Experiment #4 – New interface in 1Password.com’s vault view



  • Tromatojuice
    Community Member
    edited April 3
    1. Do you prefer this new interface over the old one?

    Vizually yes. However I'm struggling to find where I'm supposed to click to edit an item from the volt.

    1. Do you see value in us rolling out this new interface of the vault view to all 1Password users?

    Unclear. I don't see any major improvement besides darkmode. And since I can't easily find how to edit an item, that's more of a step back for me. (EDIT: i understand from reading other comment that the beta runs in read only mode - since I mostly use the app and the vault view to edit the content of my vault, I don't see value in it without editing mode).
    It's also missing the watchtower.

    1. Are you experiencing any performance issues? Keep in mind this is a read-only version at this time.

    Not that I can see.

    1. How often do you use the vault view in 1Password.com?

    Every other week to reorganize my password, add tags, make sure I don't have any security issue.

  • joephill11
    Community Member
        Do you prefer this new interface over the old one? yes seems very responsive but currently in the new view i can not seem to add new logins. once all functionality is there i think this interface update will be much better than the old one 
        Do you see value in us rolling out this new interface of the vault view to all 1Password users?yes definitely believe it would be valuable 
        Are you experiencing any performance issues? Keep in mind this is a read-only version at this time.

    no performance issues at this time seems very fast and functional

  • mattkrause
    Community Member

    The new format is nice, I have no problem with it. Keep in mind that in read-only format, it is completely useless, so if you are experiencing low uptake, don't read it as a dislike for the format, just recognize that it was completely useless and people may have needed to switch back in order to edit stuff.

  • looselyrigorous
    Community Member

    It's better since the new format looks like the desktop app.

    I prefer the apps most of the time, but there is one particular use case for the site, that being viewing and restoring items. I don't know if it's something that's been put on the back burner (w.r.t the app and new site format), but whether through the site or the app, one should be able to view the history of an item.

    I like how the current site does it, because it's like taking a snapshot of the item before it was edited. The apps provide (or should I say, hide) the functionality under a dropdown on the password field, but then again, it's not the same since you only get the past passwords instead.

    There's a case to be made for having one or the other, but the interfaces aren't mutually exclusive. If one were to keep only one however, it'd have to be the item history.

  • medikoo
    Community Member

    In terms of listing existing passwords it's definitely better, but I don't see how I can add new passwords (or e.g. secure notes) - for that reason I need to stick to original design

  • Richard48
    Community Member

    The comment box should be right at the Comment mark. It is hidden from me and it frustrates me to have things so difficult to find. I am not stupid, just not under 30 yo.

    1Password Version: Not Provided
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  • guardianholt
    Community Member

    As a 68-year-old newbie, I like the layout of the Beta. As an older user, it has been totally blown me away by the newest technology. Keep up the great work.

  • @Richard48

    Is this what you see near the bottom?

    If so, the topic is likely closed to comments. It's acting as an announcement or FYI post only. What sort of trouble/question do you have? You're always free to start a new topic if needed. Please let me know more so I better assist you. Generally speaking if the topic is open and your comment is regarding a specific beta feature please post it in the appropriate topic. It might be that you got here from a search engine. If so, please visit the main labs page.


  • Linoss23
    Community Member
    1. Do you prefer this new interface over the old one?

    Yes! It usually takes my a few days for a new interface to grow on me but this one started growing on my withing minutes!

    1. Do you see value in us rolling out this new interface of the vault view to all 1Password users?

    Yes I love the way the menus are located and also the ability to a filter when viewing items in View all mode.

    1. Are you experiencing any performance issues? Keep in mind this is a read-only version at this time.

    Not exactly a performance issue but I would like a filter option to have the favorites listed first in view all mode.

    1. How often do you use the vault view in 1Password.com?
  • nimvio
    Community Member
    edited April 7

    Very excited for this 1Password web version upgrade!

