Experiment #4 – New interface in 1Password.com’s vault view



  • wizard86pz
    Community Member

    Wow, I love the new UI design. It really looks good to me, it's very similar to the desktop app in dark mode.

  • TechieBrad
    Community Member

    Dark mode is so much better. I love it.

  • stardust8
    Community Member


    In previous versions, I have saved log in details and was able to add attachments, eg a drivers licence or passport for example. The only way I can see to do that here is by creating a 'document'. Am I missing something?

    Dark mode is awesome.

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Browser: Not Provided

  • D123
    Community Member
    edited April 28

    First time trying 1P at the urging of my colleagues - When you have access to multiple vaults and select "All Items", then access an item via the category, you have no idea which vault the item is from unless you click into it to see the bread crumb:

    In the 2nd column (titled "All Categories" in the shot above) add a some indication on each item showing which vault it is from. This will increase UX for my colleagues and I who are considering the Business plan to share our vaults with each other.

    Thank you in advance for any improvement you can apply.

    Cheers 🥂

  • Tertius3
    Community Member

    Is it possible to hide the category selection in the sidebar? I don't need it and I don't use it. It clutters the sidebar, because I manage my items with tags. The desktop app has a configuration to hide this very entry.

  • ceastwood
    Community Member

    More sort options would be great, not just name/date/etc... For instance, sorting by category would be useful for me.

  • sanity1123
    Community Member

    @rob you are correct. They are custom icons that I added for those because
    1) the site doesn't pick up the favicon automatically
    or 2) there isn't an icon that it can pull from

    I think something that I'd like to log right now, is that sometimes you put the website and the favicon will show on the browser, but it doesn't pull through this image to the item's icon preview.

    @MerryBit unfortunately, what you mentioned is something different to what I was checking at that time, but the preview of the document images was really nice! It would be great if we could have that again.

    And then lastly, again @rob just one more thing that I'd like to get some clarity on, is why you can no longer (website or app wise), paste an image from the clipboard? You use to be able to set a custom image for an item from the clipboard. But now, I have to download the image all the time (which, more and more sites are using webp format, which isn't supported, so then I have to convert it manually), and then can I only set a custom image :(

  • dudareis
    Community Member
    1. Do you prefer this new interface over the old one?
      I absolutelly prefer this new interface. It's more invinting with a nicer look.

    2. Do you see value in us rolling out this new interface of the vault item view to all 1Password users?

    3. Are you experiencing any performance issues?
      No issues. I'm having a great experience!

    4. How often do you use the vault item view in 1Password.com?

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Browser: Not Provided

  • lrosenman
    Community Member

    Should i see the password history in the new view?

  • MrNice
    Community Member

    1. Do you prefer this new interface over the old one?
    I like the Dark theme and the layout but, right now I Prefer the Old version. there is many missing future I like and most i want to use, for example: Show Web Form Details, Show Previously Use Passwords, View Sharing History, Vie Item History. that show the image I attach

    more missing I always look or when i needed for future use.
    ・Watch Tower is Gone.
    ・More Options (on individual Login or save detail). like Share, Copy Privet link and Print are gone.
    ・and when Share link this very nice feature to have/choices.

    ・Adding New Login password or adding anykind New Password, the capable of putting your on Label will be nice like you can do on Old version. the only problem on Old Version is when you put long Label some word wont show.

    thats all i can see right now So, I still and prefer the Old version for now

    2. Do you see value in us rolling out this new interface of the vault item view to all 1Password users?
    for me maybe if combine the Old and the New Version.

    3. Are you experiencing any performance issues?
    I don't see issues for now because I use sometimes, I prefer use the Old version for now.

    4. How often do you use the vault item view in 1Password.com?
    Most every time I use 1password.com. I only use 1password.com to edit, add, or to check my password because I don't want to download the app on my Computer. I prefer using Browser extension over the app, I think i just want the app leave on my Computer and anybody see what i'm using.

    thank you and hope when releasing the New Version that don't have both feature that Old Version had pls. give as a choice which one to use (don't take out Old Version to use).

