Experiment #4 – New interface in 1Password.com’s vault view



  • green137
    Community Member

    I have a specific problem that I am trying to solve. I imported passwords from LastPass twice so I have a large number of duplicates. I have tried both the browser (released and new) and app on windows and a mac. I need to start with a vault and then select the tag corresponding to my second import, select all the corresponding items and then perform an action on them (move or delete). I find various pieces of what I need in the different apps and browser interfaces, but all the required pieces aren't in a single place. Specific comments:

    • the apps are awful since they don't provide a way to specify a vault and then use a tag to select within the vault. It's either select based on the vault or based on the tag. I was able to move items with a specific tag to a separate vault, but in the app I can't exclude the items in the new vault so I can delete the remaining items with the specific tag.
    • the browser interfaces allow a vault to be selected and then the tags operate within the vault.
    • in the older browser interface, I can't select the identified items.
    • in the newer browser interface, I can select the items, but I can't perform an action on them.

    The big picture issue is it would be hugely more powerful to be able to select multiple selection criteria and get the items that satisfy all of them. For example, pick a vault and check tag1 and tag2 getting the items in the vault that have both tag1 and tag2. Cmd/Ctrl-A to select the identified items and then be provided with a way to perform an action on all of them.

    Personally, I'd like a place to enter a search using vaults, tags, and keywords like AND, OR, etc. The search in Gmail has a refined powerful interface with a decent syntax that provides an excellent example.

    To add to the chorus, good duplicate removal is really needed. Or at least give us the tools we need to do it ourselves.

    Best regards!

  • Johanne
    Community Member

    When adding a new item (in this case a login), it would be good if you didn't have to manually delete "Login" in the title field.

  • Curt2Go
    Community Member

    The right side of the vault view extends beyond the edge of the screen on the smartphone.

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Browser: Not Provided

  • wejens
    Community Member

    Incorporate your password generator web page functionality into the wep app.

    Sometimes I need to generate a password for someone else so I don't want to save it in the app. It would cut down on me openning another window and searching for your password generator.

  • metacath322
    Community Member

    I've only reviewed it in READ mode but I did like the ease with which I could see my Archived and Deleted items - having the menu on the left is preferable for me

  • jgreer
    Community Member

    There should be a way to search who created and modified in all vaults.

  • phsshp
    Community Member
    edited June 26

    Currently, if I want to add a tag, I have to type it exactly correct or another tag gets created. For example, I have the tag 10 Succession/Finance/Account Data. If I type it all lowercase, I get a whole new hierarchy.

    On the Windows Desktop, it auto-filters as I type, and the filter is case-insensitive.

  • sherlockNLN
    Community Member

    Tried the new UI today and while I like some of the icon updates, I find the font sizing to be very busy and not as clean ultimately as the older look. I like the colors for sure.

    I think it'd be really valuable to be able to filter by group rather than "category" which I've never heard of nay of my companies using. The use case here is to be able to see the "buckets" of entries per client, for example, instead of seeing it listed alphabetically, etc.

    Hope that's helpful!
    As a SaaS product person myself, I really love how you're testing this out :)

  • wge
    Community Member
    edited June 29

    Tried the new UI for 2 weeks now, overall satisfied, although one feature is missing: changing the nature of a field (text, password, etc). This is a step back for me, forces to cut the field into a new one and delete the old one

    New interface: no option to modify type of field

    Before: one could change the type of field with the "..." on the right

    Edit: is there any kind of issue tracker, or should we add the issues here in separate posts ?

  • SteamMatthew
    Community Member
    edited June 30

    Just want to say thank you for the updated preview since I last checked. I've been asking for a while the full functionality of 1Password but for the web. Especially when on a public computer and unable to install software (ie library computer). Provides a mean to access my accounts without using my phone and typing out complex passwords and also exposing it to nearby people.

  • nellewrites
    Community Member

    Interesting that you asked for feedback. I've spent 45 minutes trying to get 1Password to autofill a new password in both required boxes to no avail. When I went to 1Password to try and correct it, it still would not work properly, and in fact saved one password that when I went to edit was different. And so I clicked on this feedback tab only to struggle through 15 minutes of getting your registration system here to recognise me. And then the confirm email... three times I confirmed only to get 'you need to confirm email'. Then, you don't need to confirm email, followed by you need to confirm email.

