Forum Discussion
Also please bring back Cmd-0 for all vaults, too many years of muscle memory to switch to cmd-1, but there isn't the exclude vault from all vaults option. I guess Collections is a fancier version of that.
Also, please please please stop resetting the category selection when you switch vaults, eg:
I select "Credit Cards", don't see what I want
Switch to a different vault selection as I think it is probably in there
Forced to reselect my category, and repeat
Yes, I know 1P7 does this too, it's very annoying.
Sure if I hit cmd-0, reset everything, although preferably don't.
Yes, I understand this is probably a support issue because people forget that they have a category filter but with 1P8 you solved that problem by putting the selection in purple so it is more obvious.
So how about a cmd-opt-0 to reset all categories
And yes, I know I can override the shortcuts using system preferences if I must.
OK: Quick Access is nice, although I use Alfred for that with 1P7 :-)