I tried every email, key and password combination I know of but cannot access my account. Help?!
I can provide you with the email address associated with this account, the Key and the passwords I have used previously. Unfortunately, I have not found a combination that allows me to access my account - on my iPhone or in the Firefox browser - since I upgraded. Also, there are now two 1password icons in my mac's tool bar. I would appreciate some assistance getting access to my account and data by these other means.
Thank you!
1Password Version: 7OS 10.
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: OS 10.14.5
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: forum-search:I tried every email, key and password combination I know of but cannot access my account. Help?!
@timburnham: Thanks for reaching out. I’m sorry for the confusion! It sounds like you may be trying to login with a 1Password Account, but you will only have one if you've signed up for a 1Password.com membership. That’s the only way you’ll have a Secret Key or Sign In URL, or be able to access your data through 1Password.com. So you would only have an account if you signed up for a 1Password membership within the past few years. Did you do that?
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Hi, Brenty.
I've had 1Password for a very long time. I changed it to a family membership within the last 2 years and have a secret key beginning with A3 and a URL. However, I am unable to log into the account online, get it set-up on my iphone or with FireFox. Should I remove 1Password 7 from my machine as I do not wish to subscribe? Shouldn't I be able to log in online (which I cannot)? I havHow do we straighten this out?
Thank you.
Tim0 -
What is the exact error message that you are getting?
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Can’t sign in. Your email address, Secret Key, or Master Password is incorrect.
If you were invited to 1Password by someone else, they can recover your account.
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Can’t sign in. The email address and Secret Key are not correct for barara-burnham.1password.com. Get help.0 -
Hello @timburnham,
Let's focus on accessing the account via the browser. Our URL https://my.1password.com/signin/ is a catchall starting point regardless of the account type. If the credentials you believe to be correct don't work there then options are limited. Prior to 1Password accounts we designed 1Password so that only the correct Master Password could unlock your vault(s) and there was no way to recover - a forgotten Master Password meant complete loss. Any way of bypassing the Master Password would basically be a security hole and security holes have a way of being used against you.
It's not that different with 1Password accounts, we needed to make sure we, 1Password, had no way of ever accessing a user's data. This was even more important now given we'd be hosting the encrypted data. Your Master Password was never transmitted to our server, it is impossible for us to know or change. We also have no way of learning a user's secret key or resetting it for the user. So much like before so if either is forgotten or lost we're unable to help.
One of the original goals with the 1Password accounts though was to really improve the capabilities for groups. Both 1Password for Teams AKA 1Password Business and 1Password Families allow the groups to help others recover. It does require two or more members in the account and that the correct role has been assigned but in those cases one person can help another recover access and all in way where 1Password still has no access to anything.
We cover everything on our support page If you forgot your Master Password or you can’t unlock 1Password. If by the end you're still completely stuck then the reality is those vaults may very well be lost. I really hope this isn't the case, I know how massively stuck I would be given everything in my vaults but I hope you can understand why we can't afford to have that kind of access to a user's data.
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I can access my 1Password data on my computer and have just performed a 1Password backup. However, two 1Password icons currently appear in the computer's tool bar. Would it be possible for me to restore my data from the 1Password backup, after uninstalling/installing 1Password?
Then could I reinstall 1Password on my iPhone and use that data as well?
Thank you.
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Hi @timburnham
That might be an option but I'm thinking perhaps that would be overkill at this point. Could you please post a screenshot showing the two icons you're talking about, so we can be sure we're on the same page?
▷ How to take a screenshot
Also, were you able to get logged in at https://my.1password.com/ ?
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Hi, Ben.
Here's the screenshot you requested.In answer to your question, I am not able to log in at my.1password.com. (No Team Member has addressed my concern about using 1Password on my iPhone.)
I appreciate your email. However, so far, I find the responses I've received from Team Members alarming unprofessional and unhelpful.
1. A question from Brenty, to which I responded, then nothing.
2. A question from ag_ana, to which I responded, then nothing.
3. A long screed from littlebobbytables about why 1Password is the way it is and how much he would hate to be in my shoes. (No real suggestions or actionable items other than to read the directions and use caution.)
4. Your request for a screen shot and question about logging in, to which I am responding in good faith. I take it from your comment that the answer to my question is yes, I can restore from the backup after reinstalling 1Password.I've paid for and praised 1Password since 2013! Because of the difficulty I am having with 1Password and the nature of the (non)responses I've received from 1Password Support, I can no longer recommend it to family and friends. I'll limp along with what I have for now. I have exported my 1Password data so that it's available for import into another password manager after I've researched alternatives.
I assure you, your courtesy and assistance is greatly appreciated, should you care to respond.
Tim0 -
I'm sorry we've made you feel that way Tim. We are simply trying to get a better understanding of the situation, hence the questions. I do apologize if in any way they've come across as unprofessional or unhelpful. The only intention is to understand so that we can assist.
No Team Member has addressed my concern about using 1Password on my iPhone
You would need to get logged into your 1Password membership before you'd be able to do that. Once we get you sorted out with access to your membership we can help you with the steps for accessing your data. As you don't have access to your account, but do have access to your data, the best we can offer at this point is starting over with a fresh account. You can delete the existing one using this page:
Follow the prompt and enter the email address that your 1Password account is under. You'll then be sent an email to that address with all of the accounts that are registered to it, and have the opportunity to delete them. Please delete any accounts you do not have access to. Once you've done so you can sign up for a new one here:
You can then migrate your data to the new account by signing into the account in 1Password for Mac. Once you've done that you can use those same credentials to sign in on your phone, which will sync your data to that device as well.
Please let me know when you've gotten that far, or if you have any questions along the way. Once we get that sorted we can address the situation on your Mac.
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Before I even begin to follow your instructions, thank you for your prompt and helpful response.
(Looking wistfully back at the old 6.8.8 days. It was dead simple and it worked.)0 -
Sounds good. Please let us know what you find. The difficulty is that we never have access to 1Password users' credentials, so the best we can do is try to point you in the right direction. That's critical to the security of all 1Password users, but I'm sorry if it makes you feel like you're all alone. While none of us individually is available around the clock, (often because we're helping other customers, or sleeping), collectively we're here for you. :)
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Hi there -- I seem to be shut out of my account. I have the master password but my account does not show up as per usual with my list of passwords. I have at least 47 passwords on here and need access to them as soon as possible as I have some urgent banking things to deal with.
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@mlarigakis: (Un)fortunately we have neither access to your 1Password data nor the Master Password used to secure it, so this isn't something we can 'reset' for you to help directly. However, please try the tips in this guide as they may help you gain access again:
Alternatively, if you're part of a 1Password Family or Team, another Owner, Organizer, or Admin can help you recover your account, so you can create a new Secret Key and Master Password:
You can try as many times as you want. You won’t be “locked out”, but you will not be able to access your data unless you can enter the required Master Password correctly. Please let me know how it turns out.