Experiment #4 – New interface in 1Password.com’s vault view



  • alongchamps
    Community Member
    edited April 15

    Thanks for the updates! I think the only thing I would change is to have the search results filter as I type. This is how the Safari extension works now and also how the old interface worked. Even if that's just an option, I would turn it on!

    I do see in the new interface that I can hit enter to search based on the text that's entered, but there's a 'return' icon on the first row. This makes it seem like if you hit enter, you'll be taken to the first item and not filter on all results, which is the bottom row in the drop down.

  • Me again! Thanks for another month of great feedback on the new experience.

    In general, note that the focus for the first version of this new experience is updating the look and feel to match the desktop apps while getting everything working at least as well as it was in the old experience. There are many things the desktop apps support that won't come immediately to the web because they already weren't on the web. Those are things that we'll bring iteratively after we remove the old experience.

    Once again, I've extracted a long document of feedback to share with our product team, but I've pulled out some specific comments to reply to here. Let me know if I missed anything that needs a reply.

    If you missed my last message, we now have the ability to create and edit items! This will reduce confusion for a large percentage of you. We've already found a few new bugs in this version that we'll be fixing soon. 🤞

    cc: @NightSky @ckostyn @filniculescu @radcapitalist @CalvinsPal @ozlevka @filippogin @rubyrock @branman7 @fredfx @Tromatojuice @joephill11 @medikoo @gokulsrinivas @deadeyeDave @ApostleO @batmanaod

    Item history is next on our list, in addition to continued bug fixes and polish. And to clarify, our goal is to have full feature parity with the old web experience before we remove it, including history, sharing, and Watchtower.

    cc: @agent177 @socceric @UserUnauthorized @scerwin @Kizmar @edprice32 @looselyrigorous

    There seems to be a problem with the UI and loading images


    @sanity1123 I believe what you're missing is custom icons, icons you have added yourself. If so, that's currently to be expected, but it's on our list. 👍

    cc: @shepster

    For me, the menu "All items" -> "All Categories" would be more useful, if by default is ordered by categories, not by date/name/oldest/newest. I realize, that from the drop-down menu a category could be selected, but I'd go for an alphabetically-ordered approach even from the main menu. This way, one can find an item, even though if he doesn't know which category to look for.


    @bezgrizen you can sort your items alphabetically, and we've just added categories to the sidebar. Does this help with what you're trying to do? If not, can you help me understand your use case better?

    cc: @daleheath @TiWoHH @jandaar @OtterlyOlive @marrek

    I like that it mirrors the app, that said, I do appreciate the current web look and find that it is sometimes easier to navigate. I like the clean segregation of vaults but easy access to each.


    @AlwaysSortaCurious Can you elaborate on "clean segregation of vaults but easy access to each"? The new design preserves the ability to switch between vaults. The menu has just moved to the top left corner.

    I can't collapse the far left sidebar or the other side bar, they seem to narrow down to a set width and no further


    @filniculescu that is strange. There are no buttons to collapse the sidebar, but if you make your browser window very narrow, it collapses automatically.

    On your web UI, I can select my shared vault and then Credit Cards at which point I only see the credit cards in that vault. In my Mac app, I can either see all entries in the Shared vault OR all credit cards in all vaults.


    @jimmyjayp yeah, this is a new experiment for us. We may be able to improve the desktop app along these lines in the future, but there are a variety of use cases to consider. That said, in the Mac app, if you select a vault in the sidebar, you can already filter that list from "All Categories" down to just "Credit Cards". Hope that helps.

    I am not a fan of seeing only the most recently used login items under each category as is presented in the mobile app view. I prefer to see all login items under each category.


    @grogan3107 I'm not quite following this. We don't have a view in the web app that includes only the most recently used items.

    Could we please update the interface to be able to tag items more easily? Something like right click an item > add to existing tag or create new tag.


    @lsimms101 We don't have this in the web app yet, but in the desktop app, you can drag and drop items onto tags in the sidebar. Drag and drop tagging will probably come to the web in the future.

    cc: @ttomlinson8666

    There is a weird arrow artifact that shows up on the right hand side of the interface when an entry is moused over. It doesn't appear to do anything other than just show up.


    @jeremysawesome Thanks for this report! I can't seem to reproduce the behavior myself. Can you check again in the latest version? If it's still there, can you tell me what OS and browser versions you are using?

    When I open 1Passwod using the icon at the top right in Firefox, the "All Items" list allows me to select an "Open and Fill" option just by hovering over an item and clicking in that area. This behavior is not there when I have 1Password open as a tab on the browser. I have to select the item, then move the mouse over to the website section, hover, then move my mouse over the "Open" button area and finally click to open the site. Is there a reason the tab view can't have the same behavior as when I use the little icon at the top right corner of the browser?


