Use 1password from the terminal (iterm only... for now)
Hey guys!
Let me preface this with a shout-out to agilebits, I seriously love your product and use it everyday of my life. So as long as you keep making 1password you will have my money :).
This is what I've done:
If you manage servers and use iterm2 and 1password, you should check out:
My team is constantly ssh'ing into machines. In addition to requiring public/private keys, we use sudo with passwords to protect root. This little application makes it possible to use 1password on the terminal. You don't even have to remove your fingers from the keyboard.
I hope this helps someone!
Very neat, @ravenac95!
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This is brilliant @ravenac95. Have installed and works excellently, though I required the work-around despite being on Mavericks.
This will save me and my team a lot of time and needless clicks - thanks for all your hard work on this!
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Hi wigsgiw,
I'm glad you find it useful. It does look like a neat trick and makes me want to go back to the old sysadmin days to try this.
Just to make sure everybody is aware, this is not officially supported by 1Password nor can we offer or recommend this. You use this at your own risk.