Experiment #4 – New interface in 1Password.com’s vault view



  • @jeroenssp yep, that's a feature of the desktop apps that won't make it for our MVP. We're currently focused on matching the functionality of the original web interface, which also doesn't have autocomplete. Our next big pieces are item sharing and Watchtower.

  • JoshBer
    Community Member

    Hey, having the problem with the new view that I cannot create items in any vault other than Private. If I try to create a login in another vault, it gets saved in Private instead. And once saved, it cannot be moved.

  • Picasso
    Community Member

    Nice program

  • @JoshBer that's very strange. There is a known issue right now where new items will always default to being saved in the Private vault, but you should be able to change that at the bottom of the new item popup. And once the item is created it should be possible to move it using the triple-dot menu in the top right corner of the item.

  • JoshBer
    Community Member

    @rob Aha. Yeah, getting tripped up by the default bug. If you fix that, the problem with saving in the wrong vault should go away.

    I did find the "move" option, but it didn't work for me. I could select it, and choose another vault, but the login wasn't actually moved.

  • kevinlevi95
    Community Member

    Is there any option to edit multiple items at once, similar to the desktop app?

  • markzielinski
    Community Member

    Will you be updating the 1Password product icon to match the new branding? The new branding looks amazing and really should be used for the products as well. It looks better and is confusing otherwise.

  • jwenga
    Community Member

    Can you make it so that the favorites can be manually sorted in addition to the filters you have set now?

  • morbeus
    Community Member

    I am considering switching to 1Password so this beta is very timely. I use the vault webpage of my old password manager as my preferred interface for managing my passwords and other information. This means the vault webpage of 1Password will be important to me. When I evaluated the current vault webpage, I was disappointed because it looked a lot like how it was when I last evaluated (and rejected) 1Password about 2 years ago. I almost moved on but then I noticed the "Get a sneak peek of the redesign in progress!" notice. I was amazed at how much better the interface was. There was the new filter and sorting features that were missing before. Import passwords was moved (you need it but it doesn't merit prime real estate!) and the Archive plus View Recently Deleted was moved to the lower left (again, reflecting how often such features are used).

    One deal breaker I had about the old interface happens when editing a login item. In the old interface, you have the key icon in the password field. If you click the key icon, it changes your password to something new - just like that with no questions asked!

    Others may love it but I consider that a seriously bad idea. My password manager should never just change my password. I know how to change passwords. I use the password generator and change it on the website THEN change it in the password manager, not the other way around so that seemed like unacceptable overreach that needs to go away before I sign up with 1Password. I hope will be the case.

    I noticed there is a new "..." menu which I like. Perhaps the "View Sharing History" and "View Item History" options could be accessed from there? I also like that the password strength bar, which took up too much space, was replaced by the small circle and statement (like "Fantastic") that get's the same job done but in much less space.

    So, how likely is it that this new look will be the new normal? I ask, because the answer will affect whether or not I will sign up or move on after my trial period is over.

  • nzOdy
    Community Member
    edited May 11

    1. Do you prefer this new interface over the old one?
    Yes, this new interface is much better, dark mode is much easier on the eyes, the easy access vertical dot menu next to the edit button creates easier workflows with less clicks. All in all, a much easier to use interface compared to the last one.

    2. Do you see value in us rolling out this new interface of the vault item view to all 1Password users?
    Yes, for all the reasons mentioned above.

    3. Are you experiencing any performance issues?
    No, not all. I am using it with my main account with two browser windows open and dozens of tabs. Haven't felt any performance issues,

    4. How often do you use the vault item view in 1Password.com?
    I use it whenever I need to do something not supported or easy to do in the browser plugin UI panels. Which might be once every two weeks or so after the initial setup and assignment of vaults.

  • morbeus
    Community Member
    edited May 13

    In the beta of the new web vault, when editing an item, adding a tag requires that you type it in. This is fine if it is a new tag but I also want to be able to apply an existing tag from a pull down. In addition, I want to be able to edit a tag while editing an item and have that edited tag apply to all other instance uses of that tag.

