Feature Request: Master Account record
I'm a pretty new user to 1Password, finally having been convinced by the number of security breaches lately, that I need to do a better job of managing my accounts.
Things were looking good, converted all my passwords, and then I started looking at adding Accounts (I'm running both v3 and v4). When I went to add an Email account, it struck me as I was going to end up duplicating a lot of information, in particular, the passwords. I already have Logins to access webmail versions, why have a separate Email account? For now I don't. Some searching in the forums showed me this particular issue has been brought up a few times before. In particular that an Email account should act like a Login. And I totally agree.
But I think it goes further.
I have Logins for my bank account, but I have Credit Cards and Bank Account details for those too. I have Logins for Google, which I use Jabber with. I have a Login for my gym, which I have a Membership with. I want to be able to capture the various details, but I don't want to replicate information either. For example, my password for my Jabber 'accounts' is the password for the Google account overall. Which I also use for email.
However what I'd really like to have is a Master Account concept that can reference various other records. For instance, if I open up my Bank X MA record, I'd see my Login item I could jump to, or the list of Credit Cards and Bank Accounts associated with that account. If I searched for a Credit Card, and its associated with a MA, I'd see a link to the MA record or to a Login that is associated with the parent MA. If I add a second Bank Account to my existing bank's MA, then 1Password might present me the Bank record with some things that are common, like bank name, routing number, etc already 'filled' out. If I changed one of those common values, it would be 'updated' in all associated records. But the user would still have the option of specifying a field should be unique, as perhaps I might have two routing numbers, one for bank and another for brokerage. New accounts would let me link 'common' fields to which specific versions.
I also thought about Software Licenses. I might have a bunch of apps from a specific vendor, although that's not typical for me. Having a MA record for that vendor might make sense, with a Login and multiple Software records but at the same time I usually just want to associate a Login to my license. In this case, I look at the Login itself as the Master Account. And so perhaps a Login should be thought of as a MA, with various related records. Which is certainly a bit simpler design. Or perhaps there shouldn't be any 'root' records really, just relationships between records, with 1Password managing 'common' fields and presenting ways to act on something in a sensible fashion (like being able to login from a Credit Card account via a related Login entry).
I could just have Logins with details about related items, like Credit Cards, typed up in the Notes section. But then I lose the nice UI presentation that 1Password has for the various types of records. I could manage it all myself, with tags & smart folders as someone suggested, or just plain old folders, but that means I have to manage it all, and things like looking at a Credit Card and having a link the the Login then isn't as apparent. If I look at an Email, if the password isn't pulled from a related Login item, then I have to enter the value there, or go find the login item.
Anyways, just a thought. Seems like there has definitely been a fair discussion on the idea and had some thoughts of my own from a very new user perspective on an area that could use some improvement.
Hi @myramoki,
Thanks so much for taking the time to write such detailed feedback on your experiences with 1Password! You certainly make a good case for a feature like this! Since it seems you've already read through the existing discussions on related matters, I'm sure that I can't say much that hasn't already been said. In short, I'm always a fan of new ways to keep things organized, and I'm happy to pass your thoughts along to our developers. :)