    I'm sure that is exhausting to read. Imagine my experience with a system that is designed to make all of this easier and more secure. Rather than redesign the appearance of your site, make the stuff that is supposed to work, work.

    Thank you.

  • Coimbrice
    Community Member

    One thing I enjoyed about the original design was the ease of seeing how many items I had in my private vault

  • Coimbrice
    Community Member

    Never mind, I just found it at the bottom of the vault list

  • digisam
    Community Member

    I can select multiple items but how do I archive or do anything with the multiple items? i can't drag and drop, and there is no obvious "select action" button

    not sure if already mentioned but im not going to search through a massive thread to find out

  • Hey, folks. 👋 Dropping in to answer some questions and mention that we've released another update today with a couple features for business admins and fixes for everyone. ❤️

    We're also beginning to expose the new design as the default experience for some accounts, while still providing the ability to send us feedback and opt out if necessary. There's just a bit more spit and polish needed before we are ready to remove the old version, but I'm glad to hear so many of you have been enjoying the new version.

    I like the improvements from the old version however, for us with poorer vision, can you make the slide bar to the right of the left hand column a bit wider so it's easier to pull down the page?

    @timc1960 are you referring to the scrollbar? I can pass this on to our design team. For reference, can you provide screenshots comparing what you see in the old version and the new version?

    I'm on a Mac and the default scrollbars are much harder to use than ours, but that's probably a setting somewhere.

    In new design clicking copy link after share doesn't actually copy anything. This works with old design

    @calebatispot we noticed this bug in Safari and recently fixed it. Can you check again?

    When trying to report the issue, the "Email 1Password Support" button at the bottom of https://support.1password.com/search/?q=report+bug doesn't work. It just redirects back to https://support.1password.com/

    Thanks for calling this out! I've passed this on to the team that manages that page. In the meantime, you're always welcome to email us at support@1password.com. ❤️

    I am blind user of your service and would like to highlight some accessibility-related issues

    Thanks for this feedback, @mikihe! I will bring these up with the team.

    I'd like a place to enter a search using vaults, tags, and keywords like AND, OR, etc.

    @green137 I'd love this too! I'm passing all your feedback on to our product team for consideration.

    In the meantime, we actually have rudimentary support for this in the desktop apps, but it's not terribly discoverable. If you select a tag named "import" and press Cmd-F or Ctrl-F, you'll see the search bar says =tag:import and you can type after that to filter further. This also works for vaults, and even better, you can combine them, like =tag:import =vault:Private. I think this will give you the list you're looking for. As I said, though, it's rudimentary and we can definitely improve in several ways.

    We're also working to allow multiple items to be deleted or archived at once using the web app, which would be a different solution to your problem. (cc: @digisam)

    The right side of the vault view extends beyond the edge of the screen on the smartphone.

    @Curt2Go yes, I was actually just talking about this today with some folks. We'd love to improve the mobile version in the future. It's not part of our initial release because the previous version was even worse, but it's something we want to come back to.

    Incorporate your password generator web page functionality into the wep app.

    @wejens the app is definitely designed to make it easy to save information. Encouraging folks to generate passwords without saving them could lead to data loss. That said, it's certainly possible to do that. Just create a new Login item, click in the password field to generate a password, and then discard the item.

    There should be a way to search who created and modified in all vaults.

    @jgreer can you expand on this for me? Do you want to type someone's name in the search box and see all the items they've added or edited?

    On the Windows Desktop, it auto-filters as I type, and the filter is case-insensitive.

    @phsshp this is something we hope to bring in a future version. For version 1, our goal is to replace the previous design without removing any functionality.

    I find the font sizing to be very busy and not as clean ultimately as the older look.

    @sherlockNLN just so we understand, can you give an example of what you mean by the font sizing being busy and not as clean?

    I think it'd be really valuable to be able to filter by group rather than "category"

    When you say "group", I'm assuming you mean "vault"? If so, you can filter by vault using the menu in the top left corner that says "All Vaults" by default.

    one feature is missing: changing the nature of a field (text, password, etc)

    @wge this is a known issue and is true of the desktop apps as well. I think it could be useful to bring it back, but there are some concerns around what it means to change a text field to a date, for example. I'm sorry it's added a step to your workflow. I've added your vote to the internal issue tracker.

    is there any kind of issue tracker, or should we add the issues here in separate posts ?