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Browser: Not Provided

  • morbeus
    Community Member
    edited May 13

    In the beta of the web vault, when you search and generate a result list and then edit one of the items in that list, the result list is reset, that is it goes back to showing all items.

    Please keep search result list and allow editing each item in the result list. Only reset the result list when the user clicks the "X"

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Browser: Not Provided

  • noj
    Community Member
    edited May 12

    Potential Improvement: Date Picker Doesn't Let You Type a Date, and Arrows Bounce Up and Down

    I did a search on all pages in this thread to see if anything about the date picker was mentioned, and I couldn't find anything, but my searching was no more than a Ctrl+F on "date", so I apologize in advance if someone already mentioned this.

    Context: Most items with expiry dates field will have a date fairly into the future, at least a few years. Note: This is an issue with the Date field. The Month/Year field works well and as I'd expect, but using the full Date field, which includes the day of the month, has this issue.

    • System: Pixelbook Chromebook
    • Browser: Chrome Version 124.0.6367.95 (Official Build) (64-bit)


    • Friction 1: The date picker doesn't let you type in the date, but instead, forces you to use the calendar select dialog.
    • Friction 2: You can't jump a year in the select dialog, so you have to scroll month by month until you get to the year you need to input.
    • Friction 3: When scrolling through multiple months at a time, the arrows to click to go to the next month bounce up and down depending on the number of days in that month. This makes it very frustrating when trying to go to a month in the far off future, because you can't just click in the same spot multiple times, but rather, have to keep moving your mouse up and down.

    Possible Improvements:

    • Allow the date picker to accept keyboard input.
    • Enhance calendar select dialog to allow you to jump ahead by years in addition to months.
    • Enhance calendar select dialog to remain static in place, regardless of the number of days a month.

    I've included a small video showing the experience:

  • Mancubus
    Community Member

    Not sure if this is related to new UI or not, but I am getting an error trying to update one of my Identity items, in both Web and in Windows desktop app:

  • Leno01
    Community Member

    I would love to see the vault displayed in icons under each tag, not list. This way, it would look as convoluted GIve the users a choice between a list format or a tab format.
    EX of tab format The term vault = the Site names.
    Vault1 Vault2 Vault3 Vault4
    Vault5 Vault6 Vault7 Vault8

    Working with tab icons seems so much easier and cleaner

  • luckman212
    Community Member

    Sorry I could not sift through this 11-page thread. But, I wanted to report: in the new interface, I tried to delete a nested tag (for example: Finance → Investing). I right clicked on Investing and deleted it (I did NOT expect that "Finance" tag would also be destroyed. But, it was gone. I think this is a bug?

  • WonderAleph
    Community Member

    It doesn't to work fine on my computer

    {"name":"Error","message":"Timeout waiting for state","stack":"Error: Timeout waiting for state\n at https://app.1password.com/opb/9960.71ace122b04e4c6bdd03.js:2:1256555"}

    Community Member

    I have selected to use the new web page but my selection is not remembered, so I am finding that if I edit an entry in the browser extension and it opens the legacy web page every time and I have to select the new experience. Then it opens and is not filtered for the entry I am editing, so I have to search and select edit again. This needs to be a much more seamless experience. 1) remember my choice so once I have selected the new UI, always show that (unless I select to switch back for some reason. 2) when selecting edit in the browser extension, open an edit screen immediatly.

  • RockwallMike
    Community Member

    Really like the new look. First I've heard of the Beta, but it appears to have been out since January. When will this roll out?

  • Hey, everyone!

    Earlier today we rolled out a new version of the web app and the star of this release is item sharing. From any item, you can now click the Share button at the top to get a link you can send to anyone, whether or not they use 1Password. If you click the vault name just above the item name, you'll find a "View history" button that will let you see how that item has been shared in the past.

    Another change in this release is that deleted items will now only be available for 30 days, matching the rest of the apps. We've added a warning in the original interface that this change is coming soon to everyone.

