If I upgrade from iPassword5 to 6, will it affect what I already have?
Hi, I hope you don't remember me :o) as I recently upgraded from 3 to 5 and had problems. It was a frustrating time because I was upgrading my OS from Safari to Yosemite, too. I see iPassword 6 is now available. If I don't keep up with the upgrades in iPassword, will it create problems for me eventually? I really don't need iPassword on any other devices (for the foreseeable future). Thanks!
Version 3 worked reasonably well on Yosemite, and to some extent on El Capitan.
So I guess the answer is that not upgrading means that you will miss out on some new features and bug fixes. But otherwise it will "eventually" cause problems, but not for several years, and you can upgrade then.
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@danco is more or less right @newbie2,
We always recommend users update to the latest version of 1Password. However if you don't see any specific bugs or don't want the new features in the release, it's not entirely necessary to upgrade.
As for potential issues upgrading from 5 to something other than 6, it's potentially an issue or more of an issue from going from 6 to something else. But we can't really be sure.