Experiment #4 – New interface in 1Password.com’s vault view



  • Icannotturnoffqa
    Community Member

    @rob thanks for quoting the previous message and paraphrasing it. Much appreciated!

    I hope you can get the enhanced security to work so it behaves more like the old view with regards to only logging in once in the browser, having the timeout preference stick overnight, and not force users to log in so much as they do in the new view.

  • MrNice
    Community Member
    edited August 1

    can you add this (Screenshot ⤵︎) that has on the Old Version.
    Thanks :)

  • rrrobot
    Community Member

    Hi @rob,

    There is a link in the browser extension which states "Let us know what you think" and it links me here.

    Given the state of modern app development, I'm close to 99% certain that the same or extremely similar codebase is being used for the website, mobile app and browser extension. It's the curse of rewrites in the 2020's - There's no "native" apps anymore, which contributes directly to the concern I raised in my comment.

    If this forum isn't the place to provide feedback / request changes on the extension or mobile app experiences it just contributes to a poor overall experience with the 1password tool and the 'new UI'. I followed the link and it brought me here... Frankly speaking, if the performance issues aren't ironed out I will have to look elsewhere for a trustworthy password management tool as the extreme latency I see now occurs at literally the worst times (when I'm offline, or in an air gapped environment, with a huge password vault nearing 2000 entries).

    Would you be able to raise my concerns 'up' and ensure that they get reviewed/addressed?

  • d9a
    Community Member

    @rob I think at this point we're at least pretty much on the same page about things. There's just two points I'd like to clarify:

    we're going to disagree about what constitutes half-baked, and code at 1Password is always under active development.

    It's fine to disagree, but I can at least offer a little context on why I used that term here. Definitely at the top of my mind is the huge drop in performance, with page loads taking several times longer than before. I think that alone is a hard blocker to calling something ready to ship. The other factor is that there's still a number of known issues being actively discussed in this thread, which is a pretty clear sign of instability, even if most of them don't really impact the way I use 1Password myself.

    My personal rough definition of "stable" software is that it should be able to go some nontrivial amount of time (let's say a month or so) without requiring any changes that a typical user would notice. The old web UI has been meeting that criteria for some time now. Updates that improve performance or security are also perfectly fine from this position, while frequent bugfixes are a sign that something shipped too early, and UI changes (and to an extent, even new features) should, in my view, only be happening once or twice a year max. Feature updates once a year can be cool and exciting to check out all in one sitting, but tiny feature updates all the time are exhausting and make me not want to engage with any of the new things in the first place.

    Basically, if things are still moving around frequently, I don't think you can really call that UI stable. I'm also aware that this is becoming an increasingly unpopular view among other developers and I'm unlikely to see a reversal of the rolling release trend, but I'm still not thrilled about it and at least make an effort to put my money where my mouth is by paying a premium for LTS versions of software whenever I have the option to do so. That really just comes down to a business decision, and as I recall from the days of 1Password 8 being released and users asking for a way to keep support for 7 going, a similar proposal was put forth and ultimately not taken up.

    From a cold start, clicking edit in the extension, it took about 10 seconds for the item to show up for me in the new view in edit mode. Subsequent tests were much faster though, about 3.5 seconds each time.

    I think I can offer a little context here as well regarding the way I use 1Password, or more specifically browsers in general. In particular, I make very heavy use of private browsing windows -- nearly all of the "browsing" I do happens in one, as does a significant portion of my login sessions on various sites. Pretty much the only things I open outside of a private window are tabs I want to be open 24/7. Even things like logging into bank accounts happens in those little ephemeral sessions. This upsets my bank (and plenty of other sites) to no end, thinking I'm logging in from a "new device" every time, but I much prefer keeping the persistence of sensitive data on my machine to an absolute minimum.

    This means that when I'm editing an item in 1Password, there's a good chance that I'm doing so in a browsing session that's never seen my.1password.com before, and therefore wouldn't have anything cached from it. I'm almost always loading the UI completely from scratch. I also rarely have a reason to edit multiple items at once; I want this to be a quick in-and-out process.