  • Michael Shingledecker
    Michael Shingledecker
    Community Member
    edited May 1

    Clicking the "Tags" collapse/expand icon does not do anything. The "Categories" icon works as expected.

  • GrowthBuster
    Community Member

    I am signed into my business account

    • in a vault in the early-access-view
    • I know I have share and manage access to the vault
    • I've clicked into an item in the vault
    • I can't find the share option in the new layout

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Browser: Not Provided

    Community Member

    It looks fine, not all that different. But I have manually uploaded over 300 icons for each of my entries and most of them are not showing. Presumably only the ones that the app has applied from the website.

    Community Member

    PS Since posting the previous comment, I have spent more time on the beta and do like the changes. But losing the icons means doing it again.

  • wselig
    Community Member
    1. Do you prefer this new interface over the old one?
      I don't think I care overall either way, except for inertia. I know the old one well and it serves my needs, so changing just for "a new look" doesn't serve me.

    2. Do you see value in us rolling out this new interface of the vault item view to all 1Password users?
      Not from my POV.

    3. Are you experiencing any performance issues?
      Behavior issue more than performance.
      When I have several items named similarly, a search in AllVaults using a subset of the name brings them all up. So far so good.
      However, once I edit and save one of those items, the search context shifts to whatever vault that item was in and I no longer see all those similar items on the left, so I have to hunt for them again. This is unexpected and a PITA.
      The old interface wouldn't change the global context in the same situation. It would stay in AllVaults and the subset list of items found on the left stayed the same. That way I can jump back and forth editing various of the items to make some info consistent, etc.
      Please bring the new interface in line to behave like the old in that regard.

    4. How often do you use the vault item view in 1Password.com?
      Regularly when I need to adjust something.

  • TiWoHH
    Community Member

    "@bezgrizen you can sort your items alphabetically, and we've just added categories to the sidebar. Does this help with what you're trying to do? If not, can you help me understand your use case better?"

    Now its much smoother to Navigate, having "Categories" and "Tags" in the Sidebar. Nice!

  • hadashiusagi
    Community Member
    1. Do you prefer this new interface over the old one?
      Yes; I love having dates on each item. That helps immensely with my brain knowing which PW is likely Correct / Decrepit / Suspect etc
    2. Do you see value in us rolling out this new interface of the vault item view to all 1Password users?
    3. Are you experiencing any performance issues?
      I haven't yet
    4. How often do you use the vault item view in 1Password.com?
  • amycroft1
    Community Member

    Hi there,

    Just viewing the new interface on the web app, and I've noticed my notes in my login items aren't displaying unless I click to edit the login item. Please can you fix that?



  • Robot107
    Community Member

    Hi guys!

    1. Do you prefer this new interface over the old one?

    Definitely! I can now resize the parts of the page. And the vault switcher as well as archive and recently deleted items are all now where they always belonged. At least in my view. And it looks more fresh, modern. I think that the old icons are more elegant. But the new ones help to find the appropriate menu entry faster.

    I just miss Watchtower and my profile link. But it might be too early for the latter.

    1. Do you see value in us rolling out this new interface of the vault item view to all 1Password users?

    After it's done? Most definitely! I think that harmonizing the interfaces on all devices is important.

    1. Are you experiencing any performance issues?

    No, for me, it is very responsive.

    1. How often do you use the vault item view in 1Password.com?

    Maybe five times a week. In the end, I use it mostly when I want to edit an existing item. But I am already though with optimizing my vault contents. Back then, I used this view every day for quite some time.

    Maybe one feedback what I think is not ideal:

    I guess you get the point. ;)

  • mikepassword
    Community Member
    1. Do you prefer this new interface over the old one? Absolutely. The IA much improved and and more logical.
    2. Do you see value in us rolling out this new interface of the vault item view to all 1Password users? Absolutely. Having common IA and experience on all devices is good for both development and users.
    3. Are you experiencing any performance issues? None.
    4. How often do you use the vault item view in 1Password.com? I use it abit to curate my items and to make sure I have shared them appropriately
  • MerryBit
    Community Member

    Right now, all my secure notes show up empty until I edit them. Anyone else see this?

