Unable to log into 1Password4 after updating from version 3
I'm unable to log to version 4 with my master password. My situation is similar to the one discussed here https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/16495/upgrading-to-1password4-master-password-not-accepted
but I use dropbox for sync. I can still use version 3 as before.
Upon the first time 1password4 opened I closed it while removing the old browser extensions. If there was supposed to be a dialog for choosing the sync method I did not see one. If I now try to change the sync from the preferences I'm prompted to unlock 1Password first. I have removed the program now few times and downloaded again from the website.
Hi @Kimmoo
I'm sorry to hear that you're having trouble with 1Password right now. Now, the thread that you linked to is a year old, so I'll need to get a few extra details about your current situation, as we've had several updates to 1Password since then, and things may have changed a little. :)
First of all, I'll need to know a little bit more about your 1Password ecosystem:
- What are the version numbers of 1Password and your operating system for all computers and devices running 1Password?
- Are you able to access your database in 1Password on your other devices?
- If you open a Finder window to Dropbox, do you see multiple 1Password.agilekeychain files there?
The more detail you can provide, the more quickly we'll be able to get you sorted out! :)