OTP doesn't get synced properly to iOS

Today I enabled the two step authorisation for Amazon. I decided to use TOTP and I added the token to 1Password 4 on my desktop. Here it works fine. As I wanted to use the same token on my iPhone I realised that there is some problem. On iOS I see a different generated 6 number code. Other login entities as tags and email address were updated properly but the TOTP info is wrong.

How can I get it work properly?

1Password Version:
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Dropbox


  • @dahanbn Please check that both devices show the same date, time, and time zone. You might want to try setting your PC and your iOS device to use the same time server.


  • That's interesting. Can you edit the item, make a small change, save it, wait for it to sync and check it again on Windows once it has been updated?

    This is a rare occurrence, to my knowledge.

  • Hi @dahanbn,

    Thanks for letting us know. That is correct, spaces are supposed to be ignored when converting it, which we do in 1Password 4/6 for Windows.

    I've checked our issue tracker for the iOS version and there's an open bug where it doesn't handle space correctly, it may be converting the space to the encoded %20 instead of ignoring it. We'll get that fixed as soon as possible.

    ref: OPI-2311

This discussion has been closed.