  • fernandog
    Community Member
    edited May 4

    Custom item images are not showing in the web app. I create this image with screenshots to make easier. This is only one example. I have a lot of other items without custom image on web app

  • Hops55
    Community Member

    I'd love to see a clickable side menu when alphabetized so that I can zip down to the lower letters instead of scrolling what seems like forever. Or a pop-up that shows the initial letter, like Windows Start.

  • passionatevinay
    Community Member

    The UI looks really good, but the Sign out, Manage Account and Set up another Device could be added to the bottom of the page as small icons or just buttons, because currently they are just added in the dropdown of vaults.

    To answer your questions -
    1. Do you prefer this new interface over the old one? - Yes i prefer the new version, it looks clean and bold
    2. Do you see value in us rolling out this new interface of the vault item view to all 1Password users? - Yes, the old one looked a bit retro, and spread out
    3. Are you experiencing any performance issues? - i just started using it, so nothing so far.
    4. How often do you use the vault item view in 1Password.com? - Not very often.

  • AndyRM13
    Community Member

    Hi, like the new interface, but would love to be able to see more if not all properties on the object page without having to go into edit mode. I keep a lot of additional info in a field called "Notes" and in the old interface it is displayed when selecting an object, in the new interface I have to first activate edit mode to see my notes.

  • Hi, folks!

    It's been a bit since my last update. You may have noticed we quietly rolled out an update last Thursday that includes… 🥁 item history! It also included the ability to archive items and restore archived items.

    Unfortunately, we also noticed a little too late that a couple other things broke, including displaying notes when you're not editing an item. We have a fix ready for that going out tomorrow morning. Sorry about that. 🙏 cc: @amycroft1 @MerryBit @AndyRM13

    Next up, we're working on item sharing and Watchtower. Don't worry, we won't be shipping without them. 😇 cc: @GrowthBuster @MrNice

    Thanks to everyone for your recent feedback! Here are some specific comments I wanted to address:

    Both the old and new web UI do not support the SSH private key "export" or copy like in the (windows) desktop application.

    Hey, @ytz. Yes, this is a known issue for now. Our focus is currently on refreshing the UI without breaking anything. Since this is already "broken" we may not get to it until after the first version of the new UI is shipped, but it's something we plan to address.

    I am not able to Archive via drag and I can't find any button.

    @jcoronel25 we recently added archive support. Just click the three dots in the top right corner of an item to find the Archive option.

    I appreciate the fact that if I enter a new item in 'all items' view it defaults to placing it in the 'private' vault. I'm not sure how I feel about that behavior when I'm in another vault.

    @ThePyro This is a bug I just noticed today, and I opened an issue. If you've selected a specific vault, we should be saving new items to that vault by default.

    Thanks for all the other thoughts you shared, too!

    I don't see the "show web form details" or "show previously used passwords", etc. and I would greatly miss these if they are dropped from the new interface.

    Thanks for this, @rpass! The "Show Previously Used Passwords" button is now an action on the password field called "View password history". But looking into this made me realize our new version isn't saving to that list correctly right now, so I've opened an issue for that.

    I'm still looking into "Show Web Form Details". I see that's not shown in our desktop apps either, so I'll need to get more information there.

    As mentioned above, we just released item history last week, so you should be able to see previous versions of entire items now.

    cc: @lrosenman @MrNice

    Adding New Login password or adding anykind New Password, the capable of putting your on Label will be nice like you can do on Old version.

    @MrNice you can still change the label for a field or section in the new version. The label is just above the field rather than to the left, which has the nice benefit of making it easier to show more text.

    Clicking the "Tags" collapse/expand icon does not do anything. The "Categories" icon works as expected.

    @Michael Shingledecker that should only happen when you've selected one of the tags so that we can keep showing you where you are. The same is true for categories. When you select something else that row will disappear.