  • gokulsrinivas
    Community Member
    edited April 8

    Hi - created an account just to give some feedback :) I primarily use 1password on the web (UI + Extension)

    • The '+' option to add a new login is gone. This was very useful for me as I sometimes need to manually manage logins and/or add it via the UI.
    • The "edit" option is gone (or at least not discoverable) - this is very very bad! I primarily come back to the UI to organize my logins, rotate passwords periodically etc.
    • The search - it's not effective. Example - I search "google" expecting to see my google logins and it shows me "canva" which was "Sign in with google". Also, as an engineer, I would like to see the UI list of items being filtered real-time instead of waiting until I finish typing, show me options, and then filter the options after. This would be (IMO) more efficient.
    • While dark mode is welcome, I would like an option for light mode.

    Please, please keep the old ui until some of these (IMO) critical fixes are done. cheers!

    edit: Just saw a post above that the UI is read only for now.

    Some feedback: Folks - I'm sorry but you shouldn't be telling users to take a sneak peek at the new UI without mentioning this fact on the banner (that it's read only). As a fellow engineer, I took me time to explore, test and run around the UI only to find out after digging through 8 pages of this feedback thread that it's read only. I'm sorry if I sound a bit irate, that's not the intention, but please, please over-communicate these facts to users.

  • Meeshkah
    Community Member

    Love the new interface!

    It looks reactive and it leaves a great deal of space for viewing contents.
    Big user of the Vaults view here. I use it a lot and frequently search for my passwords.

    A few remarks come to mind:

    1. please make it easy to reveal/hide a password quickly! the large type feature was pretty useful (maybe a monospaced version would work too). Some contexts are not compatible with the copy/paste.
    2. it's not obvious once clicked that an item was copied; it was more egregious previously (and pretty useful!)
    3. is there a way to make the contents 2-columns on large screens? visually the action info/arrows are far from the content, it leaves an impression of underused real estate (I'm on a 1920x1200)
    4. the search does not look into labels inside passwords; would it be feasible?

    Thanks for the great work!

  • Richard48
    Community Member

    I did not know that the question part of the BETA Test was over. I did not see any notice of that. Thanks for the heads up.

  • WGBeekhuis
    Community Member

    The new interface looks nice, I vote for this.
    Maybe you can program changeable interface colours for color blindness people.

    As well in the old as the new interface I miss an item where I can see how many space (GB's) my data takes.

  • ChrisPond
    Community Member

    Just wanted to suggest replacing the solid black background with shades of dark gray. Would be kind of on the eyes and contrast less with the password listings, which are shown on a white background.

    1Password Version: Not Provided
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    Browser: Not Provided

  • deadeyeDave
    Community Member

    When I open 1Passwod using the icon at the top right in Firefox, the "All Items" list allows me to select an "Open and Fill" option just by hovering over an item and clicking in that area. This behavior is not there when I have 1Password open as a tab on the browser. I have to select the item, then move the mouse over to the website section, hover, then move my mouse over the "Open" button area and finally click to open the site. Is there a reason the tab view can't have the same behavior as when I use the little icon at the top right corner of the browser?

  • deadeyeDave
    Community Member
    edited April 11

    I can't seem to find an "Edit" button in the new redesign. It is there in the current view, but well hidden or missing in the new redesign. How do you change information for an item with the new view? Just saw the previous response about the Beta currently read only. The "invite" to view the redesign mentions nothing about a post to learn about this limitation....

  • jimmacmillan
    Community Member

    Prefer to see a list a Vaults rather than a list of Tags by default

    Nice to see that the Search behavior has been restored to only viewing content relative to the Vault that I'm in

    1Password Version: Not Provided
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    Browser: Not Provided

  • annsinitsyna
    Community Member
    edited April 11

    I would like to have an ability to switch to light mode (everything on the screen has a white background). My eyes hurt from working with dark backgrounds and green buttons. Majority of UIs for other products give an option to switch to a light mode.