    Maybe there's a way to cache parts of the web app in the extension itself to poke through that session partitioning (which isn't really a privacy issue since the web app doesn't load any third-party resources), but that sounds pretty complicated, especially to cover a use case that probably isn't all that common. You could also work around it by having the extension always open the webapp in a non-private window, although that can quickly get messy if I've got a bunch of windows open, and I do like keeping related things closer together by always opening the webapp in the current window.

    I realize this is incredibly out of scope for this particular project/discussion, but adding the ability to create/edit saved items directly within the browser extension itself sounds like it would perfectly address the bulk of my issues. I care a lot less about a page taking 10 seconds to load when it's not something I'm pulling up possibly multiple times a day, often right in the middle of another task. That would also be way less intertwined with some random user's specific usage patterns, and is something I'm sure would be appreciated by a much broader segment of the extension-using population. Now that I'm thinking about it, I have to imagine this is a feature that's already been requested before, in which case I'll enthusiastically add my vote to the tally.

    Community Member

    It is great - except I cannot work out how to add a logo to my entries. This used to be easy. I tried EDIT mode etc but cannot find a command to upload my preferred logo.

  • SvendK
    Community Member

    Hi 1Password

    I havent' read the 16 pages of comments, but one thing;
    Going from /home (grid of all Vaults) to one of the vaults is pretty slow, around 5 seconds till Chrome Network tab says it's finished. It looks like an app that is spinning up (which it probably is), separate from the home page.
    5 seconds isn't breaking, but surely it's way slower than the old, isnt' it?

    Actually the Home page is a bit irrelevant (for me as a non-admin user), and I'd like to go straight to /app after the login?

    Best regards

  • wooderm
    Community Member

    Beat version why would you remove the ability to put / edit your icons for logins etc? Beta you cannot edit picture or add your own downloaded image for login? It is not available now, very annoying.

  • legendwaffles
    Community Member
    edited August 7

    QtWebkit-based browser, the beta "copy" button does not work, and it is no longer possible to select via mouse or keyboard a revealed password text for copy/paste.

    Specific browser in question is Qutebrowser, but whatever cleverness is preventing cursor selection, that's quite frustrating UX. I should definitely be able to use my mouse cursor to select my password, just like any other text on any other webpage. Selection does not work in Chrome, either, and I presume it is intentionally made that way in every browser. Seems like a pretty big step backwards.

    In effect, 1Password's new beta is unusable for me. The old design works fine.

  • rob
    edited August 9

    I hope you can get the enhanced security to work so it behaves more like the old view with regards to only logging in once in the browser

    @Icannotturnoffqa I hope so too, but again, the old view worked the same way. It's never been possible to open 1Password in a new tab and still be signed in.

    can you add this (Screenshot ⤵︎) that has on the Old Version.

    @MrNice this may be something we can do in the future. For now, you would just have to add a new field and delete the old one.

    There is a link in the browser extension which states "Let us know what you think" and it links me here.

    @rrrobot ok, but I promise you that's not the browser extension. :) I'm guessing what happened is that you clicked "Edit" or something else that took you from the browser extension to the web app, which is the only place that link appears. So I think we are on the same page, talking about the web app, and my previous post here discusses several performance considerations if you're interested.

    Given the state of modern app development, I'm close to 99% certain that the same or extremely similar codebase is being used for the website, mobile app and browser extension. It's the curse of rewrites in the 2020's - There's no "native" apps anymore, which contributes directly to the concern I raised in my comment.

    @rrrobot we're sharing as much code as possible between the desktop app and the web app. The browser extension is mostly its own thing, although it shares some code with other apps. For more complex tasks it sends you to the desktop app or web app. The mobile apps don't have any web-related code. They share Rust code, but the UI is native (Kotlin for Android, SwiftUI for iOS).

    Regardless, we intend for our desktop and mobile apps in particular to be very performant because of their offline cache of data and the fact that you aren't downloading the app every time you use it (like you are with the web app). So the problem you're seeing with the Android app is definitely not expected, and I'll pass it on. If you'd like to follow up on it, I'd recommend making a post in the Android category of the forum.

