Experiment #4 – New interface in 1Password.com’s vault view



  • justineakehurst
    Community Member
    edited March 26

    I think as close to the app experience as you can get, interaction-wise, with a new interface would be greatly appreciated. There's things I can do in the app that I cannot do from the web interface, so I would think parity with the app is pretty high priority, and as far as UI treatments and presentation, if the app is solid, the interactions and behaviors on the web interface should also be solid like the app. Why have them different?

    I cannot have the app installed on my work machine, as we have a long drawn out process to follow to even approve an app to be installable. I do have the ability to install browser extensions (still) and I make heavy use of the chrome/edge extension for password management which sometimes pops me into the full webapp to perform edits. It is there that I wish I had the full functionality of the app available to me, like a fully-featured password generator that the app has. Or, the ability to set tags with background lookups for existing tags so that I can stay consistent with them. Lots of little microinteractions that the app has and the web version does not, adds up to being pretty disjointed.

  • rtoborek
    Community Member

    I like the fresh look of the new interface, but I prefer the layout of the old one. I don't like collapsing lists and needing to expand things to look for stuff.

  • imageboy
    Community Member

    I like it !

  • UserUnauthorized
    Community Member


    “Project History” is the name I translated using translation software. What I want to express is these two buttons. I feel that these two buttons are very useful, but they cannot be found in the client or in the new version of webui.

  • scerwin
    Community Member

    I don't see any way to move things from one vault to another. Is that still in the works?

  • Kizmar
    Community Member

    Is the early access UI readonly? I tried it out, but there's no way to edit anything as far as I can tell.

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Browser: Not Provided

  • edprice32
    Community Member
    edited March 27

    Maybe I'm missing something; But I don't see how to edit or add an item in the new view? I do like the design though - the layout looks fresh and I love the dark mode!

  • @Kizmar

    The preview is in read-only mode for now.

  • Kizmar
    Community Member

    Fair enough. LOVE the dark mode.

  • Exactly! Dark mode for the win! 🎉

  • ejbrownie
    Community Member
    1. I definitely like this new interface over the old one
    2. Yes.
    3. Not so far
    4. Almost daily
  • Larrio
    Community Member

    Really prefer the basic concept here in the beta look version! Search across all vaults easily in alphabetical order would be useful to me, especially with the likely refinements you are working on.

    Only other comment is in the old app, it seems I would search for an item (and in fairness maybe the phrase was in notes etc.), and I would be unable to find. Search was hit and miss. I hope that is something your folks have checked out or are looking at improving.

  • BMD72
    Community Member

    Would be great if you considered adding the following:

    1) Showing thumbnails of attachments.
    2) 2 column table view to reduce dead space on the right; or two column for long sections
    3) An option to add a section borders and pick color each section seperately

    Sorry if any of this was addressed, brand new to the community and haven’t read through all the posts.

  • jmagica
    Community Member

    Thanks for the invite to give feedback! So far the only thing I noticed is the hidden "sign out" action. I only found it by randomly trying out the "All Vaults" menu and there it was hidden. I believe it's a key security feature to sign out so it should not be hidden in an unintuitive location like that.

  • GottaGetUp2GetDown
    Community Member

    Overall design: yes I do like it better.

    **Vault view: **I never use the Vault view, I just don't need it.

    **Specific complaint: **In the web app you've added a click to "reveal" or "show in large type." I use this all the time ... please consider going back to a hover.

    Feedback on the feedback gathering process: you should be clearer that it's "read only." The banner prompt makes it seem like this thing is ready to use, so I turned it on. Was driving myself crazy for ten minutes trying to find the button to create a new record. Only when I came to this page did I see that it's read only ... it would be good to tell us that very clearly when we toggle it on.

  • Kyrast
    Community Member

    I second the feedback from @GottaGetUp2GetDown

    I ended up on the Web interface by accident. I didn't like the old Web vault so I keep the Windows app open to avoid it. It just so happened that I didn't have it open this time.
    That's why I had no idea there was a new interface being tested until I saw the announcement at the top:


    So of course I went to check it out:

    Even the help button just links to the forums. so I didn't see anything indicating the new interface is Read Only. I thought the problem was on my end, possibly caused by one of the things I use to block ads and other nuisances. I spent some time troubleshooting before I clicked on this thread to see if others had the same issue.

