what vault should I be using - iCloud syncs primary - 1 password syncs personal?

Community Member

I have been using 1 password for years on Mac and iOS, syncing (evidently primary vaults) with iCloud. About 6 months ago I started the membership service which appears to sync personal vaults with 1 password. Now I have about 700 saved items in personal and primary vaults, many of them duplicates (or worse - near duplicates). I try to log on to things and don't find correct passwords on some of my devices. 1 password is always complaining about reused passwords because it's finding them in the duplicates in the multiple vaults. I started going through the list and making sure the latest version of duplicates is stored in primary, and deleting the personal version, but maybe I should stop using iCloud sync and move everything to personal and let 1 password's membership service sync my devices. Which is the better solution?

1Password Version: 7.2.1
Extension Version: 7.2.1
OS Version: OS X 10.14.1
Sync Type: iCloud
Referrer: forum-search:what vault should I be using


  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    Welcome to the forum, @rfrozinek! I'm sorry for the trouble. When you created your 1password.com membership and migrated the data in your Primary vault over to the Personal vault of your shiny new 1Password account, you'd have been asked at the end of that time whether you wished to delete the now-redundant Primary vault (redundant because you just migrated all of your data into the Personal vault, and you don't need two copies). It sounds like you chose not to remove Primary, and if you've been using BOTH vaults for the past six months or so, things can definitely be a bit messy.

    What I'd do at this point is try to figure out as closely as possible when you created the Personal vault and migrated your data. At that time, everything would have been an exact copy. I'd then view the Primary vault and set the sort order to Date Modified and it should give you everything you've changed or added since that time. You can then use these instructions to manually move items over from Primary to Personal that have either changed or been newly added since the migration. Once you're sure that you've accounted for all changes and that Personal now has a complete and up-to-date copy of your data, you can click Preferences > Advanced and UN-check the box marked "Allow creation of vaults outside of 1Password accounts." That will remove the Primary vault, leaving you running only your 1Password account's Personal vault.

    On other Macs, you can do the same thing -- just remove that Primary vault, and on your iOS devices, it's easiest to just delete 1Password entirely, and then re-install it from the App Store, and on first run, just sign into your now-complete 1Password account. After that, everything should be back in sync.

  • rfrozinek
    Community Member

    Sounds like I should turn off iCloud sync because 1password will sync my personal account. Thanks for the advice.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @rfrozinek - well, yes. But you shouldn't just turn OFF iCloud sync, you should remove the Primary vault, using the method I described above. If you leave that Primary vault available, it will cause confusion -- you might still save new items to it, instead of into your 1password.com account's vault, etc. Best to fully delete Primary, after making sure you've captured all the data from it into your Personal vault of your 1password.com account.

  • rfrozinek
    Community Member

    Thank you. I went through all my records, verified the correct one was in personal and deleted any in Primary, and got Primary deleted. Should avoid any future confusion.

  • Lars
    1Password Alumni

    @rfrozinek - yep! Glad to hear it. Make sure you remove any older Primary or other vaults on other devices as well, and you should have smooth sailing from here on. :)

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