    My personal rough definition of "stable" software is that it should be able to go some nontrivial amount of time (let's say a month or so) without requiring any changes that a typical user would notice. The old web UI has been meeting that criteria for some time now.

    @d9a I can appreciate this perspective coming from someone who is both content with the old version and participating in this thread.

    If I can offer a different perspective, we have over a hundred open issues filed against the old version. Some issues have already been closed solely because they'll be addressed by the new version. The fact that we're not regularly fixing these issues in the old version does, in a sense, make it more stable, but it doesn't make it better, in my opinion. I would rather be actively improving the user experience than leaving it static for the sake of stability.

    UI changes (and to an extent, even new features) should, in my view, only be happening once or twice a year max

    @d9a I'm sorry for your sake that we won't be meeting that expectation. The reason for shipping changes more frequently is to please customers. If your opinion was held by the majority, I'm sure we'd all go back to waterfall workflows. 🤷‍♂️

    as I recall from the days of 1Password 8 being released and users asking for a way to keep support for 7 going, a similar proposal was put forth and ultimately not taken up

    @d9a To be fair, 1Password 7 is still supported. Even the later versions of 1Password 6 are still supported.

    It's a bit harder to keep serving two versions of a web app long term, though.

    I make very heavy use of private browsing windows ... I much prefer keeping the persistence of sensitive data on my machine to an absolute minimum.

    @d9a this explains a lot. 😅 Sadly, I don't think you're going to be happy with the long-term direction of the web app in this case. Many users want the web app to mirror the functionality of the desktop including advanced full-content search, suggestions based on other items, and so on. To make those features possible, we have to give the web app an offline database and download all items. This will mean that the first load will take longer than the old version, but subsequent uses will be snappy because the data will already be there. This is how the browser extension, desktop, and mobile apps already work. But if you're in a private browsing window, you won't get any of that benefit. However! ⬇️

    I realize this is incredibly out of scope for this particular project/discussion, but adding the ability to create/edit saved items directly within the browser extension itself sounds like it would perfectly address the bulk of my issues.

    @d9a we're actually looking at doing this! I agree it will probably make your life a lot easier because you will get the benefits of a local database, and you won't have to go anywhere for simple edits.

    It is great - except I cannot work out how to add a logo to my entries. This used to be easy.

    @ETHELDOG yes, this is something we've removed for now. It's still possible to set custom icons in the desktop apps, though, and they will be shown in the web app. It will likely come back in a future version, but we don't consider it one of our most critical features.

    cc: @wooderm

    Actually the Home page is a bit irrelevant (for me as a non-admin user), and I'd like to go straight to /app after the login?

    @SvendK we're considering making this change for non-admin users. Thanks for letting us know you'd like it.

    Regarding performance, my previous post and this one go into that a bit.

    QtWebkit-based browser, the beta "copy" button does not work, and it is no longer possible to select via mouse or keyboard a revealed password text for copy/paste.

    @legendwaffles we'll look into the broken copy button, sorry about that. I've not heard of that browser before. I hear you on the text selection. A workaround for now is to edit the item and select the text in the text field.

  • SvendK
    Community Member

    @rob (About Home page) That's great, thanks. I guess I'll revise my request a bit. I do need to select a vault every time I go to the 1Password website, as sometimes I need a personal or a company login, and sometimes it's one of our client's logins I need.

    We have the employee/personal vault and our company vault and then we have vaults for each of our clients. I don't work on all clients, so it could be nice to not have to search 30+ vaults (even though they are ordered alphabetical).

    So I do need to select a vault and thus the current front page is fine - I guess it's the loading time after I click the vault that bothers me. If the loading time is before, so the first load after login, I believe it's better. I don't really know what I want :-)

    And add ability to favorise vaults and show these vaults on top, maybe in order of usage over time?

    Or go straight to /app and show Employee vault, but open the Vault dropdown, so it's easy to select another vault. And show favorited vaults first in the list? That would work quite good I think?

