1Password Subscription Accounts
If you ever force me into a monthly subscription, I will stop using 1Password and go to another competing app, so help me God! If you want to keep me as a customer, might I suggest you continue to support & develop the single license version of 1Password!
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Windows, Android, iOS
Sync Type: Dropbox!
Referrer: forum-search:Subscription
I felt like you a few years ago, but have slowly come to appreciate the benefits to me, and the necessity for software developers of moving to a different business model before they all go bankrupt (which benefits nobody).
I have moved to Adobe CC, Office 365, and now 1P with no regrets.
Software developers have to make a living and the old buy-once model doesn't work as software matures.
I'm sure Agile will respond that they are totally committed to supporting the non subscription model indefinitely, but the books have to balance somehow.
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Hi folks!
Thanks for the feedback on both sides of this.
It is true: we believe that the subscription service is the better offering, and that is where most of our attention is focused. I've written about this a number of places, but I think the most recent was here.
A year ago I would've said the same thing: if we were to stop offering standalone licenses I'd be leaving. But after using the subscription service for a year+ I no longer feel that way. Customers have been asking us for a long time to make syncing and sharing easier. Based on those demands we created 1Password.com accounts. The only way to provide this service is as a subscription (as there are recurring costs to us to provide it). We provide the sync service as well as the apps as part of this subscription.
For me personally: I manage a number of devices... both my own and other people's. The ability to simply sign into a 1Password account and have everything be all set up is huge. Mucking about with iCloud and Dropbox was very time consuming, and that was assuming you didn't want to share 1Password data with anyone (a real pain using the old model).
As I said in the other thread: It'll be interesting to see how many people upgrade when a paid upgrade for the standalone model is released.
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Hi, I signed up only to reply.
The only people happy about subscription is CFOs, their main job is to control this ship going without sinking, up and down is acceptable, subscription is the tool. Having subscription means you have the flexibility to delay a release. I don't see any reason you will release a new version or feature earlier. I have no problem paying $150 a year rather than $10 a month, simply knowing that they will push themselves hard to work on the next release, otherwise they won't make a single penny. Companies have to analyze the cost of service for a long term and include it into the single packet sell price, if you can't then fire your marketing or whoever does that job.
I understand that moving to all subscription is the way to make it easier for the company and of course to make more money, but just don't say that it is the only way customer like, apparently plenty people out their hate it. The goal to have any new business is to make more money, unless you make money from donation, otherwise it will only come from customers.
I personally trying to cancel all subscription services that is not a necessity. from credit report, Netflix, apple music, etc, to a simple tool like this. I used to pay $250 monthly for all these extra services rather than utilities. Now only $45, and this one is not included. Because I found that for every one of the subscription service, I can find a one-time payment competitor that costs me less in long term, and you know what, their releases is way faster than subscription ones. Love it.
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Hi @fire3280 - Welcome to the forums and it's great to have you here :-) We initially started out with 1Password Teams for business use since certain companies didn't want to rely on a third party to sync their data. Our customers were excited about the new service which is why we rolled out Families then Individual accounts next. As @Ben mentioned previously -
Customers have been asking us for a long time to make syncing and sharing easier. Based on those demands we created 1Password.com accounts. The only way to provide this service is as a subscription (as there are recurring costs to us to provide it). We provide the sync service as well as the apps as part of this subscription.
With our 1Password.com accounts, it gives us more flexibility in what we can offer our customers since everything's in-house. We take care of all the syncing and backups which provide for a better 1Password user experience. We're also in a position to provide customers with additional features that we couldn't provide previously such as auto-sync. We will continue to add new features and roll out updates on a regular basis.