Experiment #4 – New interface in 1Password.com’s vault view



  • MrNice
    Community Member

    Not uploading/change the Icon on New interface even i refresh the web. but, i when upload in Old interface its working

  • Icannotturnoffqa
    Community Member
    edited July 18

    Further thoughts on what I reported on July 11 for #3.

    When following vault item links to specific records, it is as if the new view does not load them. When you are in the original view their URL is visible in the URL. When you follow the same links, 1Password is redirecting you from the record you want to open to a generic recordless page in the vault and due to that the weird super light watermark image that makes you think like you do not have access to the record, when you can view it fine in the original view, is misleading and that explains why re-selecting the record in question from the panels on the left still loads the details.

    Either that, or perhaps the new view does not support the URL values that the original view had OR it is an anomaly of the site having 2 views and not handling them being displayed properly when toggling views because the vault and item portions of the URL get dropped during the redirect. I hope this gets solved before we loose access to the original view.

    In addition, PLEASE provide a workaround to users who clicked Dismiss to the top control panel and are now stuck in the new view. At least give them an option in their profile to pick one view versus another rather than leave them stuck in the new view.

  • LetsSeeIfThisWorks
    Community Member

    I would like to see the numbers of entries in a vault more easily.
    Scrolling at the bottom of all entries to know how many you have is not the best.

    The number of entries is a quick visual way to know that a something has been modified.

  • Hey, folks! We're still polishing up a few things, but we're getting close to replacing the old experience with the new one permanently. I'd like to respond to some specific feedback below.

    The lack of Collections support in the web app is troubling and frustrating.

    @heykipp thanks for letting us know this feature is useful to you. Overall we've seen very low usage of the collections feature, which was new to 1Password 8. In addition, the web app has never had support for collections, so that part hasn't changed with the new design.

    That said, if you're simply trying to filter out items that are no longer useful to you, you might consider archiving those items so that you can still reference them if needed, but they won't appear in searches or browser extensions.

    cc: @amh686

    The URL we bookmarked in the original view and all our internal documentation links to different vault items become useless.

    @Icannotturnoffqa we've implemented redirect support for many links, but there are some we're no longer able to support. It sounds as though the broken links you're seeing do not link to a specific vault, just to an item inside "All Vaults". That's the main case we're no longer able to support.

    When linking to items in 1Password, rather than copy the URL of the item on the web, I would recommend using the "Copy Private Link" option available in all of our apps. This provides a more reliable experience, and if the user already has the app installed, it will even allow them to view the item in the app, not just on the web.

    However, a lot of my custom icons did not copy over.

    @tamimd67 this is a known issue. They're still there, we just haven't implemented support for showing or updating them yet. It's coming soon.

    cc: @MrNice

    Recently, it started taking forever when I am trying to log into a site for 1password to come up and fill the data in. Also I was at a site today where I was asked to pick an new password, but when I did, 1password didn't ask if I wanted to update the record.

    @tamimd67 thanks for the feedback! This sounds like it's just the browser extension, not the web app, so I'll pass it on to the right team. Can you share which site you were on when 1Password didn't ask if you want to update your password? And what kind of device are you on when it takes forever to fill the data in?

    the Old Version when you duplicate it direct you to copy that you can edit right away.
    the New Version once you duplicate it just ask you to where Vault you want to duplicate and thats nice but atleast you can edit right away instead after duplicating you have to look for your duplicate and edit again.

    @MrNice thanks for the feedback. This pattern matches how our other apps work, but you shouldn't need to "look for your duplicate". When you duplicate an item, we will show a small popup indicating it was successful and allowing you to undo or to view the item. You can click "View" to go straight to it and then edit it.

    Please always display numerical dates as: YYYY-MM-DD

    @Glenlan we'll take a look at this, thanks! Ideally this and other formatting would respect the user's locale.

    PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE TO THIS INTERFACE. It is so bad compared to the current one. Is this the same one in the app (The reason I uninstalled the app and just use the web interface)?

    @rkastner I'd love to hear more details about what it is you don't like about the new version. The user interface here matches our desktop apps as much as possible, yes.

    Font size seems to be smaller, any way I can enlarge it, cards consume small area of available screen space.

    @ptr727 you can use normal browser zoom features to make the page content larger. The field labels are a smaller font than before, but the actual data should be the same font size.

