1Password Version 4.4.1 (441006) not syncing via iCloud [Moved to Email]

Community Member
edited June 2014 in Mac

I have 1PW set up (all running Mavericks) on my new Mac Pro desktop, two Mac laptops, one iPad-mini, and on my iPhone5s. At some point, I did not notice, within the last several months perhaps, and currently, if I make a change (such as a new password) on my Mac Pro, the change is not getting propagated to any of my other devices.

I sync via my Apple iCloud account.

I changed my iCloud password about a month ago. Is it possible that this is causing the sync not to authenticate?

Interestingly, on my desktop and laptops the syncing window continuously states "Syncing with iCloud" and there is no "Sync Now" button. It periodically states how long ago the last sync was, such as "a second ago, or 13 minutes ago" but nothing is propagating to my other devices, which also state how long ago they were synced. Fortunately on the iPhone and iPad I can "force" a sync at will using the "Sync Now" button, and still I'm not seeing any updates or error messages.

On my desktop, and laptops, In Sys Prefs iCloud settings, Documents & Data are checked, and under Options 1Password MINI.app is enabled.

There is no "Start Syncing" Button on the Full Screen 1Password settings for my iCloud syncing.

Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

If the syncing problems stem from me changing my Apple iCloud password, how would I best proceed to correct this issue? Should I disable in my iCloud settings the 1Password MINI.app and then re-enable it on all of my devices?

Lastly, why don't I have a "sync now" button on my desktop and laptops? They all say "Syncing with iCloud" and to me this might mean that 1PW is "trying" but not authenticating with my iCloud account?

Ocean City, NJ


  • hawkmoth
    Community Member
    edited June 2014

    Lastly, why don't I have a "sync now" button on my desktop and laptops?

    That button isn't provided in the desktop application. Furthermore, iCloud syncing occurs on Apple's schedule, not 1Password's. As I understand it, this has to do with the fact that iCloud is a black box to the developers. So you just have to wait for syncing to begin on whatever the internal schedule is for iCloud. I will note that if you were to switch to Dropbox, you would still not have a sync now button, but any changes to your 1Password data get propagated almost instantly to the Dropbox cloud and hence to your other devices.

    I have a fairly clear idea what I would do if I were in your position, but before I offer it, I would ask if you have one of your devices that currently has a complete set of data that could serve to restart everything? If you may have important data on some devices and not others and you aren't sure if any are complete, then things might get more complicated.

    Finally, if you want to await an AgileBits technical support person to happen along, I'm sure you will get clear advice. But I expect they will want to know the answer to my question before they start off too.

    I'm not sure about your iCloud password change, but if you have not ever logged back into iCloud with your new password on all your devices, I am confident that you won't be getting access to iCloud for those still holding the old password. If you haven't logged off and back on with the new password on all devices, I expect you should do that now. Your other uses of iCloud must also be affected in that case.

  • OceanCity123
    Community Member

    Hi Hawkmoth,
    Thank you for the speedy reply.
    In answer to your questions, my most complete and up to date set of 1PW data is on my new Mac Pro desktop. My other devices have, apparently, less recent data. I should have been paying closer attention to all this, but have been setting Safari to "Remember Passwords" which I believe are synced via my iCloud account in a similar way to 1PW, but this being the case I would suppose that Safari is actually the most up to date on all devices and is probably what's been logging me in all this time. I rarely launch a login directly from within 1PW or 1PW mini.

    Also, in answer to my iCloud account, I am able to log in, authenticate, make changes, etc. and all of my Apple mail, calendar, reminders, contacts, all are syncing just fine as always.

    So, I'm at a loss here as to why 1PW does not sync.

    Please present your suggestions as to how I might proceed. Obviously I do not hold you responsible for any unanticipated consequences.

    I guess the bottom line here is that my personal feeling is 1PW, particularly the syncing aspect of it, is more secure than Safari's password syncing methodology via iCloud. Would you agree?


  • OceanCity123
    Community Member

    Okay. Have been doing some more trouble-shooting.
    It would appear that my Apple laptops, iPads, and iPhone "are" properly syncing via my iCloud account.

    On the other hand, my Mac Pro seems to be the exception. It can neither send nor receive any changes to all the other devices.

    This means there's an issue on my Mac Pro.

    At first I thought perhaps because I'm running two separate LAN's with very different IP addressing schemes, one is DSL and one is Satellite, this could "somehow" be affecting things, so I switched the Mac Pro to the same LAN that all the other devices are on. No difference. Theoretically it shouldn't have made any difference because the sync is occurring via the Internet and iCloud and therefore would have nothing to do with which LAN the Mac Pro is connecting to.
    Now, at least I'm making headway, but still not sure what to try next.

