completing credit card forms in safari 1Password 4

Community Member

Hi Agile,

First off. 1Password is my MOST "can't live without' app. Just brilliant

But I've noticed, and I think this is new, that it is really clunky and relatively 'difficult' now to fill in credit card forms

To fill in a credit card now I go to my menubar, select the card and click.

That may or may not complete most details but it NEVER adds the card verification number.

I can't "see" that number from the menu bar as there is no 'reveal' option,

So I have to choose "edit" that takes me into 1Password where I can choose 'reveal' the number there

Then I go back to the form and complete that.

Am I doing something wrong or is this a lengthier and more fiddly process that it used to be/should be?

Cheer and thanks for any help



  • danco
    Volunteer Moderator

    I suspect there is also an issue with some sites' coding for the verification number.

    Because I find that the verification number fills in fine on some sites, but refuses to fill in others (so maybe you were just unlucky, Philip).

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni
    edited January 2014

    Thanks for your kind words, @pprofpopp. :)

    Like @danco mentioned, this could be (and likely is) a site coding issue. Some sites seem to intentionally go out of their way to befuddle 1Password. Do you have the URL for any site(s) where you're having trouble with filling the verification number?

    I can't "see" that number from the menu bar as there is no 'reveal' option,

    Tapping the Option key while item details are displayed in 1P mini will temporarily reveal hidden fields. You can also click most fields in 1P mini to copy them, or tap the Return (Enter) key to copy a selected field (e.g. after navigating to it with arrow keys). For other keyboard shortcuts, including those in 1Password mini, see:

    1Password 4 keyboard shortcuts

    This workflow can be handy for working around filling issues and other uses:

    • Open 1P mini.
    • Use right-arrow to open item details of a matching item in 1P mini.
    • Down-arrow to navigate to a desired field.
    • Tap Return to copy the field.

    And for repeated usage the details window can be "anchored" on screen by clicking the bottom anchor area (where its icon is) to the right of Edit. Bonus tip: hold the Option key to reveal hidden fields before anchoring a 1P mini window and the fields will remain revealed.

    If you'd like more help with this or anything else please let me know.

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