Experiment #4 – New interface in 1Password.com’s vault view



  • rob
    edited May 21

    Thanks for the feedback, @mcbrineellis!

    This is actually possible to do in our desktop apps right now, but it's a little confusing. In the Edit menu you should see two options, "Search" and "Find". The "Find" option should really be called "Filter" or something like that. What it does is let you search/filter just your existing list down by a keyword, which means it works as you'd expect in the Archive list view. On Mac, that's Command-Option-F instead of Command-F.

    We don't have menus or keyboard shortcuts in the new web interface right now, so it's not yet possible to trigger this feature, but we plan to introduce some keyboard shortcuts soon.

  • seanogor
    Community Member

    {"name":"Error","message":"Timeout waiting for state","stack":"Error: Timeout waiting for state\n at https://app.1password.eu/opb/9960.c49fcc2fbd1d3c2b7d2b.js:2:1785622"}

    So aside from state timeout issues and load time, have to say it's less cluttered and the right direction, great work

  • stingray751
    Community Member

    It's a small issue, but when entering a credit card in the web GUI, there's no drop-down for the card type like there is on the Windows client.

    Also, when viewing a credit card, it shows the type as mc instead of Mastercard:

  • Tertius3
    Community Member


    This change only affects items in view mode, not edit mode right now, but I'd love to get your thoughts on this.

    An improvement over the previous super wide display. However, I would love the details on the left instead of as centered column. Directly next to the sidebar and item list.

  • Timeout waiting for state

    Thanks, @seanogor! We're trying to track that issue down right now. It's frustratingly inconsistent. 😅

    when entering a credit card in the web GUI, there's no drop-down for the card type

    Great catch, @stingray751! That's a bug we'll need to fix.

  • Luca01
    Community Member

    It seems that when editing an item in the new web interface, it's not possible to manually set the specific Google/GitHub/Apple/... account that was used to log in to the site.
    However, if you create an account on a new website and use Google/Apple/... to sign in to it, the browser extension will pick the correct account that was used, and then it is visible in the web interface (but if you try to edit that field, it'll revert back to a generic Google/Apple/...).

  • patwhalen
    Community Member

    i would love to see a feature for tags to allow me to select a bunch of items and mass remove all tags or add tags

  • steveog
    Community Member

    @rob my support id was XVP-14348-453.

  • bemorenordie
    Community Member
    edited May 24

    Is there a way to turn off the request to save my password when logging into the browser? Seems like a bad idea to save my master password in my vault.
    I'm also noticing that if I ever have to refresh the page I have to log in again.

  • jmrussell22
    Community Member
    1. Do you prefer this new interface over the old one?

    Absolutely! The closer it matches the app, the better.

    1. Do you see value in us rolling out this new interface of the vault item view to all 1Password users?

    Yes, I'm sure there's others like me where I would only use the web interface on desktop/laptops, the only reason I use the OS app is due to lacking features or abilities on the web app.

    1. Are you experiencing any performance issues?

    None so far, working very well.

    1. How often do you use the vault item view in 1Password.com?

    I would use it 100% of the time as a PWA on Desktop so long as it has the same features as the native apps.

  • JakeyH
    Community Member

    Love this new view! I use the 1PW apps on iOS and MacOS more than I would use the online vaults, but so far so good 😄

  • rrrobot
    Community Member

    How can I find out the number entries I have? I'd like to know overall how many entries, as well as the count of entries for each vault. In the old interface, I could see a count next to the 'All Items' entry at the top-left of the page. Not sure how to do this in the new UI

  • GerhardvZ
    Community Member

    We have a massive amount of passwords in different categories for our organisation. Part of the reason we ditched our previous password manager was poor performance.

    I just want to say wow... the new design may take a while to load, but it's snappy! I like it already and I've only used it for 1 minute.

  • sudheerkovalam
    Community Member

    I see long load times and timeouts, Is that expected?

  • dleib2020
    Community Member

    When I try to access https://my.1password.com/app/everything/AllItems in the new interface, it is often taking a very long time to load or is not loading at all. Today, it has not been loading at all.

    I get the error shown in the screenshot below, which has the following text:
    {"name":"Error","message":"Timeout waiting for state","stack":"Error: Timeout waiting for state\n at https://app.1password.com/opb/9960.c49fcc2fbd1d3c2b7d2b.js:2:1785622"}

  • securitymindedK
    Community Member

    I love the new look. When I tried to convert to the beta version on the web interface, I initially got a blank view (like another user posted). Then, I got an error message. But now it seems to be working.

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Sonoma 14.1.2
    Browser: Chrome

  • Costa
    Community Member

    The new interface was working OK up until 3-4 days ago. I now get "An unknown Error has occurred" error and need to revert back to the original interface. My work computer has elevated securities.

  • bemorenordie
    Community Member

    How to change the time out for the browser? I get kicked out after a very short time, I use this continuously all day. I have to sign back in at least 50 times everyday

  • johnfixesstuff
    Community Member

    "Archive and Do Not Ask Again" does not work, it asks again, every time.

