Adding a licence key to Mac One Password.

Community Member

Hello Agilebits

My name is Rob. I am from South Africa. I work for a company building websites. My manager asked if i would like a copy of one password. To which i said sure let me try.

He Proceeded to purchase a license key for me, i have downloaded One Password 5 onto my Mac book, and am using it in conjunction with my Firefox developer edition browser. Only when i try to update my key into the software, it seems as if my mac is expecting a license file, and not a license key?! He purchased it from your website and did not use my email address.

So now i am stuck. What is my next step?


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    I wonder if this might be related to the gmail problem mentioned in the penultimate paragraph of this post from AgileBits. Sorry, that's only a hunch and if it doesn't help do please post again.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Legendary_rob‌

    It sounds like your manager purchased a licence for 1Password 3. As of 1Password 4 we moved to using a licence file rather than a key hence my suspicion.

    So you have two options. We still have 1Password 3 available on our download page (under the legacy section) or maybe you can see if your manager would be interested in upgrading from 1Password 3 to 1Password 5. Now it is a paid upgrade i'm afraid rather than a free one but the existing key can be used to obtain a discount.

    Of course I'm assuming all the licence conditions are being met in this case. A standard licence is for a single user so I'm assuming both you and your manager aren't sharing a licence or your manager has a business licence covering a number of seats.

    Let us know how you would wish to proceed and if you have any more questions we'll be here to answer them for you.

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