    And maybe move the vault dropdown to a left sidebar that pops in and out? So when you select a vault, you "go into the vault, to the right", and then click the sidebar to "go out of it again, to the left" - but not with unnecessary extra clicks though.

    I'm sorry for rambling, I hope you can use some of this :-)

    Best regards

    PS: There seems to be no scrollbar in this input field, so with this long text I cannot get to the top with mouse scrolling or dragging a scrollbar, only by moving the text caret to the top with arrow keys or ctrl+home.

  • Hops55
    Community Member

    I had to recover a login but I could not find how to view the history in the new format. I found it easily in the old format.

    Jeff S.

  • Icannotturnoffqa
    Community Member

    @Icannotturnoffqa I hope so too, but again, the old view worked the same way. It's never been possible to open 1Password in a new tab and still be signed in.

    Sure you could. It was the application behavior I was used to in both Chrome and Edge since we moved to 1Password earlier in the year. Don't worry about it. Thanks for all the help thus far,

  • peterkearney
    Community Member

    I dont like the fonts when you edit the new page. It doesnt show lower case letters. PLease done force us onto it until this is fixed!!

  • PersisNuva
    Community Member

    New feedback (sorry if posted before): I just added my new passport to 1P web with the new UI. The "issued date" and "expiry date" fields are obviously dates. It was a horrible pain to click through every month for the next 10 years to find the expiry date, as obviously it's 10 years in the future (that's 120 clicks just to add a date!). Why doesn't it have a month and year select? Or allow me to type the date in? If it does exist, I couldn't figure it out - typing didn't work, scrolling didn't work.

    Not sure how it worked in the old UI and I can no longer seem to access it to check. Chrome/Windows, latest versions of each.

  • MerryBit
    Community Member

    @PersisNuva It takes a little fiddling, but it is possible to click on the date field once (then the date picker comes up) and then click on it again to enable manual typing of the date.

  • KlfJoat
    Community Member

    2 UX issues I've found.

    1. When I click on the extension, then click New Item, and finally click Login as the item type, it takes me to the new web app... in which I need to select Login as the item type again.

    2. The tags don't autocomplete as in every other interface in 1P. That makes it difficult for me to choose the correct tag. I dislike the type-only autocomplete tag interface at the best of times (a drop-down with type autocomplete would be best), so this is less than ideal.


    I'm experiencing this in Firefox on Linux, fully up to date browser and extension.

  • MrNice
    Community Member

    Hi, Question Pls., Let say I login to my 1Password Chrome extension and Click "Open & Fill" to go to 1Password.com and that page you have to put your Secret key and Password so, you can login and access to 1Password.com (your acct.)
    But It can by pass that with Chrome extension by clicking edit on one of your item in chrome extension and it direct you to 1Password Account without typing any Secret Key & Password?
    I just dont understand why when you go to "Open & Fill" with Chrome extension to access 1Password.com (your acct.) you have to fill up "Secret key & Password" But, when you edit on of item on Chrome extension it direct you to your account at 1Password.com.
    hope you Understand what im trying to say. thank you

  • Soopey
    Community Member
    1. Do you prefer this new interface over the old one? No, I actually just like to edit and make updates in the pop out window while in the browser. If I'm going to do any "big" updates then I will use the desktop app. I don't see why the browser extension needs to mimic the desktop app. As an anecdote, I'm having to change several account logins and having a tab pop-up each time is cumbersome vs the extension window popup I'm working in already.

    2. Do you see value in us rolling out this new interface of the vault item view to all 1Password users? Sure, because it seems like many users like the interface. Personally, I don't. I never comment on these sort of blog posts but I dislike it so much I had to make an account to comment.

    3. Are you experiencing any performance issues? It takes several seconds to load. I know, first world problems but when you're changing several logins and just need to edit 1 field on each site it gets annoying having to load a whole new tab with every functionality.

    4. How often do you use the vault item view in 1Password.com? Never. Any "big" updates take place in the desktop app. I don't like web apps to be honest.

    It seems my opinions are probably in the minority here but I'm wondering if you could include a feature to toggle between whether you want a simple editor vs the full-blow web app?