    @deadeyeDave our browser extension is designed for interaction with other web pages, but the primary purpose of the web app itself is to manage your data. One note on the workflow you described, you can actually click anywhere on the website field to open it. You don't need to click on "Open and fill" specifically.

    The new web UI being closer to the desktop app is going to be great. However, the one thing I will miss is I used the web UI to see the vaults with their respective counts of how many items they have. Silly little thing, but would like to know if that's possible with the new Web UI? (or if I could already do this in the app?)


    @matthewboniface while it's not visible at a glance across every vault, if you click into any vault, you can see the item count in two locations: in the list sorting menu at the top and at the very bottom of the item list itself.

    Add the ability to place a sub-tag of a tag (tags within tags).


    @tcollins am I understanding correctly that you'd like the ability to take an existing tag and move it to be a child of another tag?

    Right now, the new web interface doesn't support editing tags, but the desktop app does. If you right-click on a tag and select "Rename Tag", you can add Server/ to the front to make it nested under the Server tag. In general any tag in the format a/b will show up in the sidebar with b as a sub-tag of a.

    I miss collections in the website and browser extensions.


    @sweeks I'd love to hear how you use collections! This is a feature that has seen extremely low usage. Internally we mostly use it for separating out our test data from our real data, which isn't really something most people do. What's your workflow like?

    I repeatedly enter a search term in the title of a saved item only to not find it and I spend an annoying amount of time finding that item that I know is in my vault!


    @Larrio are you finding this to be worse in the new experience than in the old one? Or has this always been a problem on the web?

    That's a wrap for now. As before, feel free to leave another comment if I missed your question.

  • sweeks
    Community Member

    I have a family plan. I have one vault holding most of my items and a second vault that is shared with another family member. The view that I usually want is the set of items in both of those vaults. So I have a collection for those two vaults. And in the apps, I typically have that collection selected. In the browser extension, I can't select the collection, so I have to select the same two vaults. On the website, I'm not aware of a mechanism for selecting a collection or multiple vaults.

  • @sweeks Do you have more than just those two vaults? The web app does support looking at either a single vault or all vaults, but I can see how that falls apart if you have additional vaults you need to exclude.

  • sweeks
    Community Member

    Our family has about ten vaults.

    I highly value having the same interface to my data on every platform I am accessing from (iPhone app, iPad app, Mac app, web page, browser extension, ...). So, collections everywhere or collections nowhere.

  • MerryBit
    Community Member

    @rob I believe what @sanity1123 is referring to is missing image previews of images in the web interface. In the new interface, like in the apps, you have to download a document in order to view it. For image items, a preview was displayed in the browser or app directly. I miss this feature, too.

  • tcollins
    Community Member

    @rob Yes, you understood the general intent. Either to create a new nested tag, or to edit an existing tag to make it nested... but the nesting was the intent. Thanks.

    One question, is there a preferred browser? Using latest Firefox, and am unable to "Take a Look" at the latest UI, as I just get a spinning wheel of death and nothing ever re-loads.

  • MerryBit
    Community Member

    Creating a new Document item fails consistently.

  • Revel1080
    Community Member

    I find the font size in the beta to be almost unusable as it is too small. Can I assume that I will be able to change the font size as in days of yor??

    Also, I hope the new 1Password will remove the bug that requires me to completely shut down my computer in order to reopen 1Password after I had closed it a short time before. To add insult to injury, if I shut down your app on a Firefox (Mozilla) browser extension, the 1Password extension on the Brave browser also won't reopen afterwards. Clearly the sync is not helpful in this case. Past recommendations to resolve the problem have not worked .

  • peanuts9144
    Community Member

    I don't like that it's showing 'generated password' as a separate item eg attached - used red pen to cover confidential info

  • I highly value having the same interface to my data on every platform I am accessing from

    @sweeks I totally get that. We're taking several steps in that direction with this update, but vault switching is still an outlier, yeah. There are some unique constraints for the web app as opposed to the desktop and mobile apps that are currently forcing our hand on this. In particular, the web app doesn't have a local database, so everything must be requested from the server on demand or held in memory (which is also more limited in a browser than in a regular app). I'd love it if we could work toward having a local database in the future, and that may help with some of the weird constraints, although the browser will always have more limited resources than a regular app.

    In the new interface, like in the apps, you have to download a document in order to view it. For image items, a preview was displayed in the browser or app directly. I miss this feature, too.

    @MerryBit ah, that's a different thing (sanity1123 posted screenshots of item icons), but yes, this is something we've brought inline with the desktop version. I've captured this feedback for our product team, thanks!

    Creating a new Document item fails consistently.

    @MerryBit thanks for this! We're looking into it.

