Help! Cannot Log in... Recovery code not accepted
I changed a couple things and now I am lost.
My last name on my account had a capital letter in the middle so I fixed that. Seemed ok. Then because of the recent WSJ podcast I tried to change my master password. That seemed to work ok.
But when I tried to log in... Not accepted. I must have written it down incorrectly. Tried a couple more times no go. I have it on my desk top, iPad, and iPhone. Could not log into any. With face recognition and with the old password I could get to an offline version of the apps. Not sure how long that will last as I read that this is temporary??
So I went with the 'trouble signing in' and got a recovery mode. I saved the recovery code and loaded that up but it also loads the text that is in front and behind the code. I assumed that was meant to be.... but did not work. I had my wife read that whole **bleep** thing while I typed it in. But it was unclear if it all had to be Cap's and not sure if the 0 was a letter or zero. Several more attempts not working.
The message I get is "Recovery code could not be activated. Pls check internet...." Internet is fine.
One other thing.... again because of the WSJ podcast I installed MacAffee on all my devices. I found out that it was putting me on VPN throughout this. Not sure if that was a problem. Turned that off. Still cannot use the recovery code. I assume I must be locked out at this point?
My database in this 1Password is huge. Making me a bit crazy right now.
Pls help. I did do the chatbot and got to point where someone is supposed to contact me???