Feature Request: Small Icons in Left Item List Layout

Community Member

In trying to work around this bug: https://discussions.agilebits.com/discussion/29898/separator-control-doesnt-separate-known-issue-will-be-fixed#latest (separator bar cannot be dragged in Top view)
I was playing around with Left List Layout and realized the reason I don't like it as much as Top, is the icons are too big taking up valuable space.

Please consider a small icon view option!

Many Thanks


  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @schwaggy‌

    Thanks so much for letting us know that you're interested in something like this! Personally, I love the large icons in the left side view, as a visual person, it makes it much quicker to find the entry I'm looking for. ;) But I'm happy to pass along your request.

  • gcandiano
    Community Member

    Sorry, Megan. You couldn't be more wrong about the large icons. I've been a Graphic Designer for over two decades, and I can tell you that large items do have there place in good design, but this isn't one of those places. Not only does the layout look childish and tacky, but it also had the ill effect of decimating the print capabilities of the way better version 3.
    As a matter of fact, because of the poor design choices your team has made. I've had to stick to using version 3. To print the same 'secure notes' I make in version 3, actually take 4 times more pages because of this poorly thought out implementation. What you guys did to the print facility is nothing shy of shameful. You've taken something that worked so well and turned it into something that doesn't work at all.
    Bad design should never be a replacement for efficient functionality.
    Lastly, it is sad that you don't really listen to your customers. I've seen this topic brought up a year ago, and nothing has been done to rectify it. Shame on Agile.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @gcandiano‌ I've always used 1Password in Top Item List Layout out of preference so I had to go peek at Left mode to see what was going on. It isn't my cup of tea but I didn't think it looked childish. Now I'm definitely not a graphic designer, in fact I'm pretty sure people would pay me to not do so which may mean my opinion doesn't count for much.

    Can I ask, I've never used the print feature in any of the versions I've owned (I started off as a user and a fan before the opportunity to work with these great people presented itself). I looked at how 1Password 5 prints and it doesn't get many to the page but I don't see how large icons have had a massive impact. It looks like they simply cover the two lines of the title and the type. Obviously you can't attached a printout at all but can you describe what it did look like.

  • gcandiano
    Community Member

    Hi littlebobbytables. First off, thanks for taking the time to read and respond to my post. I understand and respect your opinion about the look of large icons. Unfortunately, it isn't my cup of tea either, but that isn't the main reason for my beef against what Agile did to ruin the functionality of the app. I should have probably been a little more detailed about the real issues that v5 caused for me and probably a lot of other people as well. Believe it or not, to me the most useful aspect of 1P is the Secure Notes section. I use this quite heavily in my new business an IT Administrator and System Builder. I use secure notes to detail as much information about my customers networks as possible. Sometimes the notes grow to 50 or 60 pages in length. Well, in v3, there are no large icons - which I still contest looks, childish and ill placed, but more importantly there isn't the huge pointless margin that has be created because of the poorly thought out placement of that large icon. This newly introduced gap, which allows for the accommodation of the logo, has actually forced the rendering of print to be at least 3 to 4 times more pages in volume. Therefore my once 50 page file, ballooned to nearly 200.

    Moreover, Agile has decided to redo the print engine as well - which made a horrendous design decision even worse, and unfortunately, no print options are given to end users at all. It's as though Agile thinks print shouldn't even be available. This to me is arrogance in its highest order. Not all 1P users are entry level computers users. Some are highly organized and sophisticated people who need more options that others. In past versions, Agile at least gave the more organized something to work with. Then v4 and 5 came out, and they took it all away and presented us with this dumbed down, poorly designed replacement interface with no options for customization. Shameful and shameless are the only words that I can use without actually swearing. If Agile didn't waste it's time and resources worrying about how the opening screen logo looked, maybe it could have done a better job at working the meat of this otherwise excellent program.

    Don't get me wrong though, v4 and 5 have some great new features, but sadly I can't use any of them because of the core functionally catastrophe the programmers created with the large icon and pointless margin, so I've had to stick with v3. And just so you know, v5 is neither visually appealing, nor logically functional. As a matter of fact. If the person who designed that mess were to work for some of the design studios that I worked at, they would surely have been let go.

    Lastly, I just wanted to say that I am not usually the type of person to speak out about anything - as you can probably see from my lack of participation in these or any others forums. I personally think social media is a waste of valuable time that can be used creatively somewhere else. The reason I have decided to speak out in this case is because I think it is required. Let me first say that I have great respect for the talented and intelligent programmers at Agile. What they have accomplished with 1P is nothing shy of brilliant. Kudos to them for that. They deserve great praise for their efforts. What bothers me is their lack of listening to their customers when they try to reach out to them. It is at this moment when we need Agile most, and what do we get in response to our pleas for help - "oh maybe we'll consider that as a future feature add-on." This kind of pompous attitude is what gets people searching for alternative solutions for their needs. Companies who become full of themselves usually end up falling down. Sadly, in many cases, by that time, it's already too late. Sometimes these companies catch it in time and turn themselves around. Take Microsoft for instance. They were on top of the world with their operating system, and they started getting lazy and pompous. Then Apple and Linux comes along and knocks Microsoft off its high horse with their excellent and near free alternatives. Microsoft learned from that, and now works tightly with its competitors. They have humbly realized that arrogance in business is generally not tolerated for too long. So, my final words to Agile is, get the hell off your high horse, and put the efforts of your vast talent pool to work on things that will make you product leaps and bounds better than your competition. Give us the customization options and power we desire, and stop trying to impress us with your lack of design skills. For what it's worth, those are my two cents.

  • What bothers me is their lack of listening to their customers when they try to reach out to them.

    I don't feel this is a fair statement. 1Password has been built on the feedback of our customers.

    "oh maybe we'll consider that as a future feature add-on."

    I'm not sure what else you'd like for us to say. We prefer to under promise and over deliver. Obviously we can't implement every tweak that every customer suggests, but we do actually take them all into consideration, and many of them do actually get implemented.

    For what it's worth, those are my two cents.

    Thanks for sharing. I've read your entire post twice, and will happily pass the feedback along to our developers. :)

  • gcandiano
    Community Member
    edited November 2014

    Hi bwoodruff,

    I stand behind all my statements. I have not asked for Agile to give me something that isn't in the program. I simply wished that they had not taken out what was already there. Your team could have easily included layout options to the program that would have allowed the almighty end user to decide what works best for them. You guys aren't hack coders, your pros. What would have it actually have taken.

    Anyway, I guess I'll just keep my fingers crossed and pessimistically cling to the hope that Agile will put in layout customization features and something that resembles a logical print engine. Until then, the only version of 1P that is an effective productivity tool for me is v3, and I guess I'll continue to use that for as long as it works.

  • Megan
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @gcandiano‌

    I'm glad to hear that version 3 works well for you! Again, I'm sorry to hear that you're not pleased with the design decisions made for 1Password 4 (and 1Password 5), but we will take your feedback under advisement.

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