    The message in the old interface may be OK, but the one on top of the new interface should definitely make it clear that it is a Read-Only preview. Or, we could just start testing editing already; I like the new style and I'm looking forward to testing edits and new entries there.

  • jeremysawesome
    Community Member

    There is a weird arrow artifact that shows up on the right hand side of the interface when an entry is moused over. It doesn't appear to do anything other than just show up.

  • cctampa33611
    Community Member

    I regularly use the vault view and find this interface much more visually appealing and intuitive feeling than the current interface. Without full functionality, however, it is difficult for me to pinpoint any converns or room for improvement.

  • rubyrock
    Community Member
    edited March 31

    Hi, maybe I'm just dense, but I don't see how to add or edit a new record? What am I missing? Should be the most simple and easy features on the UI.

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    _OS Version: Mac OS Sonoma 14.2.1
    _Browser: Safari

  • @rubyrock

    The interface is in read-only mode for the time being. Hopefully soon. Also, I noticed your OS is behind on updates. You might look into updating when you have time.

  • rubyrock
    Community Member

    Ah, that explains it. Thanks! Roger that on the OS.

  • progati
    Community Member

    in your latest beta when I click on "All Categories", not just the ones I already have.

    1Password Version: Not Provided
    Extension Version: Not Provided
    OS Version: Not Provided
    Browser: Not Provided

  • srbrills
    Community Member

    I am having issues finding Watchtower in the new format, seems that it was removed from the sidebar? I confirmed it is still enabled under the extension settings for the browser, and works as expected in the old view.

  • srbrills
    Community Member

    Ah, I see in an earlier post on March 14 that you mentioned Watchtower is not ready on the new view yet, but it will be coming later.

  • vithujan
    Community Member

    beta looking good 3 this theme is good ; my suggetion AMOLED black theme to
    2. add authorization code new tab like favorite tab . it make very easy to copy and paste ( make easy to add login authorization code suggetion app and website )
    3. this suggention is suck but some of emegency situvation time very use full
    ( small story i lost my samsung phone that time i ask nearby people to give there phone to find my device i dont knoz samsung password . i try to looking to 1password asking 15 digit code that i lost everything"""( new device for EMEGZNCy login 1password with password account personal 6 digit password ( created by me) if that acount open that will show the limited pasword 5 limited password ( if that shows my samsung account i will find my phone

  • ShoxJeanz
    Community Member
    1. Do you prefer this new interface over the old one?
      Yes, I like that the site is getting a revamp to match the desktop applications in most kind of fashion. Especially since I exclusively have a Chromebook, I would love to see the website get better. I also imagine if the site can even allow being installed as a PWA would be lovely.
    2. Do you see value in us rolling out this new interface of the vault view to all 1Password users?
      Yes, this would allow the appreciation of modernism and parity of the site to the apps.
    3. Are you experiencing any performance issues? Keep in mind this is a read-only version at this time.
      I have not noticed anything to warrant a report currently, but will check back and make another comment if I see something.
    4. How often do you use the vault view in 1Password.com?
      I use it often as I currently mostly for my desktop use is a Chromebook as that what the extension points to using.
  • qwweewhrty
    Community Member

    feat: Yubikey support for every login into the locked vault, not only on new devices

    It's good you already provide the yubikey 2FA option on new devices, but I want to make one obligatory for any login for my account. I need this for my clients' servers, whose credentials might hypothetically be stored on 1password. Please make this option like a checkmark in the settings. When this settings is checked, everytime the vault locks, it should be reopened with either:

    • a password AND yubikey
    • only a yubikey as login (additional, different option in settings)

    this would really make my life as a developer easier!

    what do you guys think of the feature request? please let me know your opinions!

  • branman7
    Community Member

    The new look doesn't appear to have icon to press to Move/Copy, Duplicate, Share, Copy Private Link or print.

  • fredfx
    Community Member

    Is it even possible? I'm using it in chrome browser.
    It doesn't even look like you can edit an entry.

    1Password Version: 2.22.1
    Extension Version: 2.22.1
    OS Version: Windows 11
    Browser: Chrome

  • marrek
    Community Member

    Is there a way to put categories into the sidebar? I rely on categories a lot more than tags. Right now, this is usable, but less usable than the current version for me.