    I know that, for example, if I change a document on my Mac Pro in the cloud in Apple's TextEdit (which uses the exact category (Documents and Data) as does 1PW that in fact propagate to all my other devices as it should.

    Furthermore, if I make a change on my Mac Pro in 1PW, I note in the sync prefs window an instant "update" sync is indicated, yet still, the 1PW changes are not getting propagated to all the other devices.

    Pulling my hair out.

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member

    There are ways to export your data from each installation and then import them into what will become the master database, but I'm not sure I know the details about those. If you want to do that, you would be certain that you have all your data, and you'd delete the duplicates once all the importing is done. I would do that if I were you, if I weren't sure I have all the critical data in one place, just to be sure I captured everything I might need. If you too want to take that approach, please wait for some additional advice from the support gurus. Could probably muddle through, but you don't want muddling.

    Once the merging is done, or if you want to proceed with the data on that Mac Pro as your master database now, here is how I would deal with this. I'd go to 1Password Preferences --> Backups and force a backup, just to be sure. Then open the Sync tab and click the option to change syncing. You will be asked if you want to delete the data on iCloud. Take a deep breath and agree. (Remember that fresh local backup you just made?) Do the same on each of the other Macs. I don't know for sure what they will think now that the data are gone from iCloud, but you want to turn off syncing on each device, and clicking change syncing is the only way to get that to happen. Leave each machine in this state for now, without any sync method selected.

    For the iOS devices, open 1Password on each, open the settings, then go to the Sync menu and Disable Sync. Then go to Advanced, at the very bottom of the settings screen and chose the option to Erase Data and Settings. The application will close after you do that, and when you next open it, you will be given the option to pick whether you are new user or have used it before. But don't open the apps yet. Just leave them closed.

    Now return to your Mac Pro where the master data reside, and select iCloud as your sync option from the Sync tab of 1Password Preferences. I think you will be asked for your iCloud password, but perhaps you won't. I don't remember for sure. But your data will then sync to iCould afresh. Wait for about 20 minutes or so after syncing starts to be sure that all your data are uploaded. 1Password does not control the timing of iCloud syncing; Apple does in some mysterious way, so be patient. Maybe a cup of coffee?

    After your 20 minute rest, go to each installation on your other Macs and reenable iCloud syncing. You don't have to wait for them to complete before moving to the next device. Finally, reopen the apps on your iOS devices one by one and each time, answer that you have used 1Password before and select iCloud syncing as your choice. You will be asked for your 1Password master password to show that you have legititmate access to the data. Syncing should begin after that and if you watch with Categories open, you can see the data gradually repopulate on each device. But again, you don't need to wait.

    Remember that you deleted data AND setting on your iOS devices, so if you have any special settings having to do with timeout periods and how long the clipboard should retain copied data, you will need to reset those.

    Before testing this by adding a new dummy record on one of your devices, I'd let another 20 minutes pass after the last device begins syncing, just to make myself confident that all devices had caught up.

    I would be very surprised if all doesn't go swimmingly after you do all that. I don't have all the machines you do, but I have restarted syncing from scratch this way a few times among a Mac, and iPad and an iPhone, particularly as I vacillate between using iCloud and Dropbox for syncing. (I'm back to Dropbox today.)

    If any of this fails to make sense, please ask back before setting off. I would feel awful if a typo in this response leads you to lose all your data!

  • OceanCity123
    Community Member

    Hello again Hawkmoth,

    You certainly have been very kind to elaborate at great length what would appear to me to be a valid plan of attack. I greatly appreciate the time and effort that went into your response.

    It all makes good sense.

    Worst case scenario, I can just restore from a local backup, right?

    I'll sleep on all this and attempt to set aside an appropriate amount of time to set this all in motion.

    Any additional thoughts or suggestions are always welcomed.

    All the best,


  • hawkmoth
    Community Member
    edited June 2014

    Perhaps @Megan or @JasperP will have weighed in before you make your decision.

  • OceanCity123
    Community Member
    edited June 2014

    Of note, more background.
    It would appear that my non-syncinging issue has occurred only on my most recently acquired new Mac Pro desktop. The prior 4 devices are all properly syncing, and all other iCloud syncing on my new Mac Pro other than 1PW is syncing properly.
    So, there's got to be something specific about my last installation.
    Just wondering if there's a quicker way to fool the cloud data perhaps by leaving all the existing 4 working devices "as-is" without disassociating them, making one last local 1PW data copy locally on my Mac Pro, then deleting all entries on the Mac Pro, then simply restoring them from the local backup?

