Need "overwrite" option when reestablishing a sync
We use a vault of shared group passwords on a server mount (OSX 10.9 laptop mounting a folder via https).
Because this server mount isn't always available (i.e. when I'm not on the corporate network) 1Password disconnects the sync and I need to reestablish it when the folder is available again.
The problem is that the only option available when reestablishing the sync is "Merge", I need like there to also be an "Overwrite from folder" option I can choose when I know that the data in the folder is more accurate/current that my local copy.
Hi @Kevink707,
Is the server mount different each time you join the corporate network? 1Password is supposed to automatically re-enable the sync with the network share once the folder is available again, there would be no need to do anything. This is as long as you press the Ignore button on the notification prompt and don't change anything in the Sync Preferences.
As for the Merge option, 1Password will merge in the newer data into your vault when you re-establish the sync if it is the same vault, it wouldn't overwrite the server data with your data as long as it is the same date and/or older.
We'd like the keep the sync system as simple as possible. If you can provide more context as to why you need this Overwrite feature, it'd really help us figure out how to address this use-case.