    This is a problem for users like me who are colour-blind; I can't see anything when you enable a black background. It may be what developers want but doesn't follow accessibility guidelines

    @easymatics I need your help here. Dark mode is only enabled when your system (or browser, perhaps) is set to dark mode. Is there a reason you want to have your system set to dark mode but you don't want your web apps to be displayed in dark mode?

    Either way, our dark mode color scheme does follow accessibility guidelines, and I'm not sure how color-blindness factors in. If you're not trolling me, I'd love to learn more. ❤️

    In previous versions, I have saved log in details and was able to add attachments, eg a drivers licence or passport for example. The only way I can see to do that here is by creating a 'document'. Am I missing something?

    @stardust8 when you're editing an item, click "+ add more" and you should see "Attach a File" at the bottom of the menu.

    Is it possible to hide the category selection in the sidebar?

    @Tertius3 you're the first one to ask. 😅 Everyone else asked for it to be added back. It will eventually be configurable like the desktop app, but for now, it will behave the same as the original web view. It can be collapsed, but not removed. In both versions, if you collapse the categories, they will stay collapsed across page refresh.

    More sort options would be great, not just name/date/etc... For instance, sorting by category would be useful for me.

    @ceastwood you can already filter by category using the sidebar or the menu at the top of the list. Can you help me understand how sorting by category would help your workflow? And are there any other sort options you're looking for?

    I think something that I'd like to log right now, is that sometimes you put the website and the favicon will show on the browser, but it doesn't pull through this image to the item's icon preview.

    @sanity1123 yes, we don't pull directly from websites because there are a lot of performance and privacy issues there. We used to have a crawler that would regularly fetch new icons, but lately we're just manually maintaining a repository of icons for popular sites. If you have specific requests for updates, I can pass those on.

    one more thing that I'd like to get some clarity on, is why you can no longer (website or app wise), paste an image from the clipboard?

    I don't think I've ever tried that. It probably was something built into a former version of the app that got lost in a rewrite and we just haven't heard much about it. That's both a pro and a con of rewrites. You can shed stuff people aren't using, but if you're in a small group of people that use a specific thing, it can easily disappear.

    I have manually uploaded over 300 icons for each of my entries and most of them are not showing. Presumably only the ones that the app has applied from the website.
    PS Since posting the previous comment, I have spent more time on the beta and do like the changes. But losing the icons means doing it again.

    @ETHELDOG no worries, you won't need to add them again. They're still there, we just haven't added support for showing or editing them in the new version yet. It's on our punch list.

    cc: @fernandog

    once I edit and save one of those items, the search context shifts to whatever vault that item was in and I no longer see all those similar items on the left

    @wselig well spotted, thanks! That's a bug, and I've opened an ticket for us to fix it.

    Thanks again, everyone! Keep the feedback coming. It's super helpful.

  • caps620
    Community Member

    Not sure if this was mentioned, for the app version will I have to log in every time I close my browser on desktop computer ? Perhaps have this as an option ? Very annoying to have to do that with the existing interface even though I set auto lock to off.
    Also with the existing app interface when opened it just shows a small window. Will the new version app open to a web page ?

  • for the app version will I have to log in every time I close my browser on desktop computer ? Perhaps have this as an option ? Very annoying to have to do that with the existing interface even though I set auto lock to off.

    @caps620 If you close your browser, your session on 1password.com will end. This is because 1Password is a different kind of web app than most — it relies on encryption keys that we don't have so that you access your data securely. These keys are available only to you, and there is no safe place for us to store them in your browser so that you can stay signed in. Personally, I'm hopeful that passkeys will make this easier to handle in the future.

    Also with the existing app interface when opened it just shows a small window. Will the new version app open to a web page ?

    It sounds like you might be talking about our desktop app or browser extension. The new version we're talking about here is a web page just like the old version at https://my.1password.com/vaults/all. We're not replacing the desktop app or browser extension.

  • sanity1123
    Community Member

    @rob thanks for the update! This all makes sense

  • jeroenssp
    Community Member

    I also encounter no autocomplete when editing an item in the new beta web interface.