Trial Expired notice in 1Password 5 for Mac Continued 12_22_14

Community Member

I bought 1 Password from the Agile Bits store. There is no "License File" as pictured in the now closed Discussion forum. I'm running 1password 5.0.2(502007) I was emailed my license number but there is no way for me to enter it.
What is the quickest and workaround here?
Ian Amherst


  • Stephen_C
    Community Member

    Have you read this sticky at the top of the forum? 1P4 and 1P5 don't use a licence number but a licence file. The upgrade from 1P3 to 1P4 was not free: did you pay for the upgrade? I suspect what you're being sent is your 1P3 licence number—which means either that you didn't pay for the 1P4 upgrade or you bought it using a different email address. (The upgrade from 1P4 to 1P5 was and is free.)


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @IanAmherst‌

    I tried searching our records for the email address you use here in the forums and I found a record for 1Password 3. Now 1Password 4/5 was a paid upgrade to 1Password 3 so it depends on if you've purchased an upgrade from us using a different email address or if you even purchased 1Password 4/5 from Apple's Mac App Store. Can I ask, do you recollect purchasing 1Password 4 at some point in the past? If you don't, if you're sure you've only made a single purchase from us in the past it would indicate you will want to consider an upgrade.

    You have two options at this point.

    1. You could use your existing 1Password 3 licence to purchase 1Password 4/5 at a discounted upgrade price direct from us. Full disclosure though, the Web Store version of 1Password can no longer synchronise using iCloud as of 1Password 5 due to Apple restrictions.
    2. You can purchase 1Password from Apple's MAS. This version can sync to iCloud along with all the other methods available in our Web Store version. The Apple store however does not have the ability to offer you a discount as an existing user.

    If you're positive that you've purchased a 1Password 4 licence since your original purchase then that's a different matter. Please let us know if that is the case and we can take that forward.

This discussion has been closed.