How to add second vault from Backup File?

Community Member

Hi, I had 1Password installed on 2 computers. The other computer is now dead but I was able to recover a backup file (1p4 zip) file from its drive. I have 1Password 5 installed on my working laptop with its own unique vault. I need to get to the information in the backup vault though. I tried to "recover" it and it warned me it would wipe out my current vault. After a bit of reading the discussions and the online help, I have not found a solution that describes what I am trying to do (keeping existing and adding the 2nd from a backup file).

Anyone know how to do this? Any help would be sincerely appreciated!


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @NoLibraian‌

    What you want to do is definitely achievable but the steps may seem a little daunting. Given you managed to add a backup from another machine without assistance would suggest you're at least reasonably savvy so I'm confident though.

    1. Create a new backup using the Backup Now button in the Backup tab of 1Password's preferences.
    2. Click on the Show Files button to open a Finder window at the location of your backup files and copy the newly created backup file somewhere safe e.g. your Desktop. This step probably isn't needed but I often like to air on the side of caution.
    3. Restore the backup from your dead computer. It will wipe your existing vault but we have the backups to return to it after the next couple of steps.
    4. With your dead computer's vault restored, use the drop down menu option File > Export > All Items....
    5. You'll be asked for your Master Password and then asked to save. Use the default file format .1pif and save it to your Desktop. Please note that if you find you can't click on the Save button don't worry, it's a bug I believe we have fixed in the next update and that pressing the return key works.
    6. With your dead computer's vault exported you're now free to restore your original vault.
    7. Create a new secondary vault using the 1Password > New Vault... drop down menu option.
    8. Import your .1pif file/folder into your new secondary vault using the File > Import drop down menu option.

    This should result in your original primary vault for this computer with the entire primary vault from the dead computer's backup now as a secondary. At this stage all you need to do is safely delete the .1pif file. This is important because when you export your vault it is unencrypted to allow importing into other programs that may support the .1pif format. What I recommend doing is emptying your Trash first, then dragging the .1pif file/folder to your Trash. Lastly you want to open a Finder window and select the Finder > Secure Empty Trash... option. The reason for emptying your Trash first is the Secure Empty Trash function is a lot slower and you don't want to do this on potentially hundreds of megabytes of files.

    Let us know how you get along. If I've glossed over anything and you need more detail please do let me know and we'll go into more detail where required.

  • NoLibraian
    Community Member

    Sorry, meant to respond earlier - than you for the directions. I was able to import the other computer's backup with your help!

  • On behalf of littlebobbytables, you're welcome. Please let us know if you have any other questions! :)

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