1Password Mini - unable to resize left column

Community Member

Could you, please enable left column resizing in 1Password Mini v7.0 Mac.


1Password Version: 7.0
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: macOS 10.13.4
Sync Type: Folder - Synology Drive


  • littlebobbytables
    1Password Alumni

    Hello @Kristoff,

    I see somebody has already filed a request for this so you're not alone.

    ref: apple-1391

  • matt_cloudstarter
    Community Member

    I would really appreciate this feature as well. It is hard to tell the difference when you have similarly named logins without using the right panel which is time-consuming with the new UI.


  • Thanks Matt, we'll see what we can do. :)

  • Kristoff
    Community Member


    I just install 1Password 7.0.5 and ....
    Inconvenient is still there.
    I use relatively long name for secure notes and login stuff and it's really difficult to use 1Password Mini without the ability to resize left column ! I would like to join a screen capture but not possible in this forum ...
    Please make it resizable.

  • Kristoff
    Community Member

    Sorry I just found the "attach a file" button ...

  • JadC
    1Password Alumni

    Hi @Kristoff, thanks for the follow-up. We are sorry for the inconvenience, but I can assure you that we are working as hard as we can to address customer feedback :smile:. Hopefully this issue will be addressed soon by the Mac team.

  • michaelregoli
    Community Member

    Bump, please! —michael

    (Running v. 7.0.7)

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @michaelregoli - "bump" does not do anything to advance this (or any) issue.

  • michaelregoli
    Community Member

    Pleased to know, @Lars, and thanks for all you and your team do to make 1Password so awesome! —mr

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    :) :+1:

  • ivan308
    Community Member

    Is there a place where we can indicate that this feature is important to us. Until this is resolved I have to stay with v6. Any idea how long v6 is going to be supported

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    This is the place. I'll pass on your request to the team so we can consider it along with everyone else's feedback. Cheers! :)

  • caBenR
    Community Member

    Er... Bump? By which I suppose I mean can you add my vote please? There are many sites for which I have multiple logins, and the inability to see which is which is really tiresome. (Not to mention that this wasn't a problem with the menu version of the old (1P6) mini.)

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    @caBenR: I've got a lot of logins for many sites, often for work. I guess I don't have difficulty with this because I don't give items super-long titles. Are you maybe putting the username/email address there for some reason?

  • caBenR
    Community Member

    @brenty thanks for responding. I'm glad that you don't have a problem with the current fixed width of that column.

    I've named a bunch of logins in the way that made sense for me. For example in one case a service which we've used to create systems for a number of clients, for some of which I have to have multiple logins to test different kinds of access. The logins are named by the service, then the client, then the login name and access level. Each bit of information is indeed there for a reason.

    This worked fine with the old software, because the menu width adjusted automatically. It works fine in the 1P7 main window, because your devs have made the divider manually adjustable. But in the superficially similar 'mini' window it neither adjusts automatically, nor is manually adjustable. So that's now a problem for me.

    So I added a comment to this thread to say that - like Kristoff, Matt, Michael, and Ivan - I'd really appreciate if this newly introduced problem could be resolved.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    Absolutely! Thanks for the additional insight. It's really helpful to know how you're using 1Password, since we can't account for everything when designing it ourselves. Maybe we'll be able to make it more flexible in the future. :)

    I will mention though that you probably don't need the username in the title, since 1Password can show usernames below the title for matches that have the same title. I know that helps me a lot in this area where I have quite a few for a site.

  • NomadUK
    Community Member

    This problem still exists in Mojave, 10 months later. I'm initially unable to shrink the left pane below a far too wide size. Quitting the app and relaunching, I discover now that the left pane has shrunk and the right pane has expanded to fill the space, and I can't shrink the window. Clearly, the pane/window resizing logic in the Mini window code is broken.

    Moreover, I've discovered a serious Mini window resizing bug that occurs when the window is dragged around the 1Password icon in the menu bar. I've made a video of this problem in action and I'll provide you a link if you send me an email requesting it.

  • AGAlumB
    1Password Alumni

    That doesn't seem to be the case, as we're not hearing that from anyone else, and cannot reproduce it here, but we'll keep an eye out. Thanks for letting us know. Feel free to send any additional details to support@1password.com

  • NomadUK
    Community Member


  • chadseld
    edited December 2019

    Hi NomadUK, thanks for the screen capture, that helped a lot. I should be able to fix this.

    ref: dev/apple/issues#4427

  • Hi all.

    We currently have a fix for this that we are testing in the beta branch of 1Password for Mac. If you'd like to try it you can download the beta here: https://1password.com/downloads/mac/ (under Feeling adventurous?)

    If you decide to try it please do let us know how it turns out.


  • NomadUK
    Community Member

    Seems to fix the uncontrolled resizing problem. Cheers!

    I do notice that if one resizes the Mini window whilst the little pointer is pointing at the menu bar icon, the pointer moves and is left not pointing at the icon until one tries to move the window a bit, at which point the pointer pops over to the correct location.

    Also, the pointer will not point at the menu bar icon if the icon is too far to the right (e.g., right next to the Notifications icon).

This discussion has been closed.