Chrome extension is not working



  • Spytap
    Community Member

    Man, I was frustrated by this issue until I found this thread. I should have guessed 1Pass just pulled another "I am altering the deal, pray I do not alter it further."

    So yeah, yet another voice for the "1Password lied to me about the lifetime option I purchased and now they've chosen to break that option too" crowd.

    Here's the thing: You've already shown we can't trust you with our purchases - now you're saying the solution to a technical issue on your side requires us giving you more money. You're a security company making choices to deliberately violate customer trust - I can't fathom why you would expect anyone to see that as an acceptable answer. You didn't just deprecate a product; you deprecated my willingness to work with your company. But good news: you didn't deprecate my willingness to warn off everyone else wherever possible.

  • stan416
    Community Member
    edited March 2022


  • limaa
    Community Member

    I am using 1Password 7 (not 6) and I'm getting a very similar issue after just updating my Google Chrome Brower now.
    The plugin keeps saying "Chrome has an update available. Restart Chrome to install the update and reconnect with 1Password".
    As I said, I just updated chrome, so there isn't any more updates available.

  • irtkid
    Community Member

    I just read this whole thread and it's a pathetic excuse from 1password. Lifetime means lifetime. If they don't want to continue updating the 'lifetime' product they sold so that it continues to work, then they should provide the new version for free. This is a horrible bait and switch scam.

    I won't be purchasing anything from this company, and I would encourage anyone who is in the same boat to file a complaint with the BBB so that future purchasers are aware of the lacking integrity with this company:

  • BennKo
    Community Member

    Just found this discussion.
    +1 to everything said before by other users.

    I'm also in this situation, and I would like to add my voice to this complaint as well.
    I purchased a lifetime product with a set functionality, which is now broken.
    It was bad enough when the extension stopped working with Safari, but now it’s stopped working with Chrome
    Sorry @ Jack.P_1P This is an outrageously horrible way to treat us customers who have been loyal for over a decade, buying a "lifetime" license that in fact become useless!
    I will look for an alternative from a company that choses ethics over the bottom line.

  • 1louder
    Community Member

    Jack says "In total, from the initial release of 1Password 4 for Mac on October 4th, 2013, to the final release of 1Password 6 for Mac, there were 55 releases over 4 years and 7 months."

    So what you're telling us is that we bought a "lifetime" product that was good for 4 years and 7 months. Thanks for being honest and putting a specific timeframe on the "lifetime" license. Do you think we all would have purchased a "lifetime" subscription if we knew it would only be 4 years and 7 months?

    Since 4 was upgraded to 5 for "free" and then 5 to 6 for "free" for people who paid for "lifetime" service, does it not make sense that 6 would be upgraded to 7 and so on? If you don't want to make new features available to "lifetime" users you could disable the new features in the newer versions so that only paid subscribers have access to those features.

  • Mithalogica
    Community Member

    I have used 1Passwrod for years. What's more, I have enthusiastically endorsed it to any who would listen. I have even offered it as my top suggestion in the financial literacy classes I teach. No more.

    Like others here, I have resisted 1Passwrod 7 on principle and will continue to do so. I would happily have paid for an updated app. I will not be forced into a subscription from an app I paid for in order NOT to have to use a subscription. Even if I do end up having to pay a subscription, it won't be to AgileBits, solely because you have handled this so badly. And to be honest, though sub-based apps are offensive to me on principle, among comparable (or better) apps, yours is overpriced. There are other offerings that work on a user-end synch storage model (which is safer) and are either free or cost less than your fees. And with this move, you have canceled out the one thing still keeping me with 1Password: loyalty.

    So congrats, not only have you LOST potential future revenue from me, but you have also lost a passionate advocate for your product.

  • zappmatic
    Community Member

    Same Problem here. I'm a heavy user of 1Password 6 and I love the local syncing option. Once a month I sync my passwords over all devices via wifi. Why should I store my password safe on someone elses computer. A file a hacker doesn't have is more secure than a file - whatever 'not hacked at current'-encryption - is used.

    I understand that businesses change and it is important to use current software. I would be willing to spend some money to make that happen. But: Besides switching to subscription (witch I don't like) als far as I know 1Password7 forces me to sync my passwords via the cloud (witch I hate).

    So my option is: having a current but worse product for my money?

    Has anybody an idea where I get a good password manager with wifi-syncing on mac an iOS?

  • blackjacx
    Community Member

    +1 from my side. I've using 1Password for years now and it is very disappointimng that I now have to export 300 logins to a different pasword manager. Bitwarden solved that very elegantly by just letting the user verify the browser signature. They show a code in the browser and in the extension. The user has to compare them both. Why can't you do the same?!

