Hi. My cofounder, in another state, wants to send me a set of lastpass passwords to import into 1p.
He wants to send me a file to upload into my 1password. Well, he really wants me to just leave 1password and go to lastpass. I'd prefer to stay with you. How can he send me passwords in a secure way?
1Password Version: Not Provided
Extension Version: Not Provided
OS Version: Not Provided
Sync Type: Not Provided
Referrer: kb:import, kb:import-lastpass
Hi @jasongore,
First, thank you for using 1Password! We really appreciate it!
Your co-founder can export his lastpass data as described here: https://support.1password.com/import-lastpass/, but he will need to find a secure way to send it to you. The easiest way is to use the Disk Utility (in Applications/Utilities) to create an encrypted disk image file. Then he can copy the file into the dmg (disk image) file and send that to you. Note, to maintain security, it's recommended he send you the password to the dmg file using a different medium than sending the file.
Then when you receive the dmg file, import the csv file into your 1Password.
You might also want to mention 1Password For Teams to your cofounder. It offers the features of 1Password but also adds features for multiple users, vault sharing, and hosting of data, and other workgroup capabilities. More information is here: https://teams.1password.com