Error after installing latest version of 1password

Community Member
edited November 2014 in Mac

After updating, when I try to run the software, I get a message that says:

“” is damaged and can’t be opened. Delete “” and download it again from the App Store.

I tried to remove the app using Launchpad following the instructions in another post, but I couldn't since no "x" button showed up for the app.

Is it okay to delete "1password" in the application folder (/Applications/ What is the best way to proceed?


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Drag the app to the trash (don't use any app cleaner tool, which is likely to remove other needed files), reboot, re-download and re-install.


  • mikozoid
    Community Member

    Thank you Stephen! I clicked on "Move to Trash", rebooted, re-installed and it seems to be working :)

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @mikozoid‌

    I'm glad to hear Stephen_C's excellent suggestion helped you out. The key to removing a copy of 1Password is to avoid any of these app uninstallers out there. The reason is if they were to delete 1Password's support files in your Library folder that's your vault gone unless it was synced. Definitely not what you want to do!

    Hopefully it'll be smooth sailing herein.

  • mikozoid
    Community Member

    Thank you littlebobbytables! That's good to know!

  • On behalf of littlebobby and Stephen, you're welcome!

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