  • melenman
    Community Member

    Not the best, but a sort of solution:

    1. Open the App
    2. Right Click App --> Options
    3. Click on Desktop Display 1

    Now you can access the app easily from the top of the display screen

  • LifetimeLicenseLOL
    Community Member

    Reading through this discussion has been informative and extremely disappointing.

    I've been using 1Password with Dropbox for over eight years, during which time I've happily purchased multiple "lifetime" product licenses for Mac, Windows, Android, and iOS platforms. I've also recommended 1Password to countless friends, family members, and colleagues throughout those years. Now it looks like it's time for me to find an alternative.

    Considering I only use the client applications and not the online account and its related services, there's no way I'm going to start paying a recurring subscription.

    Does anyone have any recommendations for a 1Password replacement? My core requirements are:

    • Dropbox integration (or local file system storage).
    • Cross platform.
    • Browser extension.
  • J0TMAN
    Community Member

    Same situation here.
    Ethically and legally 1Password should give us lifetime licenses incluiding every software update, as it did for a lifetime of 4 years.

    1Password lied when they sold us a "Lifetime" product. Unfortunately, Apple was also involved in this scam by allowing Agelbits to deceive us. I encourage everyone to post a claim on Apple Store as well as the worse possible review.

  • jakeSamsonite
    Community Member

    Very disappointed in this poor show of a response. Will never trust or subscribe any 1 Password product. Would be satisfied with a refund as I did not receive a lifetime product.

  • OhPlease
    Community Member

    Why on earth would I trust a company that refused to support their "lifetime" product not to constantly hike their subscription fees once they've got me on subscription?

    Oh look, this thing called Keychain came with my Macbook and iPhone. I'm sure it'll be a pain in the ass to migrate all my passwords, but it'll be worth it to know I have a free password manager, from a company that allowed me to make a one-time purchase that they will continue to update.

  • madzawa
    Community Member

    So the TLDR is this:

    • unless i do a chrome downgrade my chrome extension does not work
    • I bought a lifetime deal for an app who is saying "nah, not lifetime of you, lifetime of 1password6" — and yes you have to pay and subscribe now to 7 or above and forget you built the capital that helped us grow and succeed by foolishly trusting it would be my lifetime
    • Jack above, with all due respect, sounds like a bureaucrat: keeping the customer service lingo buy implying he doesn't care about losing my business because the alternative is to upgrade us all to 1password7 for free - but nope.

    does anyone else in this forum recommend any other similar apps? I would be willing to move on at this point.
    I also would happily join any movement to report to the Better Business Bureau and I will immediately go put a 1 star review on the app store now.

  • ebizgrow
    Community Member

    Stumbled on this thread when my 1Password stopped working.

    1Password is it unreasonable for us to expect usable software for the lifetime licence we paid for?

    If not, would you be processing refunds, or allow us to upgrade to an equivalent lifetime product (even if we have to pay a reasonable one-time fee)? I find it very unethical to force a subscription model on customers because of the inability of the software to fulfil its licence promise.

    It is quite obvious that the majority of the lifetime customers do not agree with your business practice and I hope we can be offered an option fairer to all parties.

    Thank you.

  • prqpine
    Community Member

    Though I'd prefer for the lifetime license to continue to work, I understand the need to move to a recurring revenue SaaS model. I actually wouldn't mind migrating to a SaaS model but I, like many in this and another thread, would like the option to have a local vault (or perhaps an alternative location). 1Password folks, I know it's not planned, but please consider it. I've loved the product and recommended to dozens of folks. I really would like to continue supporting your products.

  • 1passwordisfailing
    Community Member

    The way 1Password has handled the switch from a Lifetime subscription to now giving a blanket statement to those who were truly invested in the app, stating "too bad" "it was 4 years ago" "by the way you'll have to sign up for a subscription because of the browsers, but really it's because we need a more profitable revenue stream so we can grow and keep up with the updates of other corporations." That's a great way to lose customers to another application that will be built for these exact reasons 1password is failing to meet. So have fun while you can 1password. The power of password applications is only expanding. So keep giving these unempathatic responses for such a huge problem, that will inevitably cause their downfall to another application that will provide these services without trying to gouge their customers for ever-changing revenue models. Interesting how it only benefits 1Password, but maybe "Jack" can give a little more condescending insight to the fact it's our problem and not theirs.

  • Hi @prqpine:

    Our best recommendation here would be to fill our our self-hosted survey here: Self-hosted 1Password kick-starter


    I would recommend reaching out to via email so my colleagues there can go over possible options.


  • t1zzle
    Community Member

    Yeah, what can i say. Thanks 1Password for letting us down. I purchased three or four licenses over the past years and I'm very much upset that a product labelled as "lifetime" now clearly finds its end of life.

    If you as a company do not plan to invest any resources in 1P6, then at least open source the browser extensions and let the community move forward from here, as it was suggested before. For my part, I'm absolutely not willing to give AbileBits another dollar.

