Can't Sync iPhone4 with 1Password 5 on Mac

Community Member
edited April 2015 in Mac

I have followed instructions. Under Settings on the phone I have two Secret codes; on the Mac under Settings (I have checked the Run a Wi-Fi server box) I have one secret code. None of the codes tally and I can't change them. Any ideas?


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rgowerely,

    If your 1Password for iOS is asking for two secrets then that's enough to tell us that you're running 1Password for iPhone or 1Password Pro AKA version 3.

    Unfortunately we changed a lot when we re-wrote 1Password 4 both on the Mac and for iOS. It means Wi-Fi Sync is incompatible between these versions. Sadly Dropbox isn't possible any more either as a result of changing APIs after 1Password 3 for iOS was discontinued.

    Depending on what version of iOS you're running on your iPhone your best option will either be to consider upgrading to 1Password 4 for iOS or to use Folder Sync in 1Password 5 for Mac to keep a copy of 1Password 3 for Mac synced for the sole purposes of Wi-Fi Syncing with your 1Password 3 for iOS.

    Both will involve a few steps as I believe the iPhone 4 can't run iOS 8, the iPhone 4S being the oldest of the still supported iPhones. Once we know what version of iOS you're running we'll be in a better position to guide you forward.

  • rgowerely
    Community Member

    I'm afraid it is the old iPhone 4.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rgowerely,

    Can we confirm what version of iOS you are running please.

  • rgowerely
    Community Member

    Yes, it's 7.1.2.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @rgowerely,

    Okay, your iPhone is capable of running 1Password 4 for iOS so I suggest we go down that route.

    1. You will want to launch iTunes on your Mac and download 1Password 5 for iOS via iTunes. You have to do it here as your iPhone will refuse to download it for compatibility reasons.
    2. Once you've downloaded it in iTunes, 1Password for iOS is in your purchases history. This means you can now follow step 3.
    3. You will now want to follow Apple's KB Article, Download past purchases to download 1Password for iOS on your iPhone. Instead of refusing to download because you don't have a compatible version of iOS, you will instead be asked if you want to download the last compatible version of 1Password for iOS which is 1Password 4.
    4. Before launching, you may want to take a look at our guide, Upgrading from legacy versions of 1Password (3.7.2 to 5). Don't worry, it is applicable to 1Password 4 for iOS as it is 1Password 5.

    At this point you should be able to start syncing your iPhone and Mac using Wi-Fi Sync or Dropbox, whichever you prefer.

    If you have any troubles please do let us know!

  • rgowerely
    Community Member

    Wow! Thanks. I'll try that in the morning.

  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Let us know how you get along :smile:

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