    Also, as many others, I am missing the Edit button at the top and the + button to add a new item. Looks like this is due to a read-only mode of testing.

  • matthewboniface
    Community Member

    The new web UI being closer to the desktop app is going to be great. However, the one thing I will miss is I used the web UI to see the vaults with their respective counts of how many items they have. Silly little thing, but would like to know if that's possible with the new Web UI? (or if I could already do this in the app?)

  • tcollins
    Community Member
    edited April 12
    1. 100% Yes

      • UI looks/feels better (good improvement)
      • tags now cascade based on tags within tags (EXCELLENT improvement)
      • password list can be sorted, i.e. title, date modified, etc. such that you can see created in March for example (EXCELLENT improvement)
    2. Oh yes.

    3. Have not seen any (for the read-only viewing of it, hard to do in-depth testing if you can't edit)

    4. Under old UI, 3 or 4 times a week. With convenience of new UI, anticipate to double or triple that due to convenience.


    A. Add "untagged" to the "sort by" drop down. Only convenient way to find untagged items so that you can tag them, short of randomly opening every item. (necessity to keep vaults managed)

    B. Add the ability to place a sub-tag of a tag (tags within tags). This is currently showing up nicely in the new UI based on imports from your competitors when we switched over. It makes for a nice organizational view. (example below)

    So while the "Server" tag and the "Docker Login" tags for example each contain their own items, it is VERY convenient to have them together like this for times you've forgotten did I put/tag it to Server or did I put/tag it to Docker? You can quickly check each, whereas D and S require a lotta scrolling and finding (and remembering in the first place what was that server related tag I created... oh yea, Docker Logins).

    Thanks for the preview and excellent work!

  • sweeks
    Community Member

    I miss collections in the website and browser extensions.

  • ApostleO
    Community Member

    Maybe I'm just missing it, or maybe the preview is "view-only", but I cannot for the life of me find the button to add a new item in this new UI. I can find it no problem in the old UI, but I'm at a loss in this new one.

  • MrC
    Volunteer Moderator


    The preview is still read-only. From the first page of this post:

    At this time, the new interface provides a read-only version...

  • Maurizio15
    Community Member

    I'm thrilled with the progress we've made with the beta version of 1Password.com's vault interface. Compliments!
    Best regards,
    Maurizio Oss Pinter.

    1Password Version: Not Provided
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  • batmanaod
    Community Member

    I could not find the button to add a new item. I was using Firefox.

  • KN72
    Community Member
    1. Do you prefer this new interface over the old one?
      I like the default dark mode
      but I got more info in the old interface.
      more clicks needed. in the old version when you hoover over a item you see all the option now you need to click on a dropdown menu

    2. Do you see value in us rolling out this new interface of the vault view to all 1Password users?

    3. Are you experiencing any performance issues? Keep in mind this is a read-only version at this time.
      no issues on this moment
    4. How often do you use the vault view in 1Password.com?
  • Larrio
    Community Member

    My biggest complaint and suggestion for the developers with this interface change is improve SEARCH functionality.

    I repeatedly enter a search term in the title of a saved item only to not find it and I spend an annoying amount of time finding that item that I know is in my vault!

    Thanks! Love OnePass, this is it’s one failing

  • ttomlinson8666
    Community Member

    will it be possible to drag and drop a site to a Tag?

  • Hey everyone. I'm slowly working through the feedback here and compiling a reply, but I wanted to give a quick update that we just released an update that includes the ability to create and edit items! This is one of the most common pieces of feedback from folks who missed the initial post in this thread, and I'm excited to put that one behind us.

    Also, by popular demand, categories are back in the sidebar!

    The big chunks that are still remaining for us include item history, item sharing, and Watchtower. And there's plenty of smaller fixes and polish still to come as well.

    Check out the new version and let us know how it works for you. ❤️