    I hope you can at least do the right thing here and support those stung by your company's money-making politics.


  • jazbek
    Community Member

    Agree with @t1zzle

    @Jack.P_1P We can fill out the survey, but in case it's not clear from this thread, the company has lost the trust of a number of their customers. You are in the security business, and trust is the number one asset you need to have with your customers.

    I find it a bit ridiculous to ask us to fill out a survey, to convince you to create a new product for us to purchase at this point.

    Please let it sink in how strongly people feel who are commenting on this thread. It's not just a minor complaint about the interface, we did business with your company, we gave you money, we stored our passwords with you, and we feel that you have made decisions that only prioritized your own company, you did not hold up your end of the deal you made with us, and to top it off, you don't seem concerned in any way. We can only assume you're making enough money from others, that you don't need to care if you lose our business. Sorry, but that is sketchy behavior for a security company.

    You cannot sell people a lifetime license to a product that stores their passwords locally, and then not long afterwards, tell them they need to pay more, monthly, in order to continue using the product, which now only has the option to store their passwords remotely, on a server that they have zero administrative control over. This is critically sensitive data, and this is not how customers should expect their critically sensitive data to be handled. It doesn't feel like you understand how to handle sensitive data that has been entrusted to you.

    Personally, if 1P doesn't take these comments seriously and change tack to restore the trust of these paying customers, I can't bring myself to trust you with my passwords or my money again. I hate to say this because I have been a happy user of 1Password for a very long time, but I've been using it under the assumption that I can stay on version 6 and keep my passwords stored locally. At this point I am still using it without a browser extension, which is a pain, but workable. However, I'm actively on the lookout for another solution.

    I really hope that you are sharing the feedback here with people who are able to make decisions at the company.

  • curtisscott
    Community Member
    edited March 2022

    agree with @jazbek and @t1zzle

    @Jack.P_1P We also purchased a 1Password lifetime family license. Will a completely free upgrade to a lifetime 'subscription' at least be offered to lifetime license holders? I have no interest in paying monthly for software I already purchased for a lifetime.

  • jakeSamsonite
    Community Member

    With the repeated canned responses from the moderator, I'm thinking it's best for everyone to communicate using ratings and comments in the Chrome web store,

  • ag_chantelle
    edited March 2022

    @curtisscott - you're welcome to reach out to 1Password Support at to see what options are available for you to trade in your existing 1Password 6 license for a newer version!

    @jakeSamsonite - you can certainly share your feedback via the Chrome Web Store, although the response you'll receive from 1Password Support in Chrome will be aligned with our messaging in community forum here. We do not intend to continue updating 1Password 6 in order to maintain compatibility with modern browsers. In fact, the 1Password Classic extension hasn't been updated in the Chrome Web store since January 2021. For the best experience, and future compatibility, it is best to upgrade to 1Password 7. Whatever decision you reach, we wish you the best. Stay safe out there!

  • jakeSamsonite
    Community Member

    @ag_chantelle Please define Lifetime.

  • @jakeSamsonite

    I think the term "lifetime license" can mean different things to different people. With that said, it is not a term we ourselves have used. Standalone licenses, which are good on a per-person, per-user, and per-version basis, do still exist, and can be considered "lifetime" in the sense that they don't expire, but they are good for what they were purchased for.

  • jakeSamsonite
    Community Member

    @ag_chantelle nope. you're redefining words with definitions.

  • mux2hot
    Community Member

    I am an unhappy user of 1Password 6 who is very disappointed. I can consider a subscription based license but when I am forced to keep my secrets in cloud then I have clear NO for this kind product. Due to that I don't see any reason to switch over for 1Password 7.

  • jrdimaur
    Community Member

    I too am another upset consumer. Everyone here bought into this system as a "lifetime" user and every few months over the past 3 years, I have had to fight to keep my software working in it that way. Always trying to be pushed into a subscription.

    The comment from the 1Password staff member saying that the term "lifetime" means something different for every person is sad. The word "lifetime" means the same to every single person. "Lifetime" means until I die or for my entire life. Many of us paid a larger sum up front for this benefit. In return 1password received capital to grow and turn into a better service and offer subscription options to NEW users. It's unreal that now they wont honor this agreement.

    Im going to look elsewhere and leave as many bad reviews as I can. Shame on you!

  • notro
    Community Member

    What makes this especially frustrating is that updating 1Password 6 to be able to verify Google's new code signing certificate would likely be a trivial exercise.

    I get that the product is discontinued, and no longer supported. But there are clearly a good chunk of users still happy with it and just want the Chrome browser extension to work. And instead of a good will gesture to "lifetime" license holders, we get an upsell to a subscription license many of us do not want, and vague security FUD about why we should be on 1P7.

This discussion has been closed.