    Can I disable hiding of info, really annoying having to click fields to see info when trying to e.e.g make CC payments and info is hidden.

    @ptr727 there's not a setting to always reveal sensitive information right now, but in our next release (should be tomorrow), we'll support a new keyboard shortcut (Ctrl-R) to quickly reveal and conceal fields.

    Can't find Random Password generator.

    @rangygal when you create or edit a Login item, click in the password field and you'll see a popup that will let you generate a password.

    Unable to find the new Recovery Codes. Followed instructions. Watched the 6 second video 10 times, but it doesn't indicate what platform was the starting point.

    @rangygal I didn't see the 6-second video, but there's a longer one plus instructions here: https://blog.1password.com/introducing-1password-recovery-codes/

    The video is using our desktop app (Mac, Windows, or Linux), but you can do this on any platform. On the web, it's in your profile page.

    Note that right now this feature is only for family and individual accounts, not business accounts.

    Scrolling at the bottom of all entries to know how many you have is not the best.

    @LetsSeeIfThisWorks another easy way to see the number of items is to click the sort button.

  • heykipp
    Community Member

    @rob Thanks for the response. Wasn’t sure if it had ever been included in the web app - and I’m not surprised that usage hasn’t been pronounced. When it was introduced, IIRC it replaced some other functionality - and ultimately the implementation was difficult for me to discover (and I’ve been using 1PW since somewhere around 2006-2007). I still have to go looking for it - seems like

    That said, if you're simply trying to filter out items that are no longer useful to you, you might consider archiving those items so that you can still reference them if needed, but they won't appear in searches or browser extensions.

    If archiving would preserve the groupings of passwords (not sure of the current nomenclature - is it still called a “vault” or something else? - that I use to group passwords associated with one project), that would be good. But as it stands now, if I archive a password, I believe it moves it out of the “Project A” grouping and into the general archive, so that when I need to find a password that was associated with Project A, I can no longer find it easily.

    This may be a unique-to-me problem, to be sure - it was just a bummer to have that functionality in the past, only to see it go away with an interface change.

    (Again, this is all IIRC - but I do seem to remember just being able to select “show me these vaults in search” in 1PW Preferences/Settings at some point.) Regardless, thanks for giving this a read!

  • jfarnsworth
    Community Member

    If you're going to align the UI of the my.1password.com with the App, please make it obvious when we're interacting with the Web Page. For example, where you currently display the message "You're in the newly redesigned experience.......", put some type of display like "Welcome to my.1password.com".

    I find it confusing not knowing to where I'm interacting.

  • Icannotturnoffqa
    Community Member

    @rob thank you for the explanation. I've updated some of our links using the Copy private link option in the web app and it works like you said.

    What puzzles me is why a user, who is already logged in and viewing a record, must keep logging in every time they follow a new link. Duplicating the tab you are already viewing triggers login. The original view didn't do this to you.

    Also, I wish we could configure the timeout period in our profiles. If I had a dollar every time 1Password has forced me to log back in I would be a millionaire by now. It is a poor UX to have it locked down so tightly.

  • CarlosGil
    Community Member
    edited July 23

    I like the design that you can read the complete text in the notes or whatever is written, the full text...i mean the previous design. See screenshot.
    With the browser , in Safari, you can read the whole text even if there are few lines but you can not do this with the app in the Mac

    1Password Version: 8.10.36
    Extension Version: 10.15.7
    OS Version: 14.5
    Browser: safari

  • d9a
    Community Member

    Now that the new version has become the default, it's become immediately clear that it is S L O W. Initially loading the UI consistently takes 5-10 seconds, by which point I typically should have already finished with whatever I came there to do. At least as long as it's in this state, the new UI is a serious nuisance. The problem is compounded by 1Password not remembering my choice to return to the old, more performant UI, so I keep having to sit through this stupid loading page every time I want to edit something, and even after switching back, the big banner across the top of the screen proclaiming the imminence of the new version can no longer be dismissed, so it's a permanent space-wasting distraction.

    Also, as has been the trend with 1Password's updates for a while now, more things are buried in menus than before, or deeper in menus if they were already in one. This problem is currently a lot worse in the browser extension, but I'm now seeing the same anti-patterns emerging in the web UI: almost nothing is possible with a single click anymore, and even 2-click actions are getting to be increasingly rare. While a designer may say it looks "cleaner," this is not a good direction to be moving in terms of actual usability for people who are just trying to get something done and move on. A lot of these menus only have a small handful of items in them, and probably shouldn't even exist at all.

