOS or to Safari. Perhaps you should be directing your inquiries to them? If you want to use Mojave and Safari 12 that comes bundled with it, you ARE going to need 1Password 7 for Mac, since Apple plans on shuttering the Safari Extensions Gallery in the near future. At that point, all of the older .safariextz extensions will no longer be available, and you - and anyone else who wishes to keep current with their versions of Safari and macOS will need 1Password 7 for Mac. You can continue happily using 1Password 6 for Mac and the older-style extensions on macOS 10.13 (“High Sierra”) and Safari 11 for as long as you're able and willing to keep running that version. But it sounds as if you've already moved on from that, which is certainly your prerogative -- but both choosing to update your system and NOT choosing to update your system have consequences.

    To be clear, I have no idea what might have gone wrong in your re-installation of your entire system. As you observed before you undertook these steps, the older-style extensions are indeed working in Safari 12. The fact that it's not working now means something was left in place that shouldn't have been, or any number of other possibilities. If restoring to a previous version also works, I'd consider doing that for the present, if you want to wait until the absolute last moment before upgrading to 1Password 7 for Mac. Or switch to Chrome until that point.

    Right now, 1Password 7 for Mac features "launch special" pricing of $49.99, which is over 23% off the full retail price of $64.99.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @glella,

    Please try the following.

    1. Restart your Mac.
    2. Launch 1Password and unlock.
    3. Launch Safari and remove the 1Password extension if present.
    4. Restart Safari.
    5. Install the Safari extension from 1Password Safari Extension from Apple's Safari Extension Gallery.

    If you are still seeing issues between 1Password 6 and Safari I'd like for you to create a diagnostic report and send it in. This link will guide you through the steps and has sections for the various supported versions of 1Password.

    How to send a 1Password diagnostics report

    Please do not post your Diagnostics Report in the forums

    The email address you will want to use is support+extension@1password.com and please mark it for my attention. If a screenshot or two helps to describe what you're seeing please do add screenshots.

    Once you've sent the report you should received an automated response from us with a ticket ID. If you can post that ticket ID here it will help us locate your diagnostic report and we'll see what it reveals.

  • glella
    Community Member

    littlebobbytables: Thank you !
    Will do it and report back.

    I did not accuse you if having to do a reinstall. I did a clean install for other reasons. Everything is in a clean slate and the ONLY program that has failed to work properly is the 1Password extension for Safari.
    I should be able to reinstall the soft I already paid for without being pushed around to buy anything else. It works in 10.14.1 perfectly fine.
    I just asked for help to get the 1Password extension working on Safari. Got infuriated that the "solution" was to buy it again while I despise subscription models


    P.S.: What you wrote above is the very definition of planned obsolescence - by any party (not necessarily generated by 1Password but capitalized by 1Password to justify a "different product" that consumers need to "buy again" to keep using what they already had:

    you ARE going to need 1Password 7 for Mac, since Apple plans on shuttering the Safari Extensions Gallery in the near future. At that point, all of the older .safariextz extensions will no longer be available, and you - and anyone else who wishes to keep current with their versions of Safari and macOS will need 1Password 7 for Mac

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni
    edited November 2018


    I just asked for help to get the 1Password extension working on Safari. Got infuriated that the "solution" was to buy it again while I despise subscription models

    No one's asked you or tried to force you to subscribe to anything; standalone licenses are and will remain available for 1Password 7 for Mac, as I mentioned. And 1Password 6 for Mac and its Safari extension certainly should work currently with macOS 10.14 (“Mojave”). But once Apple sunsets the Safari Extensions Gallery, there will be no way at all to install the older .safariextz (currently at into Safari, since they've already removed users' ability to install them manually. That means, as soon as six weeks, if you update your browser or anything else goes wrong, your choices will be:

    1. Move to a different browser, or
    2. 1Password 7 for Mac (regardless of whether you choose a standalone license or a 1password.com membership)

    Given that you've got probably six weeks or so before this will have to be dealt with, I thought it might be better to bite that bullet now, rather than take up everyone's time trying to figure out what went wrong with the removal/reinstall process.

    We don't force people to upgrade their hardware and their versions of OS, nor do we penalize them for not doing so. There is a section of this forum dedicated to supporting 1Password 3 and 4 for Mac, in fact. It gets comparatively little traffic, because most people aren't still running OS X Snow Leopard (10.6) or Lion (10.7), which were the current versions when 1Password 3 for Mac was also current, and version 3 can't work with macOS 10.14 (“Mojave”)...and most people choose to run the current version of macOS for security and compatibility reasons. So let's be clear here: if you'd chosen to remain on macOS 10.13 (“High Sierra”) and Safari 11, this wouldn't be an issue -- and we would support it fully if you experienced a similar issue there. But you've already upgraded to the latest version of macOS, and that makes the above relevant.

    Contrary to being planned obsolescence, what you've just described in your PS is in fact the commercial software cycle, which I'm sure you're familiar with if you've been a computer user for any length of time. Hardware and versions of OS change constantly (usually for the better) as developers and manufacturers come up with better ways to do things that weren't possible before. It's up to the consumer to decide whether to purchase these newer products or upgrade their versions of operating systems. When they do, however, there WILL be incompatibilities with older versions of software that were released months or years prior. New versions are written that take advantage of advancements in the hardware and OS, and offer new features of their own...but what almost never happens is developers going through their back catalogue to make certain that legacy versions of their apps can work with any and all potential combinations of hardware, OS, and related technologies (such as browsers,etc). To try to do so would take up more developer-cycles than exist, and often, it's simply not possible at all. So we move forward, just as the hardware and OS developers do, and customers choose whether to come along.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Since littlebobbytables has requested your diagnostics information via email, let's keep the conversation going there, instead of in two places at once. Thanks! :)

  • glella
    Community Member

    Hi, littlebobbytables, I sent you the diagnostics report and mention it here as requested. Thanks

    [#CAY-43966-527] 1Password Diagnostics Report for glella - ATTN: littlebobbytables

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Sync Type: Not Provided

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

This discussion has been closed.