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Forum Discussion

Former Member's avatar
Former Member
3 years ago

Help! Upgraded to V8, Can't Unlock Vault

I upgraded from V7.9 to V8, and my password no longer works. I can't access my vault, and I can't log on to the website. I wrote to support, sent in the diagnostic report, got one reply, and then crickets. Please help!

1Password Version: 8.10
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: MacOs 12.6
Browser:_ Not Provided

  • @CopaCetic

    I'm sorry for the delay. Since I don't have access to your account information here on the forums I recommend that you continue to work with the team over email. It looks like we sent you an email 2 days ago and are currently waiting for your response. To prevent having the same conversation in two different places at once I'm closing this thread.


    ref: IMR-39517-969

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    I just got a reply from yet a third agent, who essentially asked me if I typed my password correctly!! four days to establish that I am not an idiot is astoundingly irritating, and totally unacceptable on your part.

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    Thanks, I did reply as soon as I saw the email early this afternoon. I have a question for you: I created a backup on my iPhone (1PW Version 7.10.0) a few days ago. Is that something I can access? How? Thanks, andrew_l_1P

  • You're in good hands, @CopaCetic! I'd encourage you to continue the conversation in that email thread to avoid any confusion. 🙂

  • Former Member's avatar
    Former Member

    Thank you, I did receive the message from Nate

  • @CopaCetic

    Have you replied to the email? If not please do so as you have a direct line of communication open. It looks as if we are awaiting a reply from you. My colleague Nate replied earlier. Please let me know if you're unable to find his message.

    ref: IMR-39517-969