Upgraded to 1Password 4, logins not submitting [resolved by installing AutoSubmit script]

Community Member
edited June 2014 in Mac

Just upgraded to 1Password 4 from version 3 and kicking the tires a bit. One thing I noted was a Citibank glitch where the login was not being filled. I found the related thread and updated to the latest beta. That solved that issue.

However, I've now noticed that none of my logins is auto-submitting as was done previously. I checked the preferences (Preferences>Browser) and "Automatically submit logins after filling" is checked appropriately. I've quit and relaunched to no avail. Tried creating a new login, also did not work. Any suggestions on how next to troubleshoot?


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni
    edited June 2014

    Hi @geg207,

    I'm so glad to hear that the forums have been helping you find answers to some tricky Login problems. Now, I'm curious. Did you purchase 1Password 4 direct from us or from the Mac App Store?

    If you purchased from the Mac App Store, you may have better luck with submitting after installing this autosubmit script.

    If you purchased directly from our website, please let me know and we'll investigate further. ;)

  • geg207
    Community Member

    Hi Megan,
    You are the hero! Thanks so much. As you suspected, I did purchase through the Mac App Store. Worked like a charm.

    Always try my best to troubleshoot before consulting the experts... but great to know folks like yourself are there if we need a helping hand. Thanks again.

  • On behalf of Megan, you're welcome. Please let us know if you have any other questions! :)

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