    Additionally, do I need to uninstall, or reinstall 1PW on my Mac Pro?

    A little help from agile bits would be nice.


    Ocean City, NJ

  • Hi @OceanCity123,

    I'm sorry to hear about the trouble! Please try completely re-setting iCloud sync:

    • On your iOS device(s), open 1Password 4 for iOS, tap Settings > Sync > Sync Service, then Disable Sync.

    • On your Mac(s), open 1Password 4 for Mac, and click 1Password in the menu bar, then Preferences. Go the the Sync tab, and then click Change syncing.

      • Check the box to remove the data from iCloud and confirm that you want to disable sync.
    • Restart all your devices.

    • On your Mac, go back to the Sync preferences, and enable iCloud sync.

      • Wait a few minutes to give iCloud time to run the initial sync to all devices.
    • Go back to any other Macs and iOS devices and re-enable iCloud sync.

    Please let me know if that helps! :)

  • OceanCity123
    Community Member

    Thank you Jasper.
    I'll let you know how it goes.

  • Sounds good! I hope that fixes it for you. :)

  • OceanCity123
    Community Member

    Hi JasperP,

    I still have not gotten around to having the time to perform the total reset, and in re-reading your re-setting iCloud procedure, I guess I just have a few more really stupid questions, but better ask than not so here it goes.

    1) After disabling sync on all my iOS devices I assume since you did not mention it specifically there is no iOS setting to "remove data from the cloud" right? As you can tell I haven't even gotten this far.

    2) As for my Macs, I have a Mac-Air, a Mac Book Pro, and my PRIMARY (and most recent 1P data storage) Mac Pro. So, my intent would be to use or reuse the 1P data on my Mac Pro, so am I going to loose any (or all) of that data when I check the "remove the data from iCloud" on my Mac Pro when I check that box on the other two laptops?

    3) Assuming that I am won't loose the data on my primary computer, the Mac Pro, when I "remove the data from iCloud" from either or both of the laptops, do I take that same final step of "remove the data from iCloud" when I'm finally down to my Mac Pro or do I make this the exception and simply "Disable Sync?"

    Sorry to be so wordy about all this, but I'm not inclined to have to re-enter from scratch all that I have stored on my Mac Pro, unfortunately being the most recent copy, and none of the new data ever got sent out (synced) to the cloud. I guess I'm asking, "will the existing data remaine stored locally" on my Mac Pro no matter what I do in terms of not only "disabling syncing" as well as "remove the data from iCloud"??????

    Worst case scenario, I assume I could just restore from the most recent local backup on my Mac Pro, right?

    Sorry, I invented Murphy's Law, LOL.

    Thank you for your patience.


  • OceanCity123
    Community Member
    edited June 2014

    Hi Kim,

    [Moved Kim's post to:
    Trouble with syncing - Amazon Login rejected on iOS --Admin]

    John here, from the previous messages. Are you experiencing the same issue that I am?

    My issue is that I had a working system which properly synced between 3 iOS devices and 2 Mac Laptops. I then purchased one of the brand new Mac Pro desktop computers (love it BTW, faster than lightning!) and I installed 1Password onto it. I can't remember now if it ever synced, but if it did it STOPPED syncing to all my secondary devices mentioned. The new Mac Pro is my most current and PRIMARY computer, so I have to be very careful how I approach the reset.

    At the very least I will print out all of my 1P data.

    In the process of resetting your devices did you lose any data?

    Ocean City, NJ

  • Jasper
    edited June 2014

    1) After disabling sync on all my iOS devices I assume since you did not mention it specifically there is no iOS setting to "remove data from the cloud" right? As you can tell I haven't even gotten this far.

    No, there isn't a "remove the data from iCloud" option on 1Password for iOS. You only need to choose the remove iCloud data option on one of your devices.

    2) As for my Macs, I have a Mac-Air, a Mac Book Pro, and my PRIMARY (and most recent 1P data storage) Mac Pro. So, my intent would be to use or reuse the 1P data on my Mac Pro, so am I going to loose any (or all) of that data when I check the "remove the data from iCloud" on my Mac Pro when I check that box on the other two laptops?

    It will only remove your data from iCloud, not your local database. The data format used for syncing is separate from the local database. In this case, we just want to remove the iCloud data used for syncing.