  • gayelpaso
    Community Member

    I really like the new interface. The view is simple and as you said, easy on your eyes. Simple, easy to locate items, and of course, user friendly. Keep it and make it public! That's my vote.

  • kylelambert
    Community Member

    Looks great!
    1. Do you prefer this new interface over the old one?
    Yeah, looks slick - love the dark mode.
    2. Do you see value in us rolling out this ew interface of the vault item view to all 1Password users?
    Yep, I'd say so
    3. Are you experiencing any performance issues?
    Idk if this is already on your radar, but I can't edit an item icon in the new view. I have to switch to original to do that. Clicking the icon in the new view doesn't seem to do anything.
    4. How often do you use the vault item view in 1Password.com?
    A few times a month, I'd say.

  • collind
    Community Member

    When clicking the Chrome extension button my notes are formatted with asterisks as italics and underscores as something else. Is this expected behavior? It has already confused some on our team. As you might expect filename patterns with wildcards are very affected.

  • ontario
    Community Member

    Chrome extension > if I view a Login record > there used to be a "Share" button in the panel (e.g. generate a link that'd expire in a week).
    That button is no longer visible from the Chrome extension.
    To Share = I now have to log into 1Password in a full browser window.

  • Unknown
    edited August 17
    This content has been removed.
  • inetbas
    Community Member

    How do I open a password entry as a new tab. I sometimes like to have multiple (login) entries open. Because they contain additional data I need to access or review. Opening and closing each entry one by one is more cumbersome.

  • Racer77
    Community Member

    Liking the new interface, but I'd appreciate if it were possible to view the otpauth:// URI for OTP codes in the View previous versions screen as well. Since the URIs are only visible when editing an item of 1Password 8, it's impossible to see them in the history without fully restoring the item. A dropdown option like "View URI" would be great.

  • reconstitution
    Community Member

    Hi, @Max_ag &1Password Team!

    Thanks for your amazing service thus far :)
    Your app has helped me tonnes with managing all my account! >.<
    Super invaluable!

    I do have to comment on something though.

    I don't like that I can't use both the search function and the tags at the same time.

    I used to be able to search a specific user name AND add the "email" tag on top of it, to narrow it down to the email account's login details

    Now I can only use either / or of the functions, and I have to manually scroll thru the entries before I find what I want.

    I'd really appreciate if I could stack both search functions at the same time.

    Thanks for your consideration, @Max_ag :)

  • emmee
    Community Member

    When I try to open my 1Password Login page, I keep getting the announcement of the "newly designed experience" and even after I opted in to try the new design, then then every subsequent time I go to log in, the system keeps reverting to the invitation to try the new design, and when I try to sidestep that redundancy I end up having to log in all over again. I am seriously annoyed! I don't care about the new design one way or the other; I just want to get on with my other business please.

  • I do need to select a vault every time I go to the 1Password website, as sometimes I need a personal or a company login, and sometimes it's one of our client's logins I need.

    @SvendK thanks for sharing your ideas! Just wanted to mention that in the app, you can also type the name of a vault in the search field to find and open it.

    I had to recover a login but I could not find how to view the history in the new format. I found it easily in the old format.

    @Hops55 did you find it? Click on "Last edited" at the bottom of an item, and if there are previous versions you'll see a button to view them.

    I dont like the fonts when you edit the new page. It doesnt show lower case letters.

    @peterkearney can you share a screenshot of what you mean? I can see both uppercase and lowercase letters when editing items.

    Why doesn't it have a month and year select? Or allow me to type the date in? If it does exist, I couldn't figure it out - typing didn't work, scrolling didn't work.

    @PersisNuva I'm hoping we can find time to improve this soon. As @MerryBit said (thank you!), the first time you click in the date field it will open this calendar view, but if you click again in the field it will go away and you can type the date out yourself.

    2 UX issues I've found

    Thanks for those, @KlfJoat! The new item quirk is something we plan to address. Tags autocomplete will be coming in the future, but it didn't exist in the old interface either, so it's been lower priority.