    We've fixed a variety of other bugs, and also added a "Getting Started" link to the help menu (next to the New Item button) that will give a basic introduction to the features.

    You've also brought me more amazing feedback and questions, and I've got more answers. ⬇️

    I did find the "move" option, but it didn't work for me. I could select it, and choose another vault, but the login wasn't actually moved.

    @JoshBer, I'm at a loss on this one. I've tested on my end and can't reproduce this issue. Would you be up for sending me a console log? You can send it to support+forum@1password.com with a link to this thread. Then just post back here with the support ID you receive in an auto-reply.

    Is there any option to edit multiple items at once, similar to the desktop app?

    @kevinlevi95 right now we're focused on getting the new version working as well as the existing web app. So not yet, but we'll be bringing more features from the desktop app to the web in the future.

    Will you be updating the 1Password product icon to match the new branding? The new branding looks amazing and really should be used for the products as well. It looks better and is confusing otherwise.

    @markzielinski glad you like the new look! The brand design is currently separate from the product, but I think our designers have plans to look at unifying them more in the future.

    Can you make it so that the favorites can be manually sorted in addition to the filters you have set now?

    @jwenga I can pass this on! It's outside the scope of this project, but not outside the realm of possibility. :)

    One deal breaker I had about the old interface happens when editing a login item. In the old interface, you have the key icon in the password field. If you click the key icon, it changes your password to something new - just like that with no questions asked!

    @morbeus Yep, this is something that's addressed in the new interface! The generated password won't replace what's there until you click "Use".

    I noticed there is a new "..." menu which I like. Perhaps the "View Sharing History" and "View Item History" options could be accessed from there?

    We released item history a couple weeks ago. Just click on "Last edited" at the bottom and if there are older versions, you'll see a "Show previous versions" button.

    Sharing history just went out today. Click the vault name above the item name, then "View history", to see if it's been shared.

    So, how likely is it that this new look will be the new normal?

    It's pretty certain at this point. We're still finishing up some final pieces like Watchtower, but once we have feature parity with the old interface we'll be rolling this one out. And of course you're welcome to use it exclusively now.

    Friction 1: The date picker doesn't let you type in the date, but instead, forces you to use the calendar select dialog.

    @noj thanks for reporting this! I just played around with it, and I agree it's pretty confusing. However, it actually is possible to type in the date. You just need to click in the date field again. The date picker will close and you can begin typing, even though there's no visible cursor, which is the really confusing part. I'll pass this on to the team.

    Friction 2: You can't jump a year in the select dialog, so you have to scroll month by month until you get to the year you need to input.
    Friction 3: When scrolling through multiple months at a time, the arrows to click to go to the next month bounce up and down depending on the number of days in that month. This makes it very frustrating when trying to go to a month in the far off future, because you can't just click in the same spot multiple times, but rather, have to keep moving your mouse up and down.

    These are also valid points I'll pass on. Thanks!

    Not sure if this is related to new UI or not, but I am getting an error trying to update one of my Identity items, in both Web and in Windows desktop app

    @Mancubus ew, that's bad! Thanks for the report. It sounds separate from this project, but we definitely need to fix that.

    I would love to see the vault displayed in icons under each tag, not list.

    @Leno01 I'm sorry, I wasn't able to understand your request. We don't display vaults under tags anywhere I know of. Could you provide a screenshot of the part of the app you're referring to?

    in the new interface, I tried to delete a nested tag (for example: Finance → Investing). I right clicked on Investing and deleted it (I did NOT expect that "Finance" tag would also be destroyed. But, it was gone. I think this is a bug?

    @luckman212 I'm a little confused. We don't have support for right-clicking on tags in the web app yet. Were you by chance using one of our desktop apps?

    If so, what you described sounds possible if there were no items that have the tag "Finance". Tags in 1Password do not exist on their own, only as part of items. So if you make an item and add the tag "Finance/Investing", it will show up in the sidebar as a nested tag, but deleting "Investing" will also remove "Finance" because no other items are using that tag. I'm not sure if I explained that well.

