ADP site will not auto fill username or password

When I attempt to log on to ADP site a pop up window appears which will not allow me to auto fill username or password. I have to copy and paste to get the job done. Any other way of getting auto fill to work on this site ?

1Password Version:
Extension Version: 4.51
OS Version: Windows 7
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: forum-search:adp site will not auto fill


  • Hi @1200gs,

    Which browser are you using?

    Is this the address to your ADP login page:

    If not, can you tell us the site address you're using.

  • 1200gs
    Community Member

    Hi Mike...thanks for your help. You have the ADP login page correct. I am using Firefox V43.0.1

  • Hi @1200gs,

    Okay, that makes sense. They are not using the standard login form, they're using the legacy HTTP Auth prompt instead and that's an area we do not support right now. This is a part of the browser that's requesting the login details, not a part of the site itself.

    If you want to handle this prompt, you can switch to using the Auto-Type feature instead. Here's the guide on how this work, skip the step 2 and 3 because you already have an existing Login item. You just need to edit the Login item to select the app window you want to fill, which is Authentication Required and it will be saved as MozillaDialogClass in the Login's URL table.

    After that, focus the username of that HTTP Auth prompt, and press Control + \.

  • 1200gs
    Community Member

    Hi Mike,

    I catch the drift of what you want me to do, but I was confused trying to follow the "Creating an application Login" directions. In step 1 when it says to launch the "program", what program is it talking about ?


  • Hi @1200gs,

    In this case, Firefox or more specifically, bring up the ADP prompt from the site since that's what you want to use your existing ADP login item with.

  • 1200gs
    Community Member

    OK Mike... I followed the directions and have saved the new info to the ADP login, but when I try to login using "Crtl + /" no username or password is typed in... attached is the edit box for the ADP login as it stand right now... suggestions ?

  • 1200gs
    Community Member

    I meant to say when I press "Ctrl + \"

  • Hi @1200gs,

    Ah, I think you might have multiple URLs turned off because you don't need that first URL for this App Login. If you have more than one, the second URL might not be seen.

    Try this: open the main 1Password program, unlock, and go to File Menu > Preferences > Logins to check Enable Multiple URLs, press OK.

    Does that work now?

  • 1200gs
    Community Member

    You are the man Mike ! It works like a charm.... thanks !

  • 1200gs
    Community Member

    It works now on my PC, but when I try to login via my Iphone (IOS9) it does not automatically fill in UN and PW. I obviously cannot use the "Ctrl + \" .... suggestion ?

  • MikeT
    edited January 2016

    Hi @1200gs,

    I'm glad to hear that and you're welcome.

    As for your iPhone, there isn't a way around this, iOS is locked down hard and we can't run outside of our own app process, so Auto-Type is not possible on iOS. You would need to remember to copy the password in 1Password before you open the site.

This discussion has been closed.