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  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    I stand corrected, 1P_Dave, when Quick Access does not work with command-\, it also does not work with the menu bar option. If I open up 1P as an application, it "does something" which makes command-\ and Quick Access work again.

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    I may be wrong about the Quick Access in the menu bar working, 1P_Dave, and I'll have to test that again more thoroughly. Yesterday evening the issue happened again, and when I went to the menu bar to validate that, I THINK it failed opening Quick Access from there as well, but, as I never do that, I wasn't sure if I selected Open 1Password instead, and it may well be the case that Quick Access did NOT open...I'll test that today. It happens several times per day.

    Other shortcuts for other apps work fine. Command-space for Alfred, for example, is how I start 1P when it gets "stuck" like this. Same thing for other shortcuts I've established for my email application, and all the other apps I have open. The only thing that seems not to invoke is Quick Access.

    But I'll double check the menu bar thing today.

  • @doetraar

    Thank you for the reply and those answers! I find it interesting that Quick Access will still open from the menu bar but not using the keyboard shortcut.

    Do you have any other shortcuts that you use regularly for other apps? The next time that you notice that Quick Access isn't opening using the keyboard shortcut, could you try to see if shortcuts for other apps are still working?

    I look forward to hearing from you.


  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    Thanks 1P_Dave, appreciate the response.

    1: I changed the key mapping as soon as 1P8 came out in beta; too much muscle memory, and I want Quick Access to be easily available. Universal Autofill isn't as useful for me. QA has the command-backslash mapping, and has done for some time.

    2: Yes, I can.

    3: Yes, I do.

    I saw other threads regarding (3), and also disabled and re-enabled it, but the glitch persists.

    For what it is worth, the process I'm using Quick Access for is for grabbing a password for sudo usage on a remote system via ssh (where, obviously, I can't use 1P).

    So, I've ssh'd into RemoteHost, and need to run "sudo command" - before I do that, I command-\, type a few characters to get the right thing, use some arrow keys to select the password (right arrow, down arrow), then hit return on the sudo command, and paste the password.

    There may be a better way for me to do this, but, I think that 1P lost its integration with Keyboard Maestro with 1P8, as the Advanced options don't exist as they used to.

    Regardless, it's bringing up Quick Access that's the glitch for me!

  • Hello @doetraar! 👋

    I'm sorry that Quick Access is sometimes not opening on your Mac. So that I can better understand the situation can you please tell me the following:

    1. By default Command-Backslash is the shortcut for Universal Autofill and not Quick Access. The shortcut for Quick Access is Shift-Command-Spacebar. Can you tell me which shortcut is set for Quick Access in 1Password's settings: 1Password > Settings > General > Keyboard Shortcuts.
    2. When you're unable to open Quick Access using a keyboard shortcut, are you still able to open Quick Access by right-clicking on the menubar icon and clicking "Open Quick Access"?
    3. Do you have "Keep 1Password in the menu bar" turned on?

    I look forward to hearing from you.


  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    I'm having an issue which may be related to this, but, I'll leave it to the 1P team to say for certain.

    I use command-\ as a command key to invoke Quick Access (I miss 1PMini, and, well, muscle memory).

    However, it's frequently the case that throughout the day when I invoke QA, it does not appear.

    If I then open 1Password (I use Alfred, so, command-space, 1p) and quit 1P, and then try QA, it works again.

    It happens randomly, not at a consistent time interval. I use Spaces heavily, but I don't sense that QA is opening anywhere else, as if it were, I'd expect Spaces to take me to where it opens (I have that Spaces feature enabled).

    My workaround works, but, I'd love to be able to rely upon Quick Access appearing.