    It doesn't to work fine on my computer

    Hi, @WonderAleph, are you still having this problem? Usually an error like that is temporary and will pass. If it's still an issue, let me know and we can dig in.

    if I edit an entry in the browser extension and it opens the legacy web page every time and I have to select the new experience

    @STAME good call! This is a known issue at the moment. We'll be addressing it before we roll this out as the default experience.

    Really like the new look. First I've heard of the Beta, but it appears to have been out since January. When will this roll out?

    @RockwallMike thanks! We're gradually introducing it to more folks, so you're probably in the group that got access today. We're getting closer to finishing the first version, but we'll be doing a phased rollout to make sure we can address any urgent issues that come up.

  • luckman212
    Community Member

    @rob re: ...Were you by chance using one of our desktop apps? If so, what you described sounds possible ...

    I think you're right, I was using the desktop app. And yes I think in this case, it was probably caused because I imported from Bitwarden which doesn't have "tags" but rather folders (less powerful), and in this case the folder name had a slash in it, creating a nested tag on import to 1P, when in reality this was not really a true nested tag. So I think this is an edge case indeed.

  • Ok, yeah that makes sense.

    when in reality this was not really a true nested tag

    Just to clarify, in 1Password, nested tags are simply tags that have a slash in the middle. That's actually the only way to create a nested tag.

  • yulmathieu
    Community Member

    When adding fields, it's not clear how to add title for the field, old editor was very clear. Apparently, you need to put two lines, not sure.

  • bjn86
    Community Member

    Hi team, it's looking good, I'm liking the dark mode feature - thanks. I was wondering if it's possible to have Tags list ones already used in your other saves passwords? As you start to type, maybe it suggests in a drop down ones that are similar that you've already used? Including case sensitivity, to ensure you're not creating a close copy of what you've already used? :)

  • steveog
    Community Member

    Hi - new frontend design seems nice - I always got confused when edit was in far bottom right. Good to see all command UX on top.

    One thing that is strange is that when I opted-in to your new beta UI on Friday I got IP banned by 1Password an hour or so later. I was doing nothing else unusual with 1Password to my knowledge. Support has unbanned my IP now so everything is fine, but I wonder if there's something different about the API traffic of the new UX versus the old UX that could cause this? Might be worth looking into.


  • dangit
    Community Member

    At first glance, I instantly like it better. Haven't used it at all; it's just prettier. Let's try this bad boy out.

  • sunsetdude
    Community Member

    From the Mac perspective, the beta version is significantly more mac user intuitive and friendly than the current version. I really look forward to it to become the new interface.

  • When adding fields, it's not clear how to add title for the field, old editor was very clear. Apparently, you need to put two lines, not sure.

    @yulmathieu thanks for the feedback! I can see how it would be confusing. When I add a text field, as shown below, 1Password automatically sets the label to "text" (the first line shown), but you can change that to whatever you want:

    I was wondering if it's possible to have Tags list ones already used in your other saves passwords?

    @bjn86 great question! We have this implemented in the desktop apps. It will likely come to the web version in the future, but right now we're focused on getting the new experience to at least support everything the old one does.

    One thing that is strange is that when I opted-in to your new beta UI on Friday I got IP banned by 1Password an hour or so later.

    @steveog that's unsettling. If it were an issue with the new UI I wouldn't expect the ban to be so delayed, but I definitely want to look into it. Could you post your support ID here so I can dig in?

  • Hey, folks!

    We pushed out a small update today that includes an experimental fix for one of the most common complaints: super wide screens. This change only affects items in view mode, not edit mode right now, but I'd love to get your thoughts on this.



  • mcbrineellis
    Community Member

    The only reason I log into the web app is for some features which are (for some reason) still not available on desktop:

    1. to view previously used passwords in history for an item
    2. to search my archived items

    It seems with this redesign I have now lost the ability to do #2... when I click archive and then try to search, it instead searches my vault.

    Screenshots comparing the results when searching for an archived item:

    Please add this functionality to your desktop, mobile app, website, etc. It shouldn't matter what platform I'm on.