    1. Do you prefer this new interface over the old one?
      Definitely not. There wasn't really anything wrong with the old one, and the new UI is an unfamiliar thing I suddenly need to re-learn for no benefit. I don't use the desktop app for reasons that have been raised and litigated repeatedly on this forum in years past, so making the web UI "more consistent" with that is a bad thing as far as I'm concerned.

    2. Do you see value in us rolling out this new interface of the vault item view to all 1Password users?
      I see negative value in rolling out this change, and would at least start evaluating alternative password managers if this became the only way to manage my saved passwords. I don't have a good replacement in mind, so I'd really rather not have to do that.

    3. Are you experiencing any performance issues?
      Extremely. It's staggering how slow it is to load -- no other web app I use takes nearly as long to get to a usable state.

    4. How often do you use the vault item view in 1Password.com?
      Any time I need to do anything other than auto-filling form fields. I primarily use 1Pass through the browser extension, so since that doesn't support editing directly, 1Password.com is the only realistic option I have to make any changes to anything. Without it, 1Pass is effectively read-only as far as I'm concerned.

    In general, I place a high value on stability, especially with software as critical as my password manager. While genuinely useful updates are still a good thing, UI changes that don't directly fix bugs are almost always going to be unwelcome. I'm not exaggerating when I say a 10 second load time is longer than I should have been on the page at all -- I routinely make changes to something and close the tab again in less time than that. Moving things around and burying them in different places completely destroys that workflow, and forces me to stop whatever primary task I was in the middle of and focus on figuring out what nonsense my password manager has gotten up to today.

    This is exhausting. I would happily pay a more premium price to keep the older stable UI around, even just in maintenance mode.

  • Dfox
    Community Member

    Is it not supposed to display details when clicking on an item? Browser = Edge

  • bsue
    Community Member

    I found MOVE function, but no option to COPY. We have two vaults, both using the some of the same sites but with different logins. After a copy, we rename one of the items to avoid confusion. The old version gave a choice of MOVE OR COPY. Definitely a need this option and it needs to be obvious, not hidden under a drop-down of the vault name.

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: 2.26.1
    OS Version: Windows 11
    Browser: Edge

  • rob
    edited July 24

    If archiving would preserve the groupings of passwords (not sure of the current nomenclature - is it still called a “vault” or something else? - that I use to group passwords associated with one project), that would be good.

    @heykipp actually, it does do this. All items belong to a vault, and even after they're archived, they remain in the same vault. The problem you've almost certainly noticed is that in the desktop app, the only way to limit the Archive to particular vaults is with collections. In the web app, however, selecting a vault from the menu at the top will scope down the entire sidebar just like a collection, so you can see just the archived items for that vault.

    This difference in pattern between the web and desktop apps isn't ideal, of course. It was born out of necessity for performance reasons on the web, but we need to do some research to figure out how we can best unify the experience across the board.

    If you're going to align the UI of the my.1password.com with the App, please make it obvious when we're interacting with the Web Page.

    @jfarnsworth are you saying that because the web app looks like the desktop app, you're getting confused which one you are using? Web browsers typically have an interface around the web content, usually with a URL bar. Even minimalist browsers like Arc, which I've been using lately, has a thick border around the whole window. Does that not provide enough context?

    What puzzles me is why a user, who is already logged in and viewing a record, must keep logging in every time they follow a new link. Duplicating the tab you are already viewing triggers login. The original view didn't do this to you.

    @Icannotturnoffqa Hmm, the original view has always done this as well. In fact, it was only a few months ago (February I think) that I made an improvement so that reloading the current page doesn't also sign you out. I'm hoping to get back to that project and extend it to work with multiple tabs, but my focus has been on getting this new experience to feature parity.

    For context, 1Password is not like other web apps in many ways, but a really big one is that we don't rely simply on an authentication token to sign you in. Typically an authentication token like that is stored in a cookie in your browser, and if anyone had access to your device, they could access the token value and also the account it gives you access to.

    With 1Password, though, we need more than an authentication token. We need you to have encryption keys to decrypt your data in the browser. If we were to just save those in a cookie in your browser, someone could steal them and all of your data just by having brief access to your device. So we're needing to get a bit more creative in how we allow a session to be persisted to minimize the risk to you.

