I have used CCC for as long as I have have used 1P - why the issue now?

Community Member

I have a Mac Pro. My main drive, an SSD, failed and I am temporarily using one of the CCC drives. I have received one 1P update before 1P6, and have not had the multiple copy issue till now. All of the multiple copies have been on the remaining CCC drive. The temp drive and the remaining CCC drive, are all internal drives which I cannot remove before I use 1P. Should I prevent CCC from backing up 1P or ??

1Password Version: 6.0.1
Extension Version: 4.4.3
OS Version: 10.11.2
Sync Type: Dropbox
Referrer: kb-search:carbon copy cloner, kb:remove-multiple-apps


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Kwajmeck,

    The conditions for the issue to happen have been around for a while now, at least as of Yosemite and I'll try to explain what is happening. 1Password mini is an integral part of 1Password and we set it to be running all the time. To do this we register it with launchd, an OS X service. When we register it all we are allowed to provide is the ID which is the same for every copy of 1Password. The way it works is OS X assumes responsibility for locating the process instead of us being able to specify an exact path.

    The problem is if you have multiple copies of 1Password (and so multiple copies of 1Password mini too) in drives accessible to OS X there is no guarantee it will launch the correct one. If the wrong one launches weird behaviour can arise and currently our best option is to help the user to not have multiple copies for OS X to find. You can get away for ages with no issue and then one day OS X might just start launching the wrong one as we can't comment on the precise workings of inside launchd and whatever it relies on.

    You can, and wisely should, have CCC backup your vault etc. and all of that is inside your hidden Library folder. If you can exclude the 1Password application bundle from your clone that would resolve the issue and 1Password can always be downloaded again either from our site or from inside the App Store application if needed. The fresh copy of 1Password would look in the exact same place for your data and simply pick up where the other one left off.

    We realise it's annoying but it's the best option we have right now to avoid wonky behaviour disrupting your 1Password usage.

  • Kwajmeck
    Community Member

    I use Carbon Copy Cloner (CCC) to back up my hard drive for my Mac Pro. These CCC locations are internal to my Mac Pro, which has 4 internal drives. This problem has only started to be an issue recently.

    1Password Version: 6.1 (610005)
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Mac OS 10.11.3
    Sync Type: Dropbox
    Referrer: kb:remove-multiple-apps

  • hawkmoth
    Community Member
    edited March 2016

    @Kwajmeck - I have the same backup solution you do, and for a long time it wasn't a problem to have the 1Password application backed up. However, Apple's launch services currently have a bug that sometimes (but not always) causes OS X to search too widely for to launch the 1Password helper application (mini). When it finds a older copy, you will get a message that mini can't launch. If you keep only 1 copy of 1Password on your system, this is no longer a problem. Apple needs to fix this bug, but until then, AgileBits have begun adding warnings about this to help prevent users from having trouble using 1Password. It isn't a problem not to back up the application itself. You can always download a fresh copy, if you need it. And your data is not stored in the application, so the data get backed up normally.

    I have a somewhat paranoid alternative that I adopted, I made a folder in Applications called 1Password Archive, where I store a zipped up copy of the last release of 1Password, in case I want to go back. The launch services don't search inside of the zip file.

    You can read more about this here: How to remove multiple, conflicting copies of 1Password from your system

  • Drew_AG
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Kwajmeck,

    I hope hawkmoth's reply was helpful for you! I noticed you posted a question about this a couple months ago, so I merged both discussions together to avoid confusion. I'm not sure if you saw littlebobbytables' response to your original question back on January 17 - if not, please take a look at that, as it also explains more about this situation.

    If you have more questions about that or need anything else, just let us know - we're always happy to help! :)

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