    3) Assuming that I am won't loose the data on my primary computer, the Mac Pro, when I "remove the data from iCloud" from either or both of the laptops, do I take that same final step of "remove the data from iCloud" when I'm finally down to my Mac Pro or do I make this the exception and simply "Disable Sync?"

    You only need to remove the iCloud data once. It would be best to do it after sync is disabled on all your other devices. For example, disable sync on your iOS devices and MacBooks, then disable sync and remove the iCloud data using your Mac Pro.

  • OceanCity123
    Community Member


    I think I'll wait until this bug is resolved before investing hours or days in the possibility of a fix, or worse.

    Apparently I'm not the only one.

    Please keep us posted JasperP as to a solution.

    Thank you.


  • Hi John,

    There is no widespread issue with iCloud sync currently. We likely won't be releasing an update with any iCloud fixes or improvements until OS X Yosemite is released in the fall.

    In most cases, a simple reset of iCloud sync will fix a syncing issue.

    But, if you'd like us to investigate further, please email us a Diagnostics Report from your Mac, along with your forum username and a link to this discussion, to: support+forum@agilebits.com

  • OceanCity123
    Community Member
    edited June 2014

    Okay. Well, as I suspected, Murphy's Law is still in effect. I still have a paper print-out and I still have local backups to fall back on but . . . .

    Followed JasperP's procedure step by step, including removing data from my iCloud account.

    OMG, this is worse than I could have imagined.

    On one laptop, 1PW found my iCloud sync account and said it would sync, but NOTHING came through.

    One another laptop, 1PW said it found my iCloud account, and it proceed to "merge" which in my case deleted all but two seemingly random entries.

    I will send the Diagnostics Report in for evaluation.

    Oh well.

  • OceanCity123
    Community Member
    edited June 2014

    Additional possible requirements to reset syncing?

    1) After deleting data in the cloud, do all the most current entries on each machine need to be deleted as well, prior to reinitiating the new sync?

    2) Does the 1PW-mini check-box in Sys Prefs/iCloud/Data & Documents need to be unchecked at any point?

    3) Should PW-mini be running or not running and if so when on or off and then on again?

    I am able to restore my data from last backups, etc., but have already invested too much time on this. I hope the Diagnostics reveals the missing details that are causing this erratic behavior.

    Sent in via email the very thorough 1PW Diagnostic file to agile bits which to my naked eye is indicating all sorts of missing domain default pair file failures. Must have something to do with my most recent installation on the new Mac Pro. Hope the tech folks can figurer this out. Kudos to them for such an advanced diagnostic application. Well done.

  • OceanCity123
    Community Member
    edited June 2014

    Not sure if this helps or not, but using a 3rd party iCloud file viewer (Plain Cloud.app) I am seeing 3 folders for 1PW, none of which are showing and contents. Does anyone know a "better" way to actually view one's iCloud folders and files?

    .....for enlarged file view screen shot.

  • OceanCity123
    Community Member
    edited June 2014

    Please ignore my prior #20 posting. It's not accurate.

    Here's a better folder and file listing in the cloud:

  • sjk
    1Password Alumni

    Hi John ( @OceanCity123 ),

    We've received your email with the report. Thanks for sending that in and the additional information you've posted here. Someone from our support team will look it over and get back with you as soon as possible. :)


  • OceanCity123
    Community Member

    Thank you sjk,

    Wow, don't you guys ever sleep! It's the weekend and I've gotten responses from several people on your support team. Very impressive.

    The ONLY variable in the equation that I can think of in terms of my Mac Pro, the latest, most current installation, and the one that is not syncing properly, is on a totally separate LAN. Theoretically this should not possibly matter, but if I have time I could try a total reset with putting the Mac Pro onto my other LAN that all the other devices communicate with. Of course I'm growing tired of all this, but can't complain about your support, cooperation, and timely assistance.

    Let me know what your gut is telling you. This has got to be something fundamental, i.e., involving my iCloud account, which somehow is not properly pairing.

    Let's wait until Monday! You should be enjoying the day, not working. It's the weekend! Life will go on.

    Ocean City, NJ

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi John ( @OceanCity123‌ ),

    I'm so glad to hear that you've been getting help over the weekend from our team. We do our best to have coverage available for users at all times, it's great to hear that it is appreciated!

    Now, I've checked on your email in our system, and it seems that you've already had a response from our support team. I've added the extra relevant details to the thread there. We'll keep the conversation going directly via email so that we don't get things muddled up between here and there. :)

This discussion has been closed.