    One question, is there a preferred browser? Using latest Firefox, and am unable to "Take a Look" at the latest UI, as I just get a spinning wheel of death and nothing ever re-loads.

    @tcollins that is not expected. I was able to load it in Firefox just now. I'd love to look at your console logs if you can reproduce the issue. If you're up for it, save a console log file and send it to support+forum@1password.com with a link to this thread, then post here with your support ID.

    I find the font size in the beta to be almost unusable as it is too small. Can I assume that I will be able to change the font size as in days of yor??

    @Revel1080 Can you clarify the "days of yore" part? I don't think we've ever had a font size setting in the web app, but you can certainly use browser zoom commands to increase the size. Most browsers will remember your zoom level, too.

    Also, I hope the new 1Password will remove the bug that requires me to completely shut down my computer in order to reopen 1Password after I had closed it a short time before. To add insult to injury, if I shut down your app on a Firefox (Mozilla) browser extension, the 1Password extension on the Brave browser also won't reopen afterwards. Clearly the sync is not helpful in this case. Past recommendations to resolve the problem have not worked .

    @Revel1080 It sounds like you're referring to the desktop app and browser extension. This thread is about the web app, so I'd encourage you to ask about this in the browser extension category or the appropriate desktop app category (Mac, Windows, Linux).

    I don't like that it's showing 'generated password' as a separate item

    @peanuts9144 thanks! We have a fix ready for this.

  • tcollins
    Community Member

    @rob I did determine why/what was causing this, and have put it in an email as requested, reference support ticket ID is ISF-25381-834. Thank you.

  • MerryBit
    Community Member

    @rob It looks like creating new Document type items works now. Also syncs beautifully with the desktop app.

  • It looks like creating new Document type items works now.

    Perfect! Also, @peanuts9144, those generated passwords should no longer be showing up.

  • WombatStomper
    Community Member

    1. Do you prefer this new interface over the old one?


    2. Do you see value in us rolling out this new interface of the vault item view to all 1Password users?

    I cannot speak for all users. It is cleaner than the old one, but I question if that is it, a new UI? No new functionality?

    3. Are you experiencing any performance issues?

    No, but that isn’t what you really want to know since performance would not be in the UI.
    You want to know if there are usability issues. It is a UI, you want usability input, so as nitpicky as this may sound, here you go.

    First, in the old interface, in an item, for say “password” when one rolled over the …… for password, the “Copy,” “Reveal” and “Large Type” buttons are shown just next to the password. That is a click count of 1 for all of those tasks.

    But in the new interface, only “Copy” is one click. For “Reveal” and “Large Type”, not only does one click twice but they also have to scroll to the far right to get to those click.
    You need to do UI testing for click counts and get them lower.

    Second, in the new interface, various items there are Shopping/Shoes, Shopping/Clothes, Shopping/Home Goods, then one will get Shopping with subsections for Shoes, Clothes and Homegoods, but one cannot collapse shopping to get it out of the way, so the sub selections are clutter when I want to get to Work/Apps or something down the list.

    Third, and it may just be me, the sliders sometimes are hard to click. This may be due the width selection component being too close to the scroll component, and not being visible until rolled over.
    Lastly, the amount of empty space is huge (white space, though it isn’t white in the new UI). More of the working interface could be put in the empty space, reducing clicks and scrolls.

    So, what is needs is refinement. Not a lot but you asked so there it is.

    4. How often do you use the vault item view in 1Password.com?


    And, I do like it. 1Password is a fine product.

  • Function0
    Community Member

    Search bar at the top does not search Note content

    No Results Shown

    Vault Item

  • rob
    edited April 18

    It is cleaner than the old one, but I question if that is it, a new UI? No new functionality?

    @WombatStomper at the moment, our goal is to refresh the UI without taking away functionality, though we're not quite there yet. There are some new things we've picked up as part of this effort, such as the ability to create SSH keys, but for the most part, right now, we're just laying the foundation for new functionality to be brought over from the desktop apps more easily.

    I've collected your feedback for our product and design folks. This is the same interface as the desktop apps, so any change we make will need to be broader than just the web app. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    Search bar at the top does not search Note content

    Thanks, @Function0! This is a known issue at the moment, and it's true for the original view as well. We have plans for search improvements in the future.

  • Derk
    Community Member

    On Chrome Version 123.0.6312.124 (Official Build) (arm64) the new lay-out doesn't load and I get I state timeout.

  • gana2k1
    Community Member

    This is my very first reaction of the new look right after I switched.
    On a 32inch screen/browser, so much white space and the "New Item" is all the way tot he right. That does not make sense to me from a modern UX perspective.
    Maybe it is ok for a mobile screen, but using it on a browser on a larger screen does not make it very usable.