  • CptnSpiff
    Community Member
    1. Do you prefer this new interface over the old one?
      I like that it is similar to the desktop app.

    2. Do you see value in us rolling out this new interface of the vault item view to all 1Password users?
      I think it helps that the interface is similar.

    3. Are you experiencing any performance issues?
      It takes a long time (12s) to load the initial page. (40 shared vaults, 3 non-shared vaults, 3500+ items)
      In perspective it takes 9s to load all in the old interface, but we almost never used that as we go into specific vaults (the old main page load in 2s.)

    4. How often do you use the vault item view in 1Password.com?
      Regular to access objects from specific vaults. dev/test/prod accounts for same systems/URL

  • jhands
    Community Member

    This new version is sooo much better. Love that it's closer to the desktop app.
    There are some devices (such as work) where I can't use the desktop app, and the old interface has felt much clunkier to use. I'm really happy to see y'all are building this, and think it would be great to roll out to everyone!

    I'm finding it very fast with my ~1400 items. My one complaint is that Vaults are missing (I organize my items into 10+ vaults.)

    I use this interface maybe twice a month (most of the time, the extension gets the job done because I rarely edit items on devices without the desktop app.)

  • abrookes
    Community Member


  • diegotercero
    Community Member
    edited June 6

    Hi. Love the new UI.
    I found a little bug with password icons though. I don't know if here's the right place to report it.
    I changed the logo of one password entry with a png image. I can get through the whole icon uploading process, but once it is uploaded, it has no effect (this on the new beta UI).
    If I switch back to classic UI I can upload the png on the password entry and it gets properly rendered.
    One interesting fact : now that the icon is uploaded on the old UI, i can see it on the password entry. But If I switch to the beta UI, the icon still doesn't get rendered.

    I did all this editing on Firefox 126.0.1 on Windows 11

  • Allison1212
    Community Member
    1. Do you prefer this new interface over the old one?
    • I like the new purple stripes at the top of editing mode.
    • I like that the new version shows the last item added/edited (or showing by date).
    • I like the left side navigation that's now a dark color with lighter text.
    • I do not like that the options for reveal and large text are now hidden in dropdowns vs before when they were hover to tap. The modal showing what New item to add is a little too busy with the different colors of icons for each option. Feels like I'm focusing too much on the icons vs the item I need to select. The list also feels like it lacks prioritization and I don't like that you have to click the Close option to close it vs just clicking off. Overall it feels like there are are generally a few extra steps now whereas the old version it was more efficient when selecting what I wanted to do.
    • Also I don't have an opinion yet on Mobile, but I use mobile often.
    1. Do you see value in us rolling out this new interface of the vault item view to all 1Password users?
      I don't see value in rolling it out to some people and not rolling it out to others.

    2. Are you experiencing any performance issues?
      It's read-only, so I don't understand this question.

    3. How often do you use the vault item view in 1Password.com?
      Maybe I am not understanding what "vault item view" means, because this is the view I use when actually logging in...? I do not see the Watchtower in the new version, which I have never used until now when I took a look to give feedback. Actually, it seems useful, but I just don't review that stuff much.

  • jennifer7i884
    Community Member

    Is there a way to convert logins/passwords/etc to other types? Like if I created a login for an email, but now I see that it really should've been created as an email. I don't want to have to create all of my mishaps all over again and delete or archive the ones I created incorrectly.

  • debstr
    Community Member

    I love the new 'Notes', as it's without all the stupid labels and stuff that don't show up after you input the info unless you click on 'Edit'. That never made sense to me. The new notes allow one to input their own labels, if needed, and always see them.

    I would like to see the linear lines delineating different items, like in the present 1Password. It helps to differentiate them from each other.

    What I don't like is seeing dates, which I assume are when the passwords were created (but I could be wrong), above every item. That's annoying, cluttering and visually unappealing. I would like having that info, perhaps in the WatchTower. Incidentally, I don't see the WatchTower, which I find valuable.

  • ehurkman
    Community Member

    I am apparently in the minority here. I don't like it. Why? It's in the "Mobile-like, tons of white space" design that is dated. I am on a desktop and happen to have a huge screen. Why is everything centered? The item list is left aligned on the far left and the items show centered, many inches away from the sidebar. The old view had everything left aligned, which was nicer for skimming. Now I have to look back and forth -- my vaults have 100s+ (one with 1000+ similarly named items) of items each and search can be tricky.

    Huge regression to have everything centered, imo, but not the core navigation which is left+top aligned.

  • toddrobertson
    Community Member

    I think there should be a quick access to this menu. Even if the auto-lock time out feature is there.

  • mathewP
    Community Member

    Hi, Im new to 1 Password having come from Dashlane and Nordpass. I like the new layout its much more focused and easy to navigate. A couple of things i would like to see in the app.
    1. An icon to open the browser extension up into the new window - navigating in settings each time is clunky.
    2. For identities/ passports ect it would be good to upload a photo of the document (Nordpass has this and its very useful if you lose a passport on holiday!).
    3. when 1password is offering to autofill a known password but it has the wrong detail, right clicking to choose what item in the saved profile would be useful.