    We don't have a public issue tracker. You're welcome to make additional comments on this thread or send us an email at support@1password.com.

    Especially when on a public computer and unable to install software (ie library computer). Provides a mean to access my accounts without using my phone…

    @SteamMatthew I'm glad you're enjoying the new experience! I couldn't pass by this comment, though, without encouraging you to use the 1Password app on your phone. In nearly every case that will be more secure than accessing the web app on a public computer, which could have any number of vulnerabilities outside your control.

    I'm sure that is exhausting to read.

    @nellewrites I'm really sorry you had that experience. I know it's super frustrating when stuff doesn't just work. I can't speak to the forum software itself, which is made by a third party, but we do have a Usability team focused on improving the kinds of things you encountered with the extension.

    One thing that has really helped me when 1Password and a website are just not getting along is that you can actually drag and drop fields from an item in the extension into a form field on the page. So if the "confirm new password" field didn't get filled, for example, but you already saved the item, you can open the extension and drag the password field itself onto the website form field. This is especially great for those fields that won't let you paste.

    Regardless, we're always on the lookout for sites that 1Password doesn't seem to like, so if you'd like to give us more details about this particular case in private, feel free to drop a note to support@1password.com and indicate what page was giving you trouble.

    Never mind, I just found it at the bottom of the vault list

    @Coimbrice if you click the sorting icon at the top of the item list, the count is displayed there as well. 👍

  • jgreer
    Community Member

    There should be a way to search who created and modified in all vaults.

    @jgreer can you expand on this for me? Do you want to type someone's name in the search box and see all the items they've added or edited?

    Yes, searching someone's name in the search box would be helpful. Also knowing who created or modified information (as it is in the original view) would be relevant.

  • seanr
    Community Member

    Minor nit, but rather annoying when you have a lot of tabs open - 1Password loses its favicon when viewing your vault:

  • bliksem
    Community Member

    Long time 1Password user. I was a Mac user but I have been using Chromebooks more and more over the past few years. I am logging into multiple sites a day. A feature that I love on the desktop app that is missing from the web interface is sorting by recently used. Marking passwords as Favorites gets you part of the way there but it is nowhere near as helpful as sorting by recently used. Please add this feature to the web interface! Thank you!

  • heykipp
    Community Member
    1. Do you prefer this new interface over the old one?

    Yes - with an asterisk. The lack of Collections support in the web app is troubling and frustrating. For those of us who've used 1PW for a while (in my case, almost 20 years), we have lots of old passwords from various past jobs and side projects. Vault Collections were a godsend, because they allowed me to compartmentalize the different passwords, and filter them out when they were no longer relevant (but maintain them in case they were needed in the future).

    I've had issues with locating the Collections feature in many 1Password iterations for the past few years, but I can't remember if this behavior was exhibited in the previous behavior or not. If it was, consider this a request to make it more readily available, as it's very trying to have to filter through all the old Google accounts, etc, that are no longer relevant when searching.

    Outside of that, I'm a big fan so far of the new design.

    1. Do you see value in us rolling out this new interface of the vault item view to all 1Password users?

    Yes. I like the design parity with the desktop app. Prevents users having to switch gears.

    1. Are you experiencing any performance issues?

    None so far.

    1. How often do you use the vault item view in 1Password.com?

    A few times a week. Depends on how often I'm using my work computer, which won't allow me to install the desktop apps. When not doing that, I just pull up my mobile app and type in the passwords by hand - but obviously prefer to be able to manage it all on the same device.

    Anyway, looking great so far - excited to dig in further!

  • tlange
    Community Member
    1. Do you prefer this new interface over the old one?

    Yes I do. I particularly like how it defaults to dark mode for me.

    1. Do you see value in us rolling out this new interface of the vault item view to all 1Password users?

    Yes I can definitely see this being rolled out. One suggestion I would make is that I noticed when you one navigates to view the results of watch tower the assessment orders credentials by best to worst. On my work account I have ~2500+ credentials so getting to the bottom where the credentials that I need to improve are is a bit tedious and takes time. Reversing the sort or even giving users the ability to reverse this order could streamline usage and make it easier for users to update weak passcodes to a more secure passcode.

    1. Are you experiencing any performance issues?

    So far I haven't experienced any performance issues.