    I just dont understand why when you go to "Open & Fill" with Chrome extension to access 1Password.com (your acct.) you have to fill up "Secret key & Password" But, when you edit on of item on Chrome extension it direct you to your account at 1Password.com.

    Hey, @MrNice. Good question. The edit button is connected to some magic that signs you in automatically, but "Open & Fill" is available on all Login items and we haven't treated 1Password Login items any different. However, just this week we introduced a new feature that will make that edit button magic work any time you visit your account sign-in page if the browser extension is already unlocked. Hope that helps!

    No, I actually just like to edit and make updates in the pop out window while in the browser. If I'm going to do any "big" updates then I will use the desktop app.

    @Soopey a couple things that may help you:

    • We hope to enable basic editing in the extension popup in the future!
    • It sounds like you have the desktop app, but it's not connected to your extension. Connecting them will help in two ways. Unlocking one will unlock the other, and clicking "Edit" in the extension will open the desktop app instead of the web app, which will be faster and not open a bunch of tabs. These instructions will help you set that up: https://support.1password.com/connect-1password-browser-app/

    Idk if this is already on your radar, but I can't edit an item icon in the new view.

    @kylelambert yeah, that's on our list still. You can also edit icons in the desktop apps.

    When clicking the Chrome extension button my notes are formatted with asterisks as italics and underscores as something else. Is this expected behavior?

    @collind yes, this is Markdown formatting. We don't have it yet in the web app, and in the other apps you can disable it, but I don't think it can be disabled in the extension right now. I'll pass this along.

    Chrome extension > if I view a Login record > there used to be a "Share" button in the panel (e.g. generate a link that'd expire in a week).
    That button is no longer visible from the Chrome extension.

    @ontario I think it depends on the item. Some items can be filled in the current page and show an "Autofill" button there instead, but in that case, you can still find the "Share" option if you click the three dots in the top right corner next to the "Autofill" button.

    I can have my insurance card or driver's license information typed into a record (an "Item"), but I can't attach a scan of the card.

    @Liazard you actually can. On any item, while editing it, click "add more" and select "Attach a File".

    How do I open a password entry as a new tab. I sometimes like to have multiple (login) entries open. Because they contain additional data I need to access or review. Opening and closing each entry one by one is more cumbersome.

    @inetbas the web app isn't currently designed to make this easy, but you can do it. If your browser has a "duplicate tab" function, you can use that. Otherwise you can just copy the URL and make a new tab and paste it in. At the moment you will have to sign in again in the new tab, but we're working on some improvements there.

    Another option is to use the desktop app instead. In the top right corner of an item, click the three dots and select "Open Item in New Window". One of my favorite parts of that feature is you can actually drag and drop fields from the item onto text fields in your browser or any other app. You can also do this from the main desktop app window.

    Liking the new interface, but I'd appreciate if it were possible to view the otpauth:// URI for OTP codes in the View previous versions screen as well.

    @Racer77 this is an interesting request! I'm supportive philosophically, but I'm curious what the practical use case is for viewing that URI? Are you wanting to see when it changes or are you checking the value for something in particular?

    I don't like that I can't use both the search function and the tags at the same time.

    There's a feature that might do what you want, @reconstitution. Select the tag in the sidebar and click the magnifying glass icon at the top of the list to filter just that list of items instead of searching everything. You can also press Command-Option-F (Mac) or Control-Alt-F (Windows and Linux).

    even after I opted in to try the new design, then then every subsequent time I go to log in, the system keeps reverting to the invitation to try the new design

    @emmee this is very strange, and I'm at a loss for an explanation. The new experience is the default for everyone now, so even if your browser wasn't remembering your preference for some reason, you should be seeing the new thing.

  • Soopey
    Community Member

    @rob thanks for the reply! I actually have the extension and desktop app connected now and I’m happier with this implementation. :)

  • Racer77
    Community Member

    @rob thanks! Yeah, a couple of times I've accidentally deleted the OTP code, and then otherwise modified an item. It's easier to just copy the URI from the old version in the history, instead of restore old, copy URI, restore new, edit and paste.