scrolling in 1password mini

Community Member

I am having trouble scrolling so I see all my passwords in 1password mini. When I go to my logins, it does not show all my logins and it will not let me scroll to see all of them. Any help?


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Is it only in 1P mini that you see the problem. Can you scroll the list in the main app? If not, are you by any chance using the Yosemite 10.10.2 beta? If so, it's a bug in the Yosemite beta.


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @benmitchell1024‌

    If Stephen_C's hunch doesn't apply to you, can I ask how do you normally scroll through the list? I recently discovered that if you normally move the mouse cursor to the bottom of the list opposed to using a scroll wheel or the scroll feature of trackpads or Apple's Magic Mouse that scrolling is broken under Yosemite.

    Let us know if either of these suggestions apply to what you're observing. Both are issues with Yosemite (one with the beta) so if you're not running Yosemite it should be something different.

    possibly ref: OPM-2088

  • benmitchell1024
    Community Member

    Yes, I'm using Yosemite. Is that the problem?

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni


    Well it does mean either of the possibilities above could apply, is your situation comparable to either of them?

    1. Scrolling in the main windows (possibly the mini too) and you're running the 10.10.2 beta.
    2. You're trying to use the mouse cursor to activate scrolling in the list specifically from within 1Password mini. So you move the cursor to the bottom of the list as it used to then scroll in Mavericks. This is in contrast to using a scroll wheel or scroll features of Apple's trackpad or Magic Mouse.
  • benmitchell1024
    Community Member

    If I use the main application, which is the icon at the bottom of the screen, I can view all passwords no problem. It's just when I go to open mini, that it will not let me scroll.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni


    So how do you try and get the list to scroll normally?

    1. Two finger scroll on a trackpad?
    2. Single finger scroll on an Apple Magic Mouse?
    3. Scroll wheel on a non-Apple mouse?
    4. Move the mouse cursor to the bottom of the list and wait for auto-scrolling to activate?
  • benmitchell1024
    Community Member

    I'll try to explain better. I can scroll down using my trackpad but the problem is I have more passwords that fit on the screen and it won't let me see all my logins. I can scroll my logins but can't view my entire list as its too many to fit on the screen. I've waited for the auto scroll and it doesn't kick in and there is no arrow either. Hopefully that explains it a little better

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Sorry @benmitchell1024‌ I'm not following. In that last post you seemed to twice say scrolling is working but you're saying it isn't as well?

    Can you possibly give us a set of steps we can follow and describe what you believe should happen and what happens. Maybe then I can better understand how 1Password isn't working for you/

  • benmitchell1024
    Community Member

    Ok, I'll try. I go into 1password mini and choose my logins. I can scroll up to a certain point, let's say up to the letter R. But when I need to see my logins for S and below, I can't scroll to see ALL my logins. It only lets me go to what fits on the screen. Does that help?

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni


    I have 3 vaults of varying size. In my smaller vaults I don't have enough Login items to fill the screen so the list (the grey area containing the items) is sized appropriately, only taking up as much room as is required. In my vault with a significantly larger number of items the list when first opened spans the useable height of the screen, that is to say from the menu bar to the bottom of the screen as my dock in on the left. When first opened I can see items spanning from A-I (obviously very dependent on the vault in question). When I scroll down (I use two finger scroll on my trackpad) I pass through everything until only R-Z is visible.

    I describe that because when you say

    It only lets me go to what fits on the screen

    I don't know what you're trying to describe. If it helps feel free to send me a screenshot or shots of what you're trying to describe and you can message me here on the forums if you don't feel comfortable doing so in a thread. Obviously make sure no Login details are visible at all.

    You can use the keyboard shortcut ⇧⌘3 to take a screenshot that is then saved to you desktop, then use Preview to crop the photo and shrink it if necessary. To add an image to a message or post all you have to do is drag the file to the main text edit area and it will upload and attach for you.

    One thing I wonder, how many items are we talking about when you say you can't see from R onwards? if it's a small handful is it possible you've set a block of your items to Never display in browser, one of the options you can set the display setting to when you edit an item

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @benmitchell1024‌

    Okay, so I have a better idea what you're seeing now.

    Now we need to confirm what your primary pointing device is.

    1. Do you use a MacBook Trackpad or Apple's Magic Trackpad?
    2. Do you use Apple's Magic Mouse?
    3. Do you use a non-Apple Mouse with a Scroll wheel?
    4. Do you use something else? (please supply a description)
  • benmitchell1024
    Community Member

    I use a MacBook trackpad

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @benmitchell1024‌

    We're making progress.

    So with the list of Login items on the screen, like your screenshot, you're saying that with the cursor over the list that a two finger scroll doesn't work, is that correct? (see image below)

    If you're saying that isn't working then can you take a couple of screen shots for me please. I'm interested in all 3 tabs in System Preferences > Trackpad Don't worry, you can freely add such screenshots to this thread, there's nothing secret in there :smile:

  • benmitchell1024
    Community Member

    Great news!!! You fixed it. The two finger scrolling does it! I can't thank you enough!!!

  • vplewis
    Community Member

    @benmitchell102 Just an FYI. You can scroll using the arrow keys also. Sample workflow: cmd-\; Down arrow to Logins; Right arrow; Down arrow to bottom of window and beyond if necessary; right arrow on your chosen item; hit return. Boom! Hands never left the keyboard.

  • benmitchell1024
    Community Member

    You are a genius!!! Thanks again

  • Great to hear you're up and running @benmitchell1024‌. Please do let us know if you run into any other issues.


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