    1. How often do you use the vault item view in 1Password.com?

    I use the vault view item view about 2x per week at work.

  • girtsn
    Community Member

    It is awful in the sense of performance, editing items from Chrome extension and opening actual entry in the vault to edit takes like forever.

  • amh686
    Community Member

    I think it used to be possible to specify a set of vaults which would be searched/updated/etc in the web items view, similar to the vital filters available in the browser extension.

    Could we bring this back, please, or institute it for the first time?


    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Browser: Not Provided

  • @amh686

    Are you looking for a collection? I'm not entirely sure. Could you elaborate in more detail?

    Use collections to create custom groups of vaults

  • Icannotturnoffqa
    Community Member
    1. Do you prefer this new interface over the old one?

    It looks very pretty.

    1. Do you see value in us rolling out this new interface of the vault item view to all 1Password users?

    There is no chance until the issue described in #3 is solved.

    1. Are you experiencing any performance issues?

    Yes. Our organization links to records in the web product frequently. In the new view, the details we should be able to see once logged in are not visible (tested the latest Edge/Chrome on Win11) unless you browse to them. The URL we bookmarked in the original view and all our internal documentation links to different vault items become useless.

    The workaround is to click the "Go back to original view" button. The downside to that workaround is if someone accidentally clicks on the "Dismiss" button, they can't go back to the original view without changing browsers from what I can see. Furthermore, once the transition to the new version is completed we might lose access to the original view.

    The cost of having your users update their item links would be high. I know this because I updated hundreds to thousands of document links for our organization, plus new hire bookmarks/favorites for our Department, from the previous solution we used to 1Password equivalents. We are just one customer, please do not take away the ability to link directly to web vault items and have them display on the screen.

    NOTE: norysang also reported this, in less detail, on January 18th.

    1. How often do you use the vault item view in 1Password.com?

    I open 1Password records using the web vault item links countless times each workday. Many people at our organization depend on that feature to make us more efficient and productive.

  • tamimd67
    Community Member
    1. Do you prefer this new interface over the old one?
      Yes. I love the dark view. Other than that however, it doesn't really look that different. However, a lot of my custom icons did not copy over.

    1. Do you see value in us rolling out this new interface of the vault view to all 1Password users?
      Like I said, it doesn't seem that different, and people will probably love the dark view.

    2. Are you experiencing any performance issues? Keep in mind this is a read-only version at this time.
      Yes! So frustrating! Recently, it started taking forever when I am trying to log into a site for 1password to come up and fill the data in. Also I was at a site today where I was asked to pick an new password, but when I did, 1password didn't ask if I wanted to update the record.

    3. How often do you use the vault view in 1Password.com?
      On the windows desktop app, I believe that it is all I have.

    I have to say, the last version 8 I saw about 1 year ago (maybe?) was horrific, completely different, and made no sense. I would not have stayed if it had been implemented. This one however, with the exception of the custom icons and the slowness, doesn't seem that different and is easier on the eyes.

  • MrNice
    Community Member

    Hi Developer, just want to asses from old version to new version is the duplicate.
    the Old Version when you duplicate it direct you to copy that you can edit right away.
    the New Version once you duplicate it just ask you to where Vault you want to duplicate and thats nice but atleast you can edit right away instead after duplicating you have to look for your duplicate and edit again. thanks I hope my explanation is understandable. TY. :)

  • Glenlan
    Community Member

    Please always display numerical dates as: YYYY-MM-DD

    This is the International Standard ISO8601 to avoid confusion with month and day, since the US and the rest of the world display them differently!


  • rkastner
    Community Member

    PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE TO THIS INTERFACE. It is so bad compared to the current one. Is this the same one in the app (The reason I uninstalled the app and just use the web interface)?

  • ptr727
    Community Member
    • Font size seems to be smaller, any way I can enlarge it, cards consume small area of available screen space.
    • Can I disable hiding of info, really annoying having to click fields to see info when trying to e.e.g make CC payments and info is hidden.
  • rangygal
    Community Member

    Can't find Random Password generator. Important, because sometimes a website is not fully compatible with 1Password, and I have to do it manually.

    Unable to find the new Recovery Codes. Followed instructions. Watched the 6 second video 10 times, but it doesn't indicate what platform was the starting point.