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Browser: Not Provided

  • rob
    edited April 20

    On Chrome Version 123.0.6312.124 (Official Build) (arm64) the new lay-out doesn't load and I get I state timeout.

    @Derk I'm not able to replicate this on my end, but I'd love to understand what's happening. If you're up for it, save a console log file and send it to support+forum@1password.com with a link to this thread, then post here with your support ID, and I'll take a look.

  • thedadx74
    Community Member

    i like the new ui, i think it looks nice and minimal.

    Community Member
    edited April 22

    Using the new vault view, I see has been compared to the App. I never use the desktop app and think that if you are unifying interfaces, this functionality should be there.
    Also, cannot see "Experiment #4" in the dropdown, so if this is in the wrong place, what should I have picked?

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Browser: Not Provided

    Community Member
    edited April 22

    Using the new vault view,
    I see that there is a scroll bar, but would like to jump to a letter, or failing that, if I type in the search bar, what is it searching on? Web address, Label, tag, ????
    If I type 'web', looking for my 'webmail' addresses, I see starting with web, or my name.

    Also, cannot see "Experiment #4" in the dropdown, so if this is in the wrong place, what should I have picked?

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Browser: Not Provided

  • I never use the desktop app and think that if you are unifying interfaces, this functionality should be there.

    @JNRII could you clarify what you mean by "this functionality"?

    Also, cannot see "Experiment #4" in the dropdown, so if this is in the wrong place, what should I have picked?

    I'm not sure what dropdown you're referring to. "Experiment #4" in this post title just means this is the fourth experiment we've posted about here in the 1Password Labs forum category. Unlike other 1Password Labs experiments, though, it's a web-only experiment, so it doesn't appear as an option in the desktop app.

    I see that there is a scroll bar, but would like to jump to a letter

    Thanks for the feedback! We don't have this functionality in the desktop or web app right now, but I'll pass it along.

    if I type in the search bar, what is it searching on? Web address, Label, tag, ????
    If I type 'web', looking for my 'webmail' addresses, I see starting with web, or my name.

    Right now, search looks at the item's title, subtitle, and URL domain name (if there is one). It should work the same as in the original vault item view, but we're looking into improvements we can make in the future.

    Community Member

    K, bad entry. Not sure what I did. The title should have been to export the vault to a text file for offline backup.
    For the search, understood: Total vault. Gets confusing when it comes up out of alphabetical order.

  • ytz
    Community Member

    Not sure if this was already mentioned, but I'll state it anyway:

    Both the old and new web UI do not support the SSH private key "export" or copy like in the (windows) desktop application. I've been banging my head on the X many times I've created a SSH key through web UI, copying the private key to be used, and be greeted with a permission denied message in my terminal. I now always have to open the desktop application to copy/export the private key.

    Would be much appreciated if you could just copy/export the private key from the web UI without any issues.

    Sidenote: Love the clean look of the web UI, consistent with the desktop application.

  • jcoronel25
    Community Member

    I am not able to Archive via drag and I can't find any button. I am using chrome on Mac OS Ventura

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Browser: Chrome

  • ThePyro
    Community Member
    edited April 25

    First thoughts on the beta:

    • I like the dark mode on MacOS, I hope it translates to Winders as well.
    • I hate the search. Having it pull up as I type is nice, but having to click/press enter to open it from the search bar is an annoying change to me, from type and select the entry. Maybe it'll grow on me? It also seems a little strange to me to see 4 entries, or so, for a search term ('log' for example), hitting enter, and seeing about 30 entries.
    • I still wish there was a way to hide the password as it's being generated if I want to change it from the defaults (my defaults are 32 chars with symbols included).
    • It would be REALLY NICE to have a tick box to not have a special in the first character, too.
    • I appreciate the fact that if I enter a new item in 'all items' view it defaults to placing it in the 'private' vault. I'm not sure how I feel about that behavior when I'm in another vault.
    • Entering a new login does seem faster, and significantly less cluttered on screen.
    • I'm hopeful that speed and lack of clutter translates to ease of use when I need to enter 10 backup codes for something, too.
    • I really like that now just clicking on the password copies it, instead of having to click copy. It's a nice quality of life update.

    Like I said, these are first thoughts after about 5 minutes.

  • rpass
    Community Member

    1) yes, I much prefer the new web interface
    2) yes, I would roll it out to all users
    3) not having performance issues
    4) I typically don't use 1password.com unless I need to make changes to a number of logins.
    ---- I don't see the "show web form details" or "show previously used passwords", etc. and I would greatly miss these if they are dropped from the new interface.

  • easymatics
    Community Member


    This is a problem for users like me who are colour-blind; I can't see anything when you enable a black background. It may be what developers want but doesn't follow accessibility guidelines