    Also, I wish we could configure the timeout period in our profiles.

    @Icannotturnoffqa you can do this on your profile page. Screenshot attached.

    I like the design that you can read the complete text in the notes or whatever is written, the full text...i mean the previous design.

    @CarlosGil I'm not following what you're saying, I'm sorry. Could you post a screenshot of the notes that are cut off in the new version but not the old? As far as I'm aware, you can view all the text in both versions. There are some fields that get truncated for display, but the ones I've seen are truncated in the old version as well.

    Now that the new version has become the default, it's become immediately clear that it is S L O W.

    Hey, @d9a. Thanks for your comments. I recognize that the new view is slower to load than the old one. In my testing, when switching between the new and the old, it takes about 2 seconds to load the old version and about 3 seconds to load the new version. We will continue optimizing, but there are a couple things working against us that might be useful context:

    The new version is a separate app that doesn't load until you click into it. The old version is part of the same app as the sign-in screen, home page, profile page, etc., so navigating within that app is snappier, but switching between old and new gives a clearer picture of total load time.

    The new version is, well, new, and just hasn't had all the wrinkles ironed out yet. There are a few specific areas we're planning to tune in the coming months. We believe it's already better from a perspective of functionality and stability, though, and not everything requires more clicks than before. For example, you can use arrow keys to navigate the item list, select multiple items, drag and drop them onto tags, archive, etc. in the sidebar, or use keyboard shortcuts to delete, archive, or restore items. None of that was supported before, and there's more we can do there.

    In general, 1Password is different from many web apps because there's an awful lot that has to be done in your browser rather than on a server. We can't do much of anything until your data is decrypted, and that can only happen in the browser.

    While a designer may say it looks "cleaner," this is not a good direction to be moving in terms of actual usability for people who are just trying to get something done and move on.

    @d9a Other than revealing a password or displaying in large type, what actions are you frequently trying to do that take longer now than before?

    Edit: I forgot to mention, we now have a keyboard shortcut for revealing passwords too: Ctrl-R.

    Is it not supposed to display details when clicking on an item? Browser = Edge

    @Dfox my guess is that you have a browser extension interfering with the contents of the page. Try turning off all of your browser extensions. If it works, start turning them back on one by one to see when it breaks. Many browser extensions can be disabled on specific sites, and I would recommend turning as many off as possible on 1password.com, not just to keep them from breaking the page, but because that's where your most sensitive data is displayed, and you don't want a browser extension to be able to read that data, whether or not it's intentionally malicious.

    I found MOVE function, but no option to COPY.

    @bsue apologies for the confusion. "Copy" is now called "Duplicate". It works the same as before, just a new name. You can duplicate an item in the existing vault or into a different vault.

  • jfarnsworth
    Community Member


    The attachments are screenshots of the "old" (before the redesign) web page on page 1, and a screenshot of the App version 7.9.836: The redesigned web UI looks too much like the app UI for my taste. I read that you are "aligning them". If that's the case, I suggest that you clearly mark that you are on the web page to avoid confusion.

    For what it's worth, I prefer the "old" web pages to the App and I use the web interface almost exclusively. It looks cleaner and more modern than the App. I realize that you're almost done with the new web pages, since it's in beta and you're prompting us to "Update Early", so I don't expect you to reverse course at the last minute.

    Thanks for listening.

  • Dfox
    Community Member

    After turning off all of the extensions,1Password allowed me to see the item details. What is strange is that I had added the 1Password extension AFTER I had this problem so maybe another extension?

  • balajisampathnc
    Community Member
    edited July 25

    Hello, Please note that there is a functionality that was working in the current UI and is not working in the new UI and this is the reason I'm not able to use new UI. I hope to use the new UI and ask my organization to use it as well, but this feature is preventing us from using it.

    See attached screenshot where we have a guest user and have only share one vault with them titled "Shared" and they are able to use that in the old ui and view all the items in the "shared" vault, However, after switching to new UI, there is nothing that appears for the same user, see attached image where there is no vault visible. I expect parity in functionality with "Shared" vault in the new UI. Please help with this feature. I wrote to your support team, but they point me to things that are not related to new UI and that is why decided to post here.

    kindly note that I'm using the same browser to take the screenshots and is a fork of chromium on linux.
    Please help with this issue and kindly fix this before making the new UI as a standard, because a lot of folks on my team rely to communicate with B2C usecases only on this feature.

    Thank you!

  • CloudNine
    Community Member

    Adding my impressions to the conversation. I like the efficiency of the new interface, and although I have only just started using it, I haven't experienced any issues so far.

  • PersisNuva
    Community Member

    Sorry if this was mentioned before, I went back a few pages but didn't see anything.

    This comment concerns the Document type, if the uploaded document is an image (png, jpg, etc., not a pdf or doc). In the old version, clicking on the document from the list would load it in the main window and display the image as a preview. In the new version, it just shows the icon of the image, the filename, and a link to download - no preview.

    I understand 1P isn't meant to be a photo or file management software, but the types of images I'd store there don't need to be downloaded again and again when I want to view them, I just want to see it within 1P. For example, a financial service I use requires a form of 2FA that's a "one-time pad", in that it's a grid of letters with codes (think vertical A, horizontal G, = 3341 (yeah, don't ask why)). Every time I log into this financial service I need to check it.

    This image was added in 1P. It would be bad to download it out of the secure environment and have to remember to delete it every time I use it - it's a critical document, but I just want to see the image so I can find my code. The browser extension, the Windows app, and the mobile app all require me to download it, but the old version of the web browser allowed me to just view it within the secure environment. It'd be ideal for this to be allowed to continue (and in general allow image previews in all the apps, but this isn't the topic for that I guess!).

  • d9a
    Community Member


    In my testing, when switching between the new and the old, it takes about 2 seconds to load the old version and about 3 seconds to load the new version. We will continue optimizing, but there are a couple things working against us that might be useful context:

    The new version is a separate app that doesn't load until you click into it. The old version is part of the same app as the sign-in screen, home page, profile page, etc., so navigating within that app is snappier, but switching between old and new gives a clearer picture of total load time.

    I just did some more testing on a couple different machines, both with fairly high-spec and very modern hardware, and I think I may have found why you're seeing faster speeds than I am: switching directly back and forth between the old and new versions, they old version loads in about 3 seconds, and the new one loads in around 4, so slightly slower than your machine but still but still pretty close together. However, that's not how I actually use 1Password normally. Most often, my method of launching the 1Password web app is by either creating or editing an item from the browser extension. Doing that a few times in a row starting from an empty browser window with the old UI takes right around 3.5 seconds every time, while the new UI took 6~10 seconds on one machine, and 5~8 on another. Looking more closely at the "switching back and forth" approach, another difference is that the old UI automatically loads the first item in the list, and the new one doesn't load anything, saving it a bunch of extra work. I'm curious if you see the same slowdowns as I am if you ask it to load a more complex view right off the bat.

    In general, 1Password is different from many web apps because there's an awful lot that has to be done in your browser rather than on a server. We can't do much of anything until your data is decrypted, and that can only happen in the browser.

    I can appreciate that on its face, but when you've already established a baseline of what's possible with the old version, your cold-boot times shouldn't be getting worse.

    We believe it's already better from a perspective of functionality and stability, though, and not everything requires more clicks than before.

    Like I said, updates over the last year or two in the browser extension are a much stronger example of this (like burying even "Edit" of all things in a menu), and I'm only starting to see the same early warning signs over here. For example, looking at a non-editing view of a saved login: the item's creation date, something I'm rarely specifically looking for but is often helpful context to see, is no longer shown by default, and the add to favorites button has also been moved under a 3-dot menu along with sharing history. None of those are exactly world-ending, but I certainly don't like the direction. I've got a ton of screen space and I'd like less of the pixels to be white.

    Other than revealing a password or displaying in large type, what actions are you frequently trying to do that take longer now than before?

    Honestly, the performance is the really big one. Everything else is less about doing any one specific task, and more like someone's moved all my furniture around by a few inches so I keep stubbing my toe on things I didn't expect to be there. I know right where everything should be, and suddenly it's not there.

    Even if the new version may have some new functionality, I don't like things changing on me if I didn't purposely install an update. If and when I want to optimize my existing workflow any further, that should be my decision.

    This whole thing was almost as big of a mental hurdle for me to get over when initially considering a SaaS password manager as was the concept of handing over total control of all my credentials to a third party and storing them on their servers instead of safely on my local machine. In general, I much prefer local software under my complete control, and strongly prefer to keep most updates strictly to security and stability.

    Finally, this isn't something I expect any explicit support for, but I do a fair bit of customization of various sites and webapps with extensions like Stylus and ViolentMonkey. Any major changes are going to mean I have to redo all that work, and as has been the trend with a lot of the popular frontend frameworks lately, the new version has more opaque markup that makes it more difficult to find elements on the page, including random characters at the end of every class name that typically mean I can't trust them to stay stable (although thank you for at least not using Tailwind). I fortunately haven't been doing too much of that stuff with 1Password, mostly because I can't easily do the same inside the extension popup which is what really needs it, but the couple cosmetic tweaks I've gotten used to are still one more thing that makes the new UI feel even more foreign, and will also take up more of my time (just once, not repeatedly) if I decide to take a stab at re-implementing them.

    we now have a keyboard shortcut for revealing passwords too: Ctrl-R.

    That's hardly ever a thing I personally, do, but... we're talking about the web UI, right? Ctrl+R is a fairly universal shortcut in every browser I'm aware of for reloading the page. I'm not sure what browser you're using, but I know I don't let webpages override core browser controls, so Ctrl+R would do sort of the opposite of revealing a password. I certainly wouldn't want to rely on that override being possible, since it seems like the sort of behavior that could get patched out of any browser that currently allows it at any time.

    However, most importantly:

    The new version is, well, new, and just hasn't had all the wrinkles ironed out yet. There are a few specific areas we're planning to tune in the coming months.

    We're still polishing up a few things, but we're getting close to replacing the old experience with the new one permanently.

    "replacing the old experience with the new one permanently" sounds an awful lot like "disabling the old experience" to me, and given all the things that are still under active development, I really hope that's not the case. I can't believe I have to say this, but shipping a half-baked redesign is not a good thing. The older version works fine (I would even argue "much better" given the performance difference), so this isn't some emergency situation where a "good-enough" rewrite is needed ASAP. There's a difference between having a public beta period and outright developing in production, and while making the beta version the default is a bit of a gray area, turning off the stable version definitely crosses that line. And even if you don't like calling an unfinished codebase that runs consistently slower than its predecessor "beta," there's nothing wrong with keeping a "classic" version around until its replacement can manage to go at least a month or so without needing any big changes.

  • jn1480
    Community Member
    edited July 26


    We have rather large SECURE NOTES, and since we switched to the new interface, a new issue is occurring semi-regularly: when we go to edit a secure note in Chrome on Mac, we get a spinner for a very very long time before we can actually type in the secure note area.

    Also new this morning when we go to click the SAVE button nothing happens.

  • rrrobot
    Community Member

    Adding a note about the latency - both on the mobile app as well as in the browser extension, everything feels more 'sluggish'... it's painfully slow compared to the old UI. My devices aren't low power either (Galaxy S22 Ultra on mobile and an i9-10885H on desktop). I experience multi-second lag consistently and when I work 'offline' in the Android app it freezes for 30 seconds+ when it should just use the data stored locally on the device.

    Can I ask why there is a push towards a 'new' UI? My experience with 'New' UIs over the last few years has left me with an impression that front-end devs don't seem to be prioritizing lightweight, efficient, usable interfaces. What's with the bloat? I can't have my password manager get in the way as much as this new ui gets in my way.

  • PhrozenAsh
    Community Member
    edited July 28

    I only have one thing to say about this new interface HELL NO, one of the features keeping me a 1password subscriber is the full item history capability which you are essentially removing by copying desktop app and this is a super fucking important feature, that's unacceptable

  • MerryBit
    Community Member

    @PhrozenAsh The new web interface does have full item history capability. If you click on the "> Last edited ..." link at the bottom of a displayed item, you'll see a "View previous versions" link that will give you the complete history of the displayed item.

  • Steve7FJ
    Community Member

    Yes, it's fine now that I've become used to it.
    However, as one who has to find the setting to increase the time-out from 10 to 300 minutes at least once a day, I am disappointed you haven't made this annoying change more easily activated. I live alone & when I leave the house, I logoff my laptop. I understand you're all about security, but good grief!

    1Password Version: 2.26.1
    Extension Version: 22600103
    OS Version: windows 11
    Browser: Chrome

  • Icannotturnoffqa
    Community Member
    edited July 28

    @rob Thank you for the tip about the Auto Lock profile setting that can be increased up to 300 minutes. I've already shared it with others at my office.

    One question that remains is, "Why 1Password forces authentication for every record we open in the web interface once we are already logged into the site using a browser?" For example, if I am viewing a record in a browser and duplicate the tab, 1Password makes me log in again in the new tab. Shouldn't my authentication work from the session established in my browser tab that is already open? That is the weirdest case but opening bookmarks to other items in our vaults does the same thing.

    Much appreciated!

  • Steve7FJ
    Community Member

    Hmm, no response from 1Password?

  • Icannotturnoffqa
    Community Member

    @Steve7FJ Today I learned what you meant. You are right, this timeout setting should persist.

  • Steve7FJ
    Community Member

    It would be nice to hear from someone at 1Password regarding this issue.

  • vad1mator
    Community Member
    edited July 31

    I like a new UI on the web, but I found a bug. It's impossible to upload an image for the login item in the new design. It works fine in the old view.

  • AlfredMNZ
    Community Member

    New version is considerably slower than the older versions. Delay can be 4-5secs on selecting an entry.
    Also: Why does 1Password always open in "employee" view?
    Comment 3: I still have the issue where 1Password on first opening shows entries without tags. I have to select "edit and cancel" to go to full screen to see tags. I search by tags.

  • After turning off all of the extensions,1Password allowed me to see the item details. What is strange is that I had added the 1Password extension AFTER I had this problem so maybe another extension?

    @Dfox I'm glad you got it working. Were you able to figure out which extension caused the problem by turning them back on one by one? You may have to reload the page after each one to get an accurate test.

    See attached screenshot where we have a guest user and have only share one vault with them titled "Shared" and they are able to use that in the old ui and view all the items in the "shared" vault, However, after switching to new UI, there is nothing that appears for the same user, see attached image where there is no vault visible.

    @balajisampathnc thank you for including screenshots! That clued me in to the problem here. In the first screenshot you can see that the user has Travel Mode enabled. That means that any vaults that are not marked "safe for travel" will be hidden from our apps. The old version of the web app did not respect that setting, but the new version does. If you turn off travel mode for that user, you should be able to see the Shared vault again. Let me know if that doesn't work.

    In the old version, clicking on the document from the list would load it in the main window and display the image as a preview. In the new version, it just shows the icon of the image, the filename, and a link to download - no preview.

    @PersisNuva thank you for outlining your use case for us. That's a wild scheme, and I'm genuinely sorry for the headache this change has caused there. As you noted, this is how 1Password works in all the other apps, so it will take a bit of effort to support this again, but I'm passing your feedback on to our team, and we'll see what we can do.

    Most often, my method of launching the 1Password web app is by either creating or editing an item from the browser extension.

    @d9a that's helpful, thank you! In that case, you end up basically having to load both web apps before anything shows up, so I definitely see how that adds up to be annoying.

    Looking more closely at the "switching back and forth" approach, another difference is that the old UI automatically loads the first item in the list, and the new one doesn't load anything, saving it a bunch of extra work. I'm curious if you see the same slowdowns as I am if you ask it to load a more complex view right off the bat.

    @d9a Loading a single item usually won't add more than a split second unless it has an unusually large amount of data in it. The majority of the loading time is getting the web app code from the server, signing in, and getting all the vaults and list of items.

    Regardless I did some more testing, this time from the browser extension. From a cold start, clicking edit in the extension, it took about 10 seconds for the item to show up for me in the new view in edit mode. Subsequent tests were much faster though, about 3.5 seconds each time. Meanwhile the old view was right at 2 seconds as before.

    Any time we update the web app, there's new code to be downloaded, and unfortunately a good chunk of it is hard to split into pieces that can be cached. So I think that's what happened with my 10 second load. I hadn't loaded that view yet today in production (and we just put out a new version today), so I had to download it. Then subsequent attempts used the cached version.

    when you've already established a baseline of what's possible with the old version, your cold-boot times shouldn't be getting worse.

    I agree with you. We have some work to do on this.

    We've just begun an effort that will make startup much snappier for regular users like you by maintaining an offline (encrypted) cache of data like our other apps do. This is something the old version has never done. Once you have the code cached and the data cached, the only barrier will be that initial sign-in. I'd like to see us break that sign-in screen out so we're not loading two whole apps every time. That's its own project and team.

    I've got a ton of screen space and I'd like less of the pixels to be white.

    Have you heard of dark mode? 🤪

    I do get where you're coming from. My hope is with a unified experience across desktop and web we can begin focusing on improving the experience for everyone, while realizing that no decision will make everyone happy.

    more like someone's moved all my furniture around by a few inches so I keep stubbing my toe on things I didn't expect to be there

    Yeah. I feel that for you too. If only we had unified things from the beginning. 🥲

    Ctrl+R is a fairly universal shortcut in every browser I'm aware of for reloading the page.

    Yeah, we may need to find a better one. We're aware of this of course, but it works in Chrome and Firefox, and Shift-Ctrl-R can still be used to reload the page.

    I can't believe I have to say this, but shipping a half-baked redesign is not a good thing.

    Well, we're going to disagree about what constitutes half-baked, and code at 1Password is always under active development. But I hear you.

    We have rather large SECURE NOTES, and since we switched to the new interface, a new issue is occurring semi-regularly: when we go to edit a secure note in Chrome on Mac, we get a spinner for a very very long time before we can actually type in the secure note area.

    @jn1480 when you're editing a secure note, are you clicking "Edit" inside the web app itself or from inside the browser extension? The former only takes about half a second for me, but the latter is the performance problem discussed above.

    Also new this morning when we go to click the SAVE button nothing happens.

    @jn1480 what browser and operating system are you using? I'm not able to reproduce this problem.

    Adding a note about the latency - both on the mobile app as well as in the browser extension, everything feels more 'sluggish'... it's painfully slow compared to the old UI.

    @rrrobot I can't tell if we're talking about the same thing. This forum thread is about the web app at my.1password.com. The browser extension and mobile apps are not affected by this change. If you're experiencing trouble with those, I don't have the expertise to assist you.

    one of the features keeping me a 1password subscriber is the full item history capability which you are essentially removing by copying desktop app

    Hey, @PhrozenAsh, as @MerryBit said, item history is now under "Last edited". It actually works much better than it did before. You can preview each version before deciding which one to restore.

    However, as one who has to find the setting to increase the time-out from 10 to 300 minutes at least once a day, I am disappointed you haven't made this annoying change more easily activated.

    @Steve7FJ I just recently learned there's a bug with this setting that can cause it to be reset in several cases. We're working on a fix. Sorry about that! We should also bring this into the new app's settings, you're right.

    cc: @Icannotturnoffqa

    if I am viewing a record in a browser and duplicate the tab, 1Password makes me log in again in the new tab.

    @Icannotturnoffqa this is what I was attempting to answer in my last post:

    1Password is not like other web apps in many ways, but a really big one is that we don't rely simply on an authentication token to sign you in. Typically an authentication token like that is stored in a cookie in your browser, and if anyone had access to your device, they could access the token value and also the account it gives you access to.

    With 1Password, though, we need more than an authentication token. We need you to have encryption keys to decrypt your data in the browser. If we were to just save those in a cookie in your browser, someone could steal them and all of your data just by having brief access to your device. So we're needing to get a bit more creative in how we allow a session to be persisted to minimize the risk to you.

    When you open a new tab, it's like reinstalling the app. We don't have access to your encryption keys in that tab. I'm working on a proposal that will allow new tabs to communicate with existing tabs to ask for those keys, but it's necessarily more complicated than a typical web app.

    It's impossible to upload an image for the login item in the new design.

    @vad1mator yes, adding custom icons for items isn't supported right now. Today's release included support for viewing existing custom icons. Editing them will come in a future version. You can still edit custom icons using the desktop and mobile apps.

    Delay can be 4-5secs on selecting an entry.

    @AlfredMNZ are you selecting the entry from inside the web app or are you using the Edit button in the browser extension?

    Why does 1Password always open in "employee" view?

    @AlfredMNZ if you are using the browser extension like I'm supposing, when you edit an item you'll be taken directly to the vault that item is in. Is that what you mean?

    I still have the issue where 1Password on first opening shows entries without tags. I have to select "edit and cancel" to go to full screen to see tags. I search by tags.

    I'm sorry, @AlfredMNZ, I can't reproduce this issue. Can you outline exactly the steps you're taking